        N O T E S   O N   F O R T R A N   P R O G R A M M I N G

                  (An open cooperative practical guide)

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      (c) Copyright - all rights reserved to the contributors 1996
              May be freely redistributed with this notice


  Corrected errors

  1 -  Programming

          1-1  - Short history of FORTRAN and Fortran
          1-2  - Comparison between FORTRAN and C
          1-3  - General programming rules
          1-4  - Standard and non-standard FORTRAN
          1-5  - Forbidden/esoteric/obsolete statements
          1-6  - Program layout
          1-7  - Debugging and program validation
          1-8  - FORTRAN pitfalls
          1-9  - Code optimization
          1-10 - Optimization techniques
          1-11 - FORTRAN/C interoperability
          1-12 - Recursion
          1-13 - Program input and output
          1-14 - General programming techniques

  2 - Language topics

          2-1  - A FORTRAN specific problem
          2-2  - Constants
          2-3  - Data types
          2-4  - Passing arrays to subprograms
          2-5  - Variable size arrays
          2-6  - Array storage order
          2-7  - Common blocks
          2-8  - Logical units and files
          2-9  - Formatted / List-directed / Unformatted I/O
          2-10 - Using I/O formats
          2-11 - Internal files - ASCII/BINARY conversion
          2-12 - (not ready yet) VMS I/O
          2-13 - Using strings and character arrays
          2-14 - FORTRAN carriage control
          2-15 - Intrinsic functions/Optimized libraries
          2-16 - Dynamic memory allocation and pointers
          2-17 - (not ready yet) Parallel Fortran
          2-18 - DO and other loops
          2-19 - (not ready yet) Memory management
          2-20 - (not ready yet) Syntax restrictions

  3 - Tools

         3-1  - Compiler options
         3-2  - Editors
         3-3  - Finding useful routines
         3-4  - Literature
         3-5  - Preprocessors
         3-6  - Libraries
         3-7  - Graphics and Visualization
         3-8  - (not ready yet) Debuggers
         3-9  - (not ready yet) Error messages
         3-10 - Performance measurment

  4 - Floating-point numbers

         4-1  - Floating-point numbers - theory
         4-2  - Floating-point numbers - an example
         4-3  - Floating-point numbers- practical issues 
         4-4  - Floats on different machines
         4-5  - Floating point exceptions
         4-6  - Errors in floating point computations
         4-7  - Numerical stability
         4-8  - (not ready yet) Radix conversion and rounding
         4-9  - Avoiding floating-point errors
         4-10 - The world of integers

  5 - The environment

         5-1  - Operating systems
         5-2  - (not ready yet) Compilation and linking
         5-3  - Data alignment
         5-4  - Files and records
         5-5  - Terminals and printers
         5-6  - (not ready yet) File porting and FTP
         5-7  - Tapes
         5-8  - (not ready yet) Data compression


          A - Diagnosing integer arithmetic type
          B - Character codes table
          C - Arrays and pointers in C
          D - Fortran 90 vs. C variants
          E - Quick reference to Netlib
          F - PC Fortran 90 compilers


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