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9  Modules

A Haskell program consists of a collection of modules. A module in Haskell serves the dual purpose of controlling name-spaces and creating abstract data types.

The top level of a module contains any of the various declarations we have discussed: fixity declarations, data and type declarations, class and instance declarations, type signatures, function definitions, and pattern bindings. Except for the fact that fixity declarations and import declarations (to be described shortly) must appear first, the declarations may appear in any order (the top-level scope is mutually recursive).

Haskell's module design is relatively conservative: The namespace of modules is completely flat, and modules are in no way "first-class." Module names are alphanumeric and must begin with an uppercase letter. There is no formal connection between a Haskell module and the file system that would (typically) support it. In particular, there is no connection between module names and file names, and more than one module could conceivably reside in a single file (one module may even span several files). Of course, a particular implementation will most likely adopt conventions that make the connection between modules and files more stringent.

Technically speaking, a module is really just one big declaration which begins with the keyword module; here's an example for a module whose name is Tree:

module Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe ) where

data Tree a                = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) 

fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
fringe (Leaf x)            = [x]
fringe (Branch left right) = fringe left ++ fringe right

The type Tree and the function fringe should be familiar; they were given as examples in Section 2.2.1. [Because of the where keyword, layout is active at the top level of a module, and thus the declarations must all line up in the same column (typically the first). Also note that the module name is the same as that of the type; this is allowed.]

This module explicitly exports Tree, Leaf, Branch, and fringe. If the export list following the module keyword is omitted, all of the names bound at the top level of the module would be exported. (In the above example everything is explicitly exported, so the effect would be the same.) Note that the name of a type and its constructors have be grouped together, as in Tree(Leaf,Branch). As short-hand, we could also write Tree(..). Exporting a subset of the constructors is also possible. The names in an export list need not be local to the exporting module; any name in scope may be listed in an export list.

The Tree module may now be imported into some other module:

module Main (main) where
import Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe )

main = print (fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)))

The various items being imported into and exported out of a module are called entities. Note the explicit import list in the import declaration; omitting it would cause all entities exported from Tree to be imported.

9.1  Qualified Names

There is an obvious problem with importing names directly into the namespace of module. What if two imported modules contain different entities with the same name? Haskell solves this problem using qualified names. An import declaration may use the qualified keyword to cause the imported names to be prefixed by the name of the module imported. These prefixes are followed by the `.' character without intervening whitespace. [Qualifiers are part of the lexical syntax. Thus, A.x and A . x are quite different: the first is a qualified name and the second a use of the infix `.' function.] For example, using the previous Tree module:

module Fringe(fringe) where
import Tree(Tree(..))

fringe :: Tree a -> [a]   -- A different definition of fringe
fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
fringe (Branch x y) = fringe x

module Main where
import Tree ( Tree(Leaf,Branch), fringe )
import qualified Fringe ( fringe )  

main = do print (fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)))
          print (Fringe.fringe (Branch (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)))

Some Haskell programmers prefer to use qualifiers for all imported entities, making the source of each name explicit with every use. Others prefer short names and only use qualifiers when absolutely necessary.

Qualifiers are used to resolve conflicts between different entities which have the same name. But what if the same entity is imported from more than one module? Fortunately, such name clashes are allowed: an entity can be imported by various routes without conflict. The compiler knows whether entities from different modules are actually the same.

9.2  Abstract Data Types

Aside from controlling namespaces, modules provide the only way to build abstract data types (ADTs) in Haskell. For example, the characteristic feature of an ADT is that the representation type is hidden; all operations on the ADT are done at an abstract level which does not depend on the representation. For example, although the Tree type is simple enough that we might not normally make it abstract, a suitable ADT for it might include the following operations:

data Tree a             -- just the type name 
leaf                    :: a -> Tree a
branch                  :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
cell                    :: Tree a -> a
left, right             :: Tree a -> Tree a
isLeaf                  :: Tree a -> Bool

A module supporting this is:

module TreeADT (Tree, leaf, branch, cell, 
                left, right, isLeaf) where

data Tree a             = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) 

leaf                    = Leaf
branch                  = Branch
cell  (Leaf a)          = a
left  (Branch l r)      = l
right (Branch l r)      = r
isLeaf   (Leaf _)       = True
isLeaf   _              = False

Note in the export list that the type name Tree appears alone (i.e. without its constructors). Thus Leaf and Branch are not exported, and the only way to build or take apart trees outside of the module is by using the various (abstract) operations. Of course, the advantage of this information hiding is that at a later time we could change the representation type without affecting users of the type.

9.3  More Features

Here is a brief overview of some other aspects of the module system. See the report for more details.

Although Haskell's module system is relatively conservative, there are many rules concerning the import and export of values. Most of these are obvious---for instance, it is illegal to import two different entities having the same name into the same scope. Other rules are not so obvious---for example, for a given type and class, there cannot be more than one instance declaration for that combination of type and class anywhere in the program. The reader should read the Report for details (ยง5).

The Gentle Introduction To Haskell
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