Mumit's STL Newbie guide

About this Document

I started this document as a wastebasket for my random notes and thoughts on STL when I first started learning and using it heavily during winter of 1994. So far I have only included a small subset of my STL.NOTES file here (because it is such a mess), and hopefully will keep adding to it over the next few weeks.

As always, I welcome thoughtful comments, suggestions, corrections, ale, and offers of help via email at

Copyright(c) 1995 Mumit Khan

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General overview

My primary motivation for starting this guide is to help those who are starting out with STL and I would like to hear from you if you find it useful. Currently most of this document really deals with issues that are hard to find in manuals, such as how to create containers of pointers, or how to manage manual instantiation of STL template with GCC, etc.

I personally use GCC 2.7.0 (combined with Cygnus template repository patch) and ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit>, so please bear this in mind when you see something that doesn't make sense to your configuration. If you are using GCC 2.7.0 with ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit>, then you should get in touch with ObjectSpace for bug fixes (See here for more info).

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What's so special about writing container objects

STL containers copy the objects for local storage, and typically make heavy use of the default constructor, copy constructor and assignment operator.

Here I describe some "general guidelines" (read: this is what I do, your mileage may vary widely) on what constructors and operators one should define when working with STL.

Class constructors

For each class X, define the following constructors (unless you're happy with the compiler provided ones of course):
  1. default constructor -- X();
  2. copy constructor -- X(const X&);

    If you don't have this, STL will use the compiler generated one (ie., member-wise copy), and embedded pointers will result in weird bugs.

See here for an in-depth look at why and when these are needed.

Class operators

For each class X, define the following operators (again, unless you're happy with the compiler provided ones of course):
  1. operator= (const X&)

    Better have this -- same effect as copy constructor.

  2. operator< (const X&)

    if your class X is essentially un-ordered, simply return true or false. For example, if you have container full of pointers to some other object, ordering may not make sense either.

  3. operator== (const X&)

    if your class X is essentially un-ordered, simply return true or false. For example, if you have container full of pointers to some other object, ordering may not make sense either.

The operators == and < are very important for sorted collections like set, map etc, and are the reason why storing pointers in STL sorted collections may not work as you would expect. See here for some caveats in storing pointers in STL containers. Even though I've shown the 2 operators as member functions here, they don't need be (which is great, since you can use somebody else's class without having to modify it). eg., if there is a library class X that you cannot modify, you can define the operators == and < externally as following:

Note that you may not need the < and == operators for some compilers if your code doesn't use the algorithms that need these operators (eg., sorting and such things). The compilers I deal with like to instantiate ALL the members when I manually instantiate templates, and so I'm out of luck. GCC 2.7.0 seems to do a much better job of instantiating only the needed members.

See here for an in-depth look at why and when these are needed.

How do STL containers and container objects interact?

One of the most frequent questions regarding STL seems to be of the following form:
    What members do I have to define for an object that will live in
    an STL container?
To explain this without having to go through the STL source code, let's examine how list<T> works. Here's a typical list usage scenario:
    void f() {                           //   <------- (1)
        class X { };
        list<X> xlist;                   //   <------- (2)

        // now populate the list with lots of X's.
        X x();
        xlist.push_back(x);             //   <-------- (3)

        // do what-not with xlist 

	// now replace the 1st element with something else.
	X x2;
	xlist.front() = x2;             //   <-------- (4)

        // remove the element with value x3
	X x3;
	xlist.remove(x3);               //   <-------- (5)

        // now sort the list
	xlist.sort();                   //   <-------- (6)

        // do stuff with xlist and then return from f()

    }                                   //   <-------- (7)

Now let's see what happens at steps (1) through (7).
  1. Enter a new scope, function f. Automatic objects will be destructed when we leave this scope in Step (7).

  2. Create a concrete list<X> from parameterized type, list<T>. At this point, the constructor for list creates a list_node that has a member data holding a copy of X. The list_node looks like the following:
        template <class T>
        struct list_node {
    	void_pointer next;
    	void_pointer prev;
    	T data;
    To create list_node, the data member, T, must have a default constructor (or equivalent, such as a constructor with all default arguments) defined.

    Step (2) requires a default constructor.

  3. Here we add an object, x, of type X, to the end of the list. The method push_back would typically invoke the following:
        insert(begin(), x);
    And here's the code for a typical insert method:
        iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) {
            link_type tmp = get_node();                         < ---- (3a)
            construct(value_allocator.address((*tmp).data), x); < ---- (3b)
            (*tmp).next = position.node;
            (*tmp).prev = (*position.node).prev;
            (*(link_type((*position.node).prev))).next = tmp;
            (*position.node).prev = tmp;
            return tmp;

    Step 3a requires the construction of a data member of type X as in the Step 1, and hence requires a default constructor. Step 2b uses the STL allocator interface to construct the object from argument x using placement new and hence requires a copy constructor. The typical construct looks like the following:

        template <class T1, class T2>
        inline void construct(T1* p, const T2& value) {
    	new (p) T1(value);

    Step (3) requires a copy constructor (3b) in addition to a default constructor (3a).

