 For the purpose of file porting computers can be divided into
 the following groups:

    Hardware            Floats   Endianity   Unformatted 
    -----------------   ------   ---------   ------------
    UNIX workstations   IEEE     BIG         Variable (4)
    CRAY                CRAY     BIG         
    DEC VAX             DEC      LITTLE      Segmented
    DEC ALPHA           IEEE+    LITTLE      Variable (4)
    IBM PC compatibles           LITTLE      
    IBM mainframes      IBM      BIG         

 File porting may be a problem when you transfer unformatted files 
 between different groups.

 Methods of file transfer
 The usual file transfer methods are:

    1) Direct transfer of files by FTP 
    2) Transfer by FTP of archived files
    3) Standard ANSI magnetic tape

 A short digression on FTP
 The File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is usually used interactively 
 by invoking a program with that name. 

 Many of the transfer options proposed by Postel and Reynolds in 
 RFC959 were not implemented, and FTP programs can properly handle 
 only text file transfers. Binary transfers are properly handled
 only in the simplest case, between two byte-oriented (e.g. UNIX) 

 FORTRAN require record-oriented files, on byte-oriented systems 
 the FORTRAN compiler has to support this requirement, it produces 
 and reads files with variable-length records.

 However, binary FTP transfers between a record-oriented system 
 (e.g. VMS) and a byte-oriented one are not supported, and all or
 some of the control information of each record is discarded in one 
 direction, and is passed without proper translation in the other.

 FTP shortcomings can be worked around by proper modification in
 the FORTRAN source code. When writing files intended to be 
 transferred from a record-oriented system to a byte-oriented one,
 a count-field value can be prefixed to each record. In the other 
 direction a routine that understands the foreign record format 
 should be used for reading.

 FTP of archived files
 Archiving programs like the VMS version of ZIP (used with "-V") 
 store the control information of each record. When the compressed 
 file is decompressed by GZIP on a UNIX system, that information
 can be retrieved in a useful form.

 Porting formatted files
 This is relatively simple, possible problems are:

    1) Different character codes (EBCDIC on IBM mainframes,
       ASCII on all others).

    2) File type translations (Variable-size-records on VMS,
       some Stream type on almost all others). 

 Direct FTP can take care of both these problems, character codes are 
 transformed into a standard character set (standard 8-bit Network 
 Virtual Terminal-ASCII) before transmission and are transformed again
 to the local character set upon reception.

 Similarly, records are translated to a standard form (stream CR/LF) 
 before transmission and transformed to the local structure upon reception.
 It is recommended to use formatted files to transfer information 
 between different systems. The disadvantages are that the formatted 
 files are larger and some precision is lost on the radix translations.

 Porting unformatted files
 Here the problems start:

    1) Different endianity (DEC machines and PCs are little
       endian, all else are big endian).

    2) Different integer sizes / float formats (integers have
       the same general format, most floats are now IEEE).

    3) Different character codes (EBCDIC on IBM mainframes,
       ASCII on all others).

    4) File type translations (Variable-size-records on VMS,
       some Stream type on all others). 


 Porting unformatted files is less frightening than the list of
 problems suggests, e.g. UNIX workstations are compatible except 
 for the endianity problem.

 Problems #1, #2 makes porting unformatted files content dependant,
 i.e. you need to know the contents of a file in order to port it.
 In the general case each variable has to be converted separately,
 so the converting program has to know in detail the layout of
 variables in the file.

 Endianity conversion

 Integer/Float format conversion

 Control information conversion
 If you have the program source you can do it with a few modifications,
 in the general case you'll need a conversion program. 

 1) Unformatted file from VMS to UNIX:

    On VMS you can use unformatted variable records if your records 
    are no longer than 32764 bytes, specify RECORDTYPE='VARIABLE' 
    in the OPEN statement, as the default for unformatted I/O is 

    FTP discards the the 2-byte count-field of the variable records,
    you can re-prefix (and re-suffix) the record length to the data 
    in each WRITE statement:

      INTEGER       RECLEN
      REAL          X, Y, Z
      WRITE (10) RECLEN, X, Y, Z, RECLEN

    If your unformatted records has to be longer, write each record 
    in parts, each one smaller than 32764 bytes, write the record 
    length in the beginning of the first part, and in the end of 
    the last part.

    An unrecommended option is using the C Run-Time-Library function 
    'write', it converts VAX/ALPHA little-endian longwords (4 bytes) 
    to big-endian. 'write' doesn't add the prefix & suffix count-fields, 
    and creates a stream/LF file, an unsuitable type. Include the unixio.h 
    and file.h standard headers, they contain the function prototype and
    associated argument constants. 

 2) Unformatted file from UNIX to VMS:

    FTP will create by default 512 bytes long fixed-length records.
    If the records are of the same known length, you may change the formal
    record-length to that value, without changing anything in the file.

    Use either:   SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES=(LRL:size) filespec   
    or Joe Meadows FILE utility, then use OPEN with RECORDTYPE='FIXED' 
    and RECL=size, read and ignore the count field (first 4 bytes).

    If the records are not the same length, you'll need a routine that
    can reconstruct the original structure.

 EBCDIC/ASCII conversion

 File type conversion

 FTP options
 FTP transfer options can be divided into 5 categories, most
 of them are unimplemented:

    File structure (e.g. stru file)
      file         Byte-oriented file system
      record       Record-oriented file system
      page         ----
      mount        ----
      vms          [On VMS/MULTINET] Preserve all VMS characteristics
                     automatically negotiated.

    Transfer type (e.g. type ascii)
      ascii            For text files, default.
      ebcdic           For IBM mainframes
      backup           [On VMS/MULTINET] for VMS/BACKUP files
      binary           Same as IMAGE
      image            For unformatted data files and executables.
      logical-byte     Same as LOCAL-BYTE-SIZE  

    Transfer mode (e.g. mode stream)
      stream       Usual mode
      compressed   Supported by TGV/MULTINET only?

    Form formats
      telnet format effectors
      carriage control (ASA)

      record-size       [On VMS/MULTINET] 
      site rms recsize  [On VMS/MULTINET] 
      block             [On VMS/MULTINET] 

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