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Set search path -P<path>

The -P<path> option changes the Hugs search path to the specified <path>. The search path is usually initialized in the environment and should always include the directory containing the Hugs prelude and the standard libraries. When an unknown module is imported, Hugs searches for a file with the same name as the module along this path. The current directory is always searched before the path is used. Directory names should be separated by colons or, on Windows/DOS machines, by semicolons. Empty components in the path refer to the prior value of the path. For example, setting the path to dir: (dir; on Windows/DOS) would add dir to the front of the current path. Within the path, {Hugs} refers to the directory containing the Hugs libraries so one might use a path such as {Hugs}/lib:{Hugs}/lib/hugs.