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 Arrays and pointers in C
 (Thanks a lot to Steve Summit for the very illuminating comments)

 This is a short review on arrays and pointers in C with an emphasis
 on using multi-dimensional arrays. The seemingly unrelated C rules 
 are explained as an attempt to unify arrays and pointers, or maybe 
 even replace arrays and the basic array equation by a new notation 
 and special rules (see below).

 The purpose of the following text is threefold: 

   1) Help those who mix C modules in their programs to
      understand the pointer notation of C and pass arrays
      between FORTRAN and C.

   2) Show possible workarounds for the lack of adjustable 
      arrays, one of C technical shortcomings.
   3) Show an interesting method of array implementation.

 The C language as a "portable assembler"
 Older operating systems and other system software were written 
 in assembly language. CPUs were slow and memories very small, 
 and only assembly language could generate the tight code needed.

 However, assembly is difficult to maintain and by definition not 
 portable, so the advantages of a High Level Language designed
 for system programming were clear. Improvements in hardware and 
 compiler technology made C a success.

 Pointers and pointer operators
 FORTRAN impose a major restriction on the programmer, you can
 reference only named memory locations, i.e. variables. 
 Pointers make it possible, like in assembly, to reference in 
 a useful way any memory location. 

 A pointer is a variable suitable for keeping memory addresses 
 of other variables, the values you assign to a pointer are 
 memory addresses of other variables (or other pointers).

 How useful are pointers for scientific programming? 
 Probably less than C fans think. It's well known that having 
 unrestricted pointers in a programming language makes it 
 difficult for the compiler to generate efficient code. 

 C pointers are characterized by their value and data-type.
 The value is the address of the memory location the pointer 
 points to, the type determines how the pointer will be 
 incremented/decremented in pointer (or subscript) arithmetic 
 (see below).

 Arrays in C and the array equation
 We will use 2D arrays in the following text instead of general 
 N-dimensional arrays, they can illustrate the subtle points 
 involved with using arrays and pointers in C, and the arithmetic 
 will be more manageable. 

 A 2D array in C is treated as a 1D array whose elements are 1D 
 arrays (the rows). 

 For example, a 4x3 array of T (where "T" is some data type) may 
 be declared by:  "T  mat[4][3]",  and described by the following 

      mat == mat[0]   ---> | a00 | a01 | a02 |
             mat[1]   ---> | a10 | a11 | a12 |
             mat[2]   ---> | a20 | a21 | a22 |
             mat[3]   ---> | a30 | a31 | a32 |

 The array elements are stored in memory row after row, so the 
 array equation for element "mat[m][n]" of type T is (this is 
 not C notation!):

    address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) + (i * n + j) * size(T)

    address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) + 
                         i * n * size(T)    + 
                         j * size(T)

    address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) + 
                         i * size(row of T) + 
                         j * size(T)

 A few remarks:

   1) The array equation is important, it is the connection 
      between the abstract data-type and its implementation.
      In Fortran (and many other languages) it is "hidden" 
      from the programmer, the compiler automatically "plants" 
      the necessary code whenever an array reference is made.

   2) For higher-dimensional arrays the equation gets more
      and more complicated. In some programming languages
      an arbitrary limit on the dimension is imposed, 
      e.g. Fortran arrays can be 7D at most.

   3) Note that it's more efficient to compute the array 
      equation "iteratively" - not using the distributive 
      law to eliminate the parentheses (just count the 
      arithmetical operations in the first two versions 
      of the array equation above). 
      The K&R method (see below) works iteratively. 

      It reminds one of Horner's Rule for computing a 
      polynomial iterativly, e.g. 

         a * x**2 + b * x + c = (a * x + b) * x + c

      computing the powers of x is eliminated in this way. 

   4) The number of rows doesn't enter into the array equation, 
      you don't need it to compute the address of an element. 
      That is the reason you don't have to specify the first 
      dimension in a routine that is being passed a 2D array,
      just like in Fortran's assumed-size arrays.

 The K&R method of reducing arrays to pointers
 K&R tried to create a unified treatment of arrays and pointers, 
 one that would expose rather than hide the array equation in the 
 compiler's code. They found an elegant solution, albeit a bit 
 complicated. The "ugly" array equation is replaced in their 
 formulation by four rules:

    1) An array of dimension N is a 1D array with
       elements that are arrays of dimension N-1.

    2) Pointer addition is defined by:

          ptr # n = ptr + n * size(type-pointed-into)

       "#" denotes here pointer addition to avoid 
       confusion with ordinary addition.
       The function "size()" returns object's sizes.

    3) The famous "decay convention": an array is 
       treated as a pointer that points to the 
       first element of the array.

       The decay convention shouldn't be applied
       more than once to the same object.

    4) Taking a subscript with value i is equivalent 
       to the operation: "pointer-add i and then 
       type-dereference the sum", i.e.

          xxx[i] = *(xxx # i)

        When rule #4 + rule #3 are applied recursively 
        (this is the case of a multi-dimensional array), 
        only the data type is dereferenced and not the 
        pointer's value, except on the last step.