  4. Here we are replacing the first element of the list with a new object, x2. Here the front method returns a reference (lvalue) to the data member of the first element in the list and it is assigned a new value x2. This operation hence requires the assignement operator (ie., operator=).

    Step (4) requires an assignment operator, ie., operator=(const X& x).

  5. Here we want to remove the element, if any, in the list that equals the value x3. The code looks like the following:
        template <class T>
        void list<T>::remove(const T& value) {
    	iterator first = begin();
    	iterator last = end();
    	while (first != last) {
    	    iterator next = first;
    	    if (*first == value)        //   <-------- (5a)
    	    first = next;
    The remove member starts in the beginning of the list and searches till either the end is reached or a value equalling value argument is found; if found, remove removes the element from the list and calls the destructor. Note in Step (6a), we need the equality operator (operator==) defined for this to work.

    Step (5) requires an equality operator, ie., bool operator==(const X& x).

  6. Now we sort the list. The sort member use an in-place merge sort algorithm that requires the less-than relation defined for the object (Step 6a below).
        template <class T>
        void list<T>::merge(list<T>& x) {
    	iterator first1 = begin();
    	iterator last1 = end();
    	iterator first2 = x.begin();
    	iterator last2 = x.end();
    	while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
    	    if (*first2 < *first1) {            //   <-------- (6a)
    		iterator next = first2;
    		transfer(first1, first2, ++next);
    		first2 = next;
    	    } else
    	if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, first2, last2);
    	length += x.length;
    	x.length= 0;
        template <class T>
        void list<T>::sort() {
    	if (size() < 2) return;
    	list<T> carry;
    	list<T> counter[64];
    	int fill = 0;
    	while (!empty()) {
    	    carry.splice(carry.begin(), *this, begin());
    	    int i = 0;
    	    while(i < fill && !counter[i].empty()) {
    	    if (i == fill) ++fill;
    	while(fill--) merge(counter[fill]);

    Step (6) requires a less-than operator, ie., bool operator<(const X& x).

  7. Here the list object goes out of scope and is automatically destructed by the C++ runtime system. The destructor for list in turns calls the destructor for all the elements that are in the list. Hence the object requires a destructor.

    Step (7) requires a destructor

The following are automatically supplied by the compiler if not defined by the user:

If X in this example contains pointers, please be sure to define all of these instead of leaving it to the compiler.

The following must be defined explicitly by the user:

Note that if we had not used the remove and sort members, most smart compilers would not require X to define these two operators.
What's so special about writing container objects
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Pointers and STL

As you might've noticed, STL containers manage the storage for objects, not pointers, and this has caused some trepidation about using STL for projects which need to store pointers in various STL containers. I strongly suggest people revisit their designs and not store pointers, but if you have no choice, here's what I have found so far regarding STL containers and pointers to defined types.

Gotcha's with storing pointers to objects

Contrary to what some believe, STL does not care if you're storing pointers to objects instead of objects in its containers. However, more often than not, containers of pointers may be a design flaw that leads to memory leaks and such lovely things. There are a few obvious exceptions: There are few notable gotcha's:

Storing pointers in STL containers: Example code

The following example is an excerpt from my c.l.c++ posting on the subject of storing the same object in multiple container.
#include <stl.h>                // or individual includes if you like
                                // need list.h, set.h and algo.h
#include <iostream.h>

// THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT (see note above). You have to tell the set
// or multiset or map to compare the objects pointed to rather than 
// the pointers these containers are storing.
struct compare {
    bool operator() (const int* i1, const int* i2) const {
        return *i1 < *i2;

void print(int* i) {
    cout << " " << *i;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<int*> list1;

    // create a list of new'd integers.
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        list1.push_back(new int(i * i));

    cout << "List of int*: (";
    for_each(list1.begin(), list1.end(), print);
    cout << ")" << endl;

    // now put these integers into a set. Note that I'm using a
    // custom comparator to compare the integers, not the pointers.
    set<int*, compare> set1;
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), 
        insert_iterator<set<int*, compare> > (set1, set1.begin())

    cout << "Set of int* : [";
    for_each(set1.begin(), set1.end(), print);
    cout << "]" << endl;

    return 0;

When you run the program, it should produce the following output.

% ./testc++
List of int*: ( 0 1 4 9 16)
Set of int* : [ 0 1 4 9 16]

Special Note for Borland C++ users: However, Ben Scherrey ( points out that the OS/2 Borland C++ compiler cannot handle this, and I believe this is due the compiler's lack of support for explicitly calling template destructor. Ben says that the if you overload destroy and construct yourself, it works out. Thanks Ben.

void destroy(X** pointer ) {

inline void construct(X** p, const X* value ) {
    new (p) (const X*)(value);

Pointers and STL
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Deallocating pointers stored in STL containers

If you create containers of pointers, make sure you deallocate the storage explicitly in the code, especially if the container is on the stack and goes out of scope creating a memory leak. STL containers only copy and delete the storage required to hold the pointer, not the object it's pointing to. You can create templated deleters like the following:
   template <class ForwardIterator, class ForwardIterator>
   void sequence_delete(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
       while (first != last)
	   delete *first++;

   template <class ForwardIterator, class ForwardIterator>
   void map_delete(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
       while (first != last)
	   delete (*first++).second;

   Map<int, SomeType*, less<int> > mymap_;
   // populate my map with new'd SomeType's.
   map_delete(mymap_.begin(), mymap_.end());

ObjectSpace uses a non-standard release() member to achieve the above.
Pointers and STL
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Who owns the storage?

The following example shows another nasty side effect of storing pointers to things in STL containers.

list<char*> means a list character pointers, NOT strings they point to. less<char*> will compare the pointers, NOT the strings (ie., NOT use strcmp and friends).

   char buf[1024];
   list<char*> list1;
   ostream_iterator<char*> citer(cout, " ");
   copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), citer);

   // you should see one string, the one in buf above.

   strcpy(buf, "YIKES!");
   copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), citer);

   // SURPRISE. your list is changed now.

In general, do not use char* as container objects, rather write a simple string class (ask me if you need one) and use that instead.

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More gotchas in storing char*

Here's an example of a set of strings that can cause lots of headache.
#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main(int, char*[]) {
    static char* names[] = {"one", "two", "three"};
    set<char*, less<char*> > name_set;

    char buf[256];
    strcpy(buf, "one");
    const char* one = buf;
    set<char*, less<char*> >::const_iterator it = name_set.find(one);
    if (it == name_set.end()) {
        cerr << "No such name `" << one << "' in set!" << endl;
    } else {
        cerr << "Found name `" << one << "' in set." << endl;
    return 0;

Pointers and STL
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Example of a pointer wrapper for storing in STL containers

If you have to store pointers in STL containers, especially the sorted collections such as set and map, you might want to wrap the pointers into a simple class that works as a holder for the pointer (who cleans up the memory afterwards?) See here for an example):

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

// Let's say you want to put pointers to X into multiple STL containers.
class X {
    X(int i) : i_(i) { ; }
    X(const X& x) : i_(x.i_) { }
    ~X() { }
    X& operator= (const X& x) { i_ = x.i_; }

    int operator()() const { return i_; }
    int i_;

bool operator== (const X& x1, const X& x2) {
    return x1() == x2();

bool operator< (const X& x1, const X& x2) {
    return x1() < x2();

// Define a simple wrapper class to put into STL containers. This one
// simple wraps X.
class XPtrWrapper {
    XPtrWrapper(X* x = 0) : x_(x) { }
    XPtrWrapper(const XPtrWrapper& xw) : x_(xw.x_) { }
    ~XPtrWrapper() { }
    XPtrWrapper& operator= (const XPtrWrapper& xw) { x_ = xw.x_; }

    const X* operator() () const { return x_; }
    X* operator() () { return x_; }
    X* x_;

bool operator== (const XPtrWrapper& xw1, const XPtrWrapper& xw2) {
    return (xw1.operator()() && xw2.operator()()) ? *xw1() == *xw2() : false;

bool operator< (const XPtrWrapper& xw1, const XPtrWrapper& xw2) {
    return (xw1() && xw2()) ? *xw1() < *xw2() : false;

void print(const XPtrWrapper& xw) {
    cout << " " << (*xw())();

int main(int, char*[]) {
    XPtrWrapper bucket[5];
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        bucket[i] = XPtrWrapper(new X(i * i));
    random_shuffle(bucket, bucket + 5);

    list<XPtrWrapper> list1;
    copy(bucket, bucket + 5, 
        back_insert_iterator<list<XPtrWrapper> > (list1)

    cout << "List of XPtrWrapper: (";
    for_each(list1.begin(), list1.end(), print);
    cout << ")" << endl;

    // now put these XPtrWrappers into a set. Note that I can use
    // greater since I've defined operator> for it.
    set<XPtrWrapper, greater<XPtrWrapper> > set1;
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), 
        insert_iterator<set<XPtrWrapper, greater<XPtrWrapper> > > 
            (set1, set1.begin())

    cout << "Set of XPtrWrapper : [";
    for_each(set1.begin(), set1.end(), print);
    cout << "]" << endl;

    // now put these integers into a deque. 
    deque<XPtrWrapper> deque1;
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), 
        back_insert_iterator<deque<XPtrWrapper> > (deque1)

    cout << "Deque of XPtrWrapper : (";
    for_each(deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), print);
    cout << ")" << endl;

    return 0;

And the output is:

List of XPtrWrapper: ( 4 0 16 1 9)
Set of XPtrWrapper : [ 16 9 4 1 0]
Deque of XPtrWrapper : ( 4 0 16 1 9)

Pointers and STL
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How do I store derived objects in STL containers?

Consider a CAD application: you have lots of objects on a screen that all derive from the same base object. How would you store the derived objects in an STL container? Let's assume all derived objects have a set of virtual functions (and use RTTI if you have it). I've done it 3 different ways:

  1. Store the pointer itself in the container. You have to explicitly deallocate the memory later on of course. Also, not all STL implementations seem to handle storage of pointers uniformly, so I would suggest using a wrapper shown below.
  2. Hard-coded wrapper that takes a pointer to the base class
  3. Templated pointer wrapper that takes a pointer to the base class

Hard-coded wrapper that takes a pointer to the base class

The following example shows 2 classes derived from Base, derived1 and derived2 and a wrapper BaseWrapper. The wrapper class assumes that the base class provides a virtual clone facility and does the memory management.

Note: After the new'd Base derivative is passed to the wrapper, it owns it and deletes it in the destructor.

#include <stl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>

// abstract base class
class Base {
    const char* typename() const { return typename_; }
    virtual Base* clone() const = 0;
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const = 0;
    virtual ~Base();

    static int count;

    Base(const char* typename);
    Base(const Base& base);

    char* typename_;

Base::Base(const char* typename) {
    const char* tname = (typename) ? typename : "unknown";
    strcpy(typename_ = new char[strlen(tname) + 1], tname);

Base::Base(const Base& base) {
        typename_ = new char[strlen(base.typename_) + 1], base.typename_

Base::~Base() {
    delete[] typename_;

// First derived class. 
class Derived1 : public Base {
    Derived1(int data) : Base("derived1"), data_(data) { }
    Derived1(const Derived1& d) : Base("derived1"), data_( { }
    virtual ~Derived1()        { }
    virtual Base* clone() const { return new Derived1(*this); }
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const;
    int data() const { return data_; }
    int data_;

virtual void Derived1::identify(ostream& os) const {
    os << "(" << typename() << " " << data() << ")";

// Second derived class. 
class Derived2 : public Base {
    Derived2(int data) : Base("derived2"), data_(data) { }
    Derived2(const Derived2& d) : Base("derived2"), data_( { }
    virtual ~Derived2()        { }
    virtual Base* clone() const { return new Derived2(*this); }
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const;
    int data() const { return data_; }
    int data_;

virtual void Derived2::identify(ostream& os) const {
    os << "(" << typename() << " " << data() << ")";

// now define the pointer wrapper.
class BaseWrapper {
    BaseWrapper(Base* base_ptr = 0) : base_ptr_(base_ptr) { }
    BaseWrapper(const BaseWrapper& bw) {
        base_ptr_ = bw() ? bw()->clone() : 0;
    ~BaseWrapper() { delete base_ptr_; }
    const Base* operator()()  const { return base_ptr_; }
    Base* operator()()  { return base_ptr_; }
    BaseWrapper& operator= (const BaseWrapper& bw) {
        delete base_ptr_;
        base_ptr_ = bw()->clone();
    Base* base_ptr_;

bool operator== (const BaseWrapper& bw1, const BaseWrapper& w2) {
    return false;

bool operator< (const BaseWrapper& bw1, const BaseWrapper& w2) {
    return false;

// end of class defs.

// define static members.
int Base::count = 0;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<BaseWrapper> list1;
    list1.push_back(BaseWrapper(new Derived1(101)));
    list1.push_back(BaseWrapper(new Derived2(201)));
    list1.push_back(BaseWrapper(new Derived2(202)));
    list1.push_back(BaseWrapper(new Derived1(102)));
    list1.push_back(BaseWrapper(new Derived2(203)));

    list<BaseWrapper>::const_iterator it = list1.begin();
    for(; it != list1.end(); ++it) {
        const BaseWrapper& bw = *it;
        cerr << " ";
    cerr << endl << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:

(derived1 101) (derived2 201) (derived2 202) (derived1 102) (derived2 203) 

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Templated pointer wrapper that takes a pointer to the base class

The following example shows 2 classes derived from Base, derived1 and derived2 and a templated wrapper Wrapper<T>. The wrapper class assumes that the base class provides a virtual clone facility and does the memory management.

Note: After the new'd Base derivative is passed to the wrapper, it owns it and deletes it in the destructor.

#include <stl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>

// abstract base class
class Base {
    const char* typename() const { return typename_; }
    virtual Base* clone() const = 0;
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const = 0;
    virtual ~Base();

    static int count;

    Base(const char* typename);
    Base(const Base& base);

    char* typename_;

Base::Base(const char* typename) {
    const char* tname = (typename) ? typename : "unknown";
    strcpy(typename_ = new char[strlen(tname) + 1], tname);

Base::Base(const Base& base) {
        typename_ = new char[strlen(base.typename_) + 1], base.typename_

Base::~Base() {
    delete[] typename_;

// First derived class. 
class Derived1 : public Base {
    Derived1(int data) : Base("derived1"), data_(data) { }
    Derived1(const Derived1& d) : Base("derived1"), data_( { }
    virtual ~Derived1()        { }
    virtual Base* clone() const { return new Derived1(*this); }
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const;
    int data() const { return data_; }
    int data_;

virtual void Derived1::identify(ostream& os) const {
    os << "(" << typename() << " " << data() << ")";

// Second derived class. 
class Derived2 : public Base {
    Derived2(int data) : Base("derived2"), data_(data) { }
    Derived2(const Derived2& d) : Base("derived2"), data_( { }
    virtual ~Derived2()        { }
    virtual Base* clone() const { return new Derived2(*this); }
    virtual void identify(ostream& os) const;
    int data() const { return data_; }
    int data_;

virtual void Derived2::identify(ostream& os) const {
    os << "(" << typename() << " " << data() << ")";

// now define a templated pointer wrapper. The class must support the
// clone() method.
template <class T>
class PtrWrapper {
    PtrWrapper(T* t_ptr = 0) : t_ptr_(t_ptr) { }
    PtrWrapper(const PtrWrapper<T>& w) {
        t_ptr_ = w() ? w()->clone() : 0;
    ~PtrWrapper() { delete t_ptr_; }
    const T* operator()()  const { return t_ptr_; }
    T* operator()()  { return t_ptr_; }
    PtrWrapper<T>& operator= (const PtrWrapper<T>& w) {
        delete t_ptr_;
        t_ptr_ = w()->clone();
        return *this;
    T* t_ptr_;

template <class T>
bool operator== (const PtrWrapper<T>& w1, const PtrWrapper<T>& w2) {
    return false;

template <class T>
bool operator< (const PtrWrapper<T>& w1, const PtrWrapper<T>& w2) {
    return false;

// end of class defs.

// define static members.
int Base::count = 0;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<PtrWrapper<Base> > list1;
    list1.push_back(PtrWrapper<Base> (new Derived1(101)));
    list1.push_back(PtrWrapper<Base> (new Derived2(201)));
    list1.push_back(PtrWrapper<Base> (new Derived2(202)));
    list1.push_back(PtrWrapper<Base> (new Derived1(102)));
    list1.push_back(PtrWrapper<Base> (new Derived2(203)));

    list<PtrWrapper<Base> >::const_iterator it = list1.begin();
    for(; it != list1.end(); ++it) {
        const PtrWrapper<Base>& w = *it;
        cerr << " ";
    cerr << endl << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:

(derived1 101) (derived2 201) (derived2 202) (derived1 102) (derived2 203) 

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Checking for an item in a map

This is from a bug we found in our code a while back.
    typedef Map<int, X*, less<int> > XMap;
    XMap xmap;
    // populate xmap will what-not.
    const X* xx = xmap[5];
    if (xx == 0) {			// not in map.
    } else {

looks pretty innocuous, but what really happens is that a new entry for xmap[5] is created and gets stuffed with a NULL pointer which causes amazing amount of headache 10,000 lines of code later. The right way of course (and documented in the fine manual) is the following:

    typedef Map<int, X*, less<int> > XMap;
    XMap xmap;
    // populate xmap will what-not.
    XMap::const_iterator it = xmap.find(5);
    if (it == xmap.end()) {		// not in map.
    } else {

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More on evils of char*: Phone-book example

Motto: Never use char* if you can help it! See the following buggy example:
#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

typedef map<char*, unsigned long, less<char*> > Phonebook;

static void print_phbook(ostream& os, const Phonebook& map_) {
    for(Phonebook::const_iterator i = map_.begin(); i != map_.end(); ++i) {
        os << "\t(" << (*i).first << " " << (*i).second << ") " << endl;

static void change_phno(
    Phonebook& phbook, const char* name, unsigned long phno
) {
    char buf[1024];
    strcpy(buf, name);
    phbook[(char*)buf] = phno;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    Phonebook phbook;

    phbook[(char*)"grumpy"] = 5551212;
    phbook[(char*)"sleepy"] = 5552121;
    phbook[(char*)"gandhi"] = 5554242;

    cerr << "==> Initial phone book" << endl;
    print_phbook(cerr, phbook);
    cerr << endl;

    change_phno(phbook, "grumpy", 9995152);

    cerr << "==> Grumpy moved. The new number is 9995152" << endl;
    print_phbook(cerr, phbook);
    cerr << endl;

    char buf[1024];
    strcpy(buf, "grumpy");
    phbook[(char*)buf] = 7621212;

    cerr << "==> Grumpy moved again! latest number 7621212" << endl;
    print_phbook(cerr, phbook);
    cerr << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output (might even dump core with some STL implementations):

==> Initial phone book
	(grumpy 5551212) 
	(sleepy 5552121) 
	(gandhi 5554242) 

==> Grumpy moved. The new number is 9995152
	(grumpy 5551212) 
	(sleepy 5552121) 
	(gandhi 5554242) 
	( 9995152) 

==> Grumpy moved again! latest number 7621212
	(grumpy 5551212) 
	(sleepy 5552121) 
	(gandhi 5554242) 
	( 9995152) 
	(grumpy 7621212) 

Hmmm... two grumpy's and a number without a name!
Pointers and STL
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Predicates, Comparators and General Functions

STL containers and algorithms make heavy use of function objects that are either provided by STL (eg., less<T>) or by the user. These function objects typically fall in 3 different categories:
  1. Predicates: boolean function. Especially useful for algorithms that end in _if, such as count_if, find_if, replace_if, etc.
  2. Comparator: boolean function. Useful for ordered containers, such as map<T>, priority_queue<T>, etc.
  3. General functions: functions that operate on objects, but do not necessarily return a value, and if they do, it could be anything.

Predicates: what and how

Jim Jackl-Mochel <> sent me the following note on using the find algorithm:
     First off. thank you for maintaining such a useful page on STL. It has 
     filled the documentation gap for me twice when I could'nt figure out 
     the Modena manual !

     A question that I cannot get a handle on yet is how to search for 
     element in a list without passing the full element in..

     Example: If I have a list or vector of regions which contain a pointer 
     to a buffer.


     and Region has a method for determining whether or not it contains a 
     specific pointer in memory. 
     bool Region::Contains(Byte* Bfr)
     What I thought I should be able to do is use 
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), Byte* BfrToBeSearchedFor);
     or something like it.
     But STL (in my probably limited understanding) seems to require that I 
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), RegionToBeSearchedFor);
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), ComparisonFunction);
     Neither of which appears to answer my needs.
     If you have any suggestions on how this would be tackled please put 
     them in your Newbie guide. If not I will try posting to comp.lang.c++.
     Thank you again.
     Jim Jackl-Mochel

The first thing to note is that the appropriate algorithm to use is find_if, not find; now, we also need to supply a predicate (has_buffer shown below) that will do the right thing. The following solution works in this case:

    class Region {
	// ...
	bool Contains(Byte* Bfr) const;
	// ...

    list<Region> regions;
    // populate regions with all the Region objects containing unique
    // Byte* elements, one of which may contain the Byte* you're looking
    // for.


    // find the region which contains the given buffer pointer bufferp;
    // first, let's define the appropriate comparator fct.

    struct has_buffer {
	Byte* buffer_;
	has_buffer(const Byte* buffer) : buffer_(buffer) { }
	bool operator()(const Region& region) const {
	    return region.Contains(buffer_);

    list<Region>::const_iterator it = find_if(regions.begin(), 
	regions.end(), has_buffer(BfrToBeSearchedFor)

    if (it == regions.end()) {
	// not found
    } else {
	// found it
	const Byte* Bfr = *it;
	// ...

Notice the use of find_if, which takes a predicate that you can supply to find the element.

Comparators: what and how

Comparators are typically used for sorting/ordering container objects such as the one used by the sort algorithm. More often than not, the STL provided comparators (eg., less<T>, greater<T>, etc), which in turn invoke the < operator, are sufficient; there are cases, however, where you need to supply custom comparators to get the job done. Let's take the following example:
    deque<int*> deque1;
    // populate deque1

    // now sort. (THIS IS INCORRECT)
    sort(deque1.begin(), dequeu1.end());

In the code sample above, the sort algorithm will use the default less<int*> function object to do the ordering and the result is obviously not the guranteed to be correct. There are two different approaches we can take -- define a set of comparator functions that work on pointers by dereferencing the arguments first (ala ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit>), define a "dereferencing" function object that works on unary and binary functions.

The following example shows how to do a custom pointer comparator.

    bool intp_less(const int* i1, const int* i2) {
	return *i1 < *i2;

    sort(deque1.begin(), dequeu1.end(), intp_less);

Or, we can use a bit more structured method:
    template <class BinaryFunction>
    class binary_dereference : binary_function<
	    const BinaryFunction& func = BinaryFunction()
	) : func_(func) { }
	BinaryFunction::result_type operator() (
	    BinaryFunction::first_argument_type* const& x,
	    BinaryFunction::second_argument_type* const& y
	) const {
	    return func_(*x, *y);
	BinaryFunction func_;

    template <class BinaryFunction>
    inline binary_dereference<BinaryFunction>
    dereference2 (const BinaryFunction& func) 
	return binary_dereference<BinaryFunction>(func);

    // populate deque<int*>

    deque<int*> deque1;

    // now we sort ...
	deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), 
	binary_dereference<less<int> > (less<int>())

    // or use the adapter
	deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), 
	dereference2 (less<int> ())

To use a set, you could always do the following:
    typedef binary_dereference<less<int> > ip_compare;
    typedef set<int*, ip_compare> ip_set;

Or, the following is even more structured:
    template <class BinaryFunction, class Modifier>
    class binary_arg_modifier : binary_function<
	    const BinaryFunction& func = BinaryFunction(),
	    const Modifier& modifier = Modifier()
	) : func_(func), modifier_(modifier) { }
	BinaryFunction::result_type operator() (
	    const Modifier::argument_type& x,
	    const Modifier::argument_type& y
	) const {
	    return func_(modifier_(x), modifier_(y));
	BinaryFunction func_;
	Modifier modifier_;

    template <class BinaryFunction, class Modifier>
    inline binary_arg_modifier<BinaryFunction, Modifier>
    arg_modifier2 (const BinaryFunction& func, const Modifier& modifier) 
	return binary_arg_modifier<BinaryFunction, Modifier>(func, modifier);

    template <class T>
    struct dereference : unary_function<T*, T> {
	T operator() (const T* x) const { return *x; }

    // populate deque<int*>

    deque<int*> deque1;

    // now we sort ...

	deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), 
	binary_arg_modifier< less<int>, dereference<int>  > ()

    // or use the adapter
	deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), 
	arg_modifier2 (less<int> (), dereference<int> ())

You can of course use for set, map, etc as well.
    typedef binary_arg_modifier< less<int>, dereference<int> > ip_compare;
    typedef set<int*, ip_compare> ip_set;
    ip_set set1;

General Functions: what and how

General functions are useful when you want to operate on each of the objects in a container in sequence, for example using for_each algorithm. Let's say, we have a list of appointments and every day we'd like to print out the ones for that day are. Here's a tentative approach:
    class Appointment {
	// define all the usual members ...

	bool today(Date const& date) const;
	// private stuff here.

    typedef list<Appointment> Appointments;
    Appointments appt_book;

    // define a general function 
    void print_todays_appt(Appointment& const appt) {
	if (

    // and here's how it's used.

    for_each(appt_book.begin(), appt_book.end(), print_todays_appt);

Another common scenario is when you would like to modify each of the container elements within a given range; eg., let's say you would like to negate all the elements of the list. The following code shows how:

    // define an appropriate algorithm that will modify the element
    // in place calling the supplied function object.
    template <class OutputIterator, class UnaryOperation>
    void modify_element(OutputIterator first, OutputIterator last,
			     UnaryOperation op) {
	while (first != last) {
	    *first = op(*first);
    list<int> list1;
    // populate list1 with what-not.

    modify_element(list1.begin(), list1.end(), negate<int>());

Predicates, Comparators and General Functions
Back to index

STL iterators

what does iterator::end() return?

For any STL (compliant) container, iterator::end() points to a location one beyond the last item in the container, and hence is an "invalid pointer"; iterator::end() does not point to the last item in the container, rather it points to the location where the next item would go into the container if you were to use push_back.

Why point beyond the end of the container? Why not point at the last item? The reason is quite simple: Remember that STL containers emulate (or try to as faithfully as possible) C pointer semantic and end() returns the equivalent of C 0 pointer.

Consider how else you would do the following if end() instead returned the last item in the container.

	MyMap::const_iterator it = my_map.find(key);
	if (it == my_map.end())


	bool empty(const STL_Container& container) {
	    return container.begin() == container.end();

STL iterators
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Const'ness of iterators

Make sure that iterators follow the const'ness (or lack thereof) of the containers. Most compilers utter absolutely confusing errors messages when you try to use a non-const iterator with a const container. Consider the following:
#include <stl.h>

void foo(const list<int>& list1) {
    list<int>::iterator it = list1.begin();
    for(; it != list1.end(); ++it) {

and here's the error message from GNU C++ 2.6.3:

g++ -g -I/usr/local/ospace -I/usr/local/ospace/include  -c -o const_iterator.o In function `void foo(const class list<int> &)': no matching function for call to `list_iterator<int>::list_iterator<int> (list_const_iterator<int>)'
/usr/local/ospace/ospace/stl/list.h:5: candidates are: list_iterator<int>::list_iterator(const list_iterator<int> &)
/usr/local/ospace/ospace/stl/list.h:79:                 list_iterator<int>::list_iterator()
/usr/local/ospace/ospace/stl/list.h:131:                 list_iterator<int>::list_iterator(os_list_node<int> *) in base initialization for class `list_iterator<int>' no conversion from `list_iterator<int>' and `list_const_iterator<int>' to types with default `operator !=' 
gmake: *** [const_iterator.o] Error 1

Of course the correct way is to use list<int>::const_iterator instead as shown here:

#include <stl.h>

void foo(const list<int>& list1) {
    list<int>::const_iterator it = list1.begin();
    for(; it != list1.end(); ++it) {

Using iterator tags

On occasion, it is useful to dispatch based on the iterator type (mostly due to efficiency in my experience). Iterators provide a mechanism called iterator_category that allows to overload or specialize based on what kind of iterator it is. Let's take the STL sort algorithm for example; it's is specified to work only containers that provide random-access iterators, which leaves list out of it since list only provides bidirectional iterators. The following variation of sort, hereby dubbed generalized_sort lets you sort any container. Note the use of value_type as well.
// slightly modified STL standard sort() algorithm to not exclude 
// containers that do not support Random Access Iterators. Uses the 
// same interface as HP reference sort(first, last) interface.
// This code used with libg++ STL tweaks the infamous "template 
// unification failed" problem in all version of, so caveat emptore. 
// OS STL<ToolKit> works around this gcc problem.
// Mumit Khan <>
#include <stl.h>

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
inline void __generalized_sort (
    RandomAccessIterator first, 
    RandomAccessIterator last,
) {
    sort(first, last);

// highly inefficient, but proves the point.
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class T>
inline void __generalized_sort (
    BidirectionalIterator first, 
    BidirectionalIterator last,
) {
    deque<T> deque1;
    copy(first, last, back_inserter(deque1));
    sort(deque1.begin(), deque1.end());
    copy(deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), first);

template <class BidirectionalIterator>
inline void generalized_sort (
    BidirectionalIterator first, 
    BidirectionalIterator last
) {
        first, last, iterator_category(first), value_type(first)

STL iterators
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Miscellaneous examples/notes

Copy between lists: right way and wrong way

When using copy, remove_copy, et al algorithms that potentially copy from one sequence to another, make sure the target container is at least as large as the resultant container is likely to get. You have to be extra careful when copying from one list (populated) to another (just defined, so unpopulated).

Consider the following:

   list<int> list1;
   // populate list1 with what-not.
   list<int> list2;
   copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), list2.begin());  

   // this works because back_list_iterator invokes push_back() which
   // dynamically resizes the list as appropriate. Note that if the
   // target were a set, inserter would've been
   // the appropriate one.
   copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), back_list_iterator<int> (list2));

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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Copy between maps

Must use an insert_iterator that uses an auxiliary iterator.
#include <stl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream.h>

typedef map<int, float, less<int> > MyMap;

void dump_map(ostream& os, const MyMap& map_) {
    for(MyMap::const_iterator i = map_.begin(); i != map_.end(); ++i) {
        os << "(" << (*i).first << " " << (*i).second << ") ";

int main(int, char*[]) {
    MyMap map1;
    for(int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
        map1[i] = sqrt(i);
    MyMap map2;
    for(i = 10; i < 15; ++i)
        map2[i] = sqrt(i);

    cerr << "==> Map1" << endl;
    dump_map(cerr, map1);
    cerr << endl << endl;
    cerr << "==> Map2" << endl;
    dump_map(cerr, map2);
    cerr << endl << endl;

    copy(map2.begin(), map2.end(), 
        insert_iterator<MyMap> (map1, map1.begin())
    cerr << "==> Map1 += Map2" << endl;
    dump_map(cerr, map1);
    cerr << endl << endl;
    return 0;

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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Adaptors in STL: not1, stack, queue, etc

The adaptors in STL fall in 2 general categories: function adaptors and data type adaptors.

  1. Function adaptors
  2. Data type adaptors

Function adaptors

Study the adaptors, such as not1(). These are wonderful to create new algorithms. bind2nd, bind1st are great.

For example, you can create copy_if from remove_copy_if by negating the predicate that you supply to remove_copy_if().

    // fill up a list with some numbers.
    const int list1[] = {18, 3, 21, 3, 24, 3};
    const int npoints = sizeof(list1)/sizeof(list1[0]);

    cout << endl << "===> Initial list" << endl;
    ostream_iterator<int> citer(cout, "\n");
    copy(list1, list1 + npoints, citer);

    // create a new sequence with all elements but 3's from list1. Note
    // that we initialize the result container to be as large as the
    // original one and use a simple output iterator.
    cout << endl << "===> Removing all 3's" << endl;
    list<int> list2(npoints);
    list<int>::iterator iter = remove_copy_if(
	list1, list1 + npoints, list2.begin(),
	bind2nd(equal_to<int> (), 3)
    copy(list2.begin(), iter, citer);
    cout << "===" << endl;

    // create a new sequence with all elements from list1, but 3's. Note
    // that we use a front_insert_iterator in this case.
    cout << endl << "===> Removing all but 3's" << endl;
    list<int> list3;
    front_insert_iterator<list<int> > out_iter(list3);
    iter = remove_copy_if(
	list1, list1 + npoints, out_iter,
	not1 (bind2nd(equal_to<int> (), 3))
    copy(list3.begin(), iter, citer);
    cout << "===" << endl;

Data type adaptors

Stack, Queue, Priority Queue fall in this category; these adaptors allow you to use one of the existing container types that provide certain semantics, such as push_back, push_front methods or support specific type of iterator such as random_access_iterator, as Stacks and Queues. For example, you can use either a list or a deque as the underlying container for both stack and queue, but you cannot use a list for priority_queue because list does not support a random_access_iterator needed by priority_queue (use a deque or a vector instead).

Performance Note: When you have a choice between a list and a dequeu for some adaptor, I have found dequeu to give better, and in some cases, much better, performance.

  1. Stack
  2. Queue
  3. Priority Queue


You can use any container that supports push_back and pop_back methods; eg, list, deque, and vector.

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main () {
    typedef stack<deque<int> > IntStack;
    IntStack istack;
    istack.push (31);
    istack.push (87);
    istack.push (13);
    istack.push (29);
    while (!istack.empty ()) {
        cout << () << endl;
        istack.pop ();
    return 0;

And the output:



You can use any container that supports push_back and pop_front methods; eg, list and deque.

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main () {
    typedef queue<deque<int> > IntQueue;
    IntQueue iqueue;