 K&R rules imply the array equation
 We will show now that the array equation is a consequence 
 of the above rules (applied recursively) in the case of a 
 2D array:

    mat[i] = *(mat # i)                     (rule 4)

    mat[i][j] = *(*(mat # i) # j)           (rule 4)

 "mat" is clearly a  "2D array of T"  and decays by (rule 3) 
 into a "pointer to a row of T". So we get the first two terms 
 of the array equation.

    mat[i][j] = *(*(mat + i * sizeof(row)) # j)
                     Pointer to row of T

 Dereferencing the type of "(mat # i)" we get a "row of T". 

    mat[i][j] = *((mat + i * sizeof(row)) # j)
                         Row of T 

 We have now one pointer addition left, using again the 
 "decay convention", the 1D array "row of T" becomes a 
 pointer to its first element, i.e. "pointer to T". 
 We perform the pointer addition, and get the third term 
 of the array equation: 

    mat[i][j] = *(mat + i * sizeof(row) + j * sizeof(T))
                              Pointer to T

    address(mat[i][j]) = mat + i * sizeof(row) + j * sizeof(T)

 Remember that "mat" actually points to the first element 
 of the array, so we can write:

    address(mat[i][j]) = address(mat[0][0]) +
                         i * sizeof(row)    +
                         j * sizeof(T)

 This is exactly the array equation. QED

 Why a double pointer can't be used as a 2D array?
 This is a good example, although the compiler may not complain, 
 it is wrong to declare:  "int **mat" and then use "mat" like 
 a 2D array. These are two very different data-types and using
 them you access different places in memory. On a good machine 
 (e.g. VAX/VMS) this mistake aborts the program with a "memory 
 access violation" message.

 This mistake is common because it is easy to forget that the
 decay convention mustn't be applied recursively (more than
 once) to the same array, so a 2D array is NOT equivalent
 to a double pointer.
 A "pointer to pointer of T" can't serve as a "2D array of T". 
 The 2D array is "equivalent" to a "pointer to row of T", 
 and this is very different from "pointer to pointer of T".

 When a double pointer that points to the first element of 
 an array, is used with subscript notation "ptr[0][0]", 
 it is fully dereferenced two times (see rule #5). 
 After two full dereferencings the resulting object will 
 have an address equal to whatever value was found INSIDE 
 the first element of the array. Since the first element 
 contains our data, we would have wild memory accesses. 

 We could take care of the extra dereferencing by having 
 an intermediary "pointer to T":

    type   mat[m][n], *ptr1, **ptr2;

    ptr2 = &ptr1;
    ptr1 = (type *)mat;

 but that wouldn't work either, the information on the array 
 "width" (n), is lost, and we would get right only the first row,
 then we will have again wild memory accesses.

 A possible way to make a double pointer work with a 2D array 
 notation is having an auxiliary array of pointers, each of 
 them points to a row of the original matrix.

    type   mat[m][n], *aux[m], **ptr2;

    ptr2 = (type **)aux;
    for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
        aux[i] = (type *)mat + i * n;

 Of course the auxiliary array could be dynamic.

 An example program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

	long	mat[5][5], **ptr;

	mat[0][0] = 3;
	ptr = (long **)mat;

	printf("  mat          %p \n",  mat);
	printf("  ptr          %p \n",  ptr);
	printf("  mat[0][0]    %d \n",  mat[0][0]);
	printf(" &mat[0][0]    %p \n", &mat[0][0]);
	printf(" &ptr[0][0]    %p \n", &ptr[0][0]);


   The output on VAX/VMS is:

         mat          7FDF6310
         ptr          7FDF6310
         mat[0][0]    3
        &mat[0][0]    7FDF6310
        &ptr[0][0]    3

 We can see that "mat[0][0]" and "ptr[0][0]" are different objects 
 (they have different addresses), although  "mat"  and  "ptr" have 
 the same value.

 What methods for passing a 2D array to a subroutine are allowed?
 Following are 5 alternative ways to handle in C an
 array passed from a Fortran procedure or another
 c routine. 

 Various ways to declare and use such an array are
 presented by examples with an array made of 5x5 
 shorts (INTEGER*2). All 5 methods work on a VAX/VMS.

 the following 2 "include" statements must be present 
 in each file that contains these routines:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 Method #1 (No tricks, just an array with empty first dimension)

func2d(short mat[][5])   /* You don't have to specify the first dimension! */
	register short i, j;
        printf("\n In the C routine: \n");

        for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
                        mat[i][j] = i+5;
                        printf("%11d", mat[i][j]);


 Method #2 (Using a single pointer, the array is "flattened")
 With this method you can create general-purpose routines.
 The dimensions doesn't appear in any declaration, so you 
 can add them to the formal argument list. 

 The manual array indexing will probably slow down execution.

func2d(short *mat)
	register short i, j;
        printf("\n In the C routine: \n");

        for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
                        *(mat+5*i+j) = i+5;
                        printf("%11d", *(mat+5*i+j));


 Method #3 (double pointer, using an auxiliary array of pointers)
 With this method you can create general-purpose routines,
 if you allocate "index" at run-time. 

 Add the dimensions to the formal argument list.

func2d(short **mat)
	short    i, j, *index[5];
	for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
		index[i] = (short *)mat + 5*i;

        printf("\n In the C routine: \n");

        for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
                        index[i][j] = i+5;
                        printf("%11d", index[i][j]);


 Method #4 (single pointer, using an auxiliary array of pointers)

func2d(short *mat[5])
	short i, j, *index[5];
	for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
		index[i] = (short *)mat + 5*i;

        printf("\n In the C routine: \n");

        for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
                        index[i][j] = i+5;
                        printf("%11d", index[i][j]);


   Method #5 (pointer to array, second dimension is explicitly specified)

func2d(short (*mat)[5])
	register short i, j;
        printf("\n In the C routine: \n");

        for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                for(j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++)
                        mat[i][j] = i+5;
                        printf("%11d", mat[i][j]);


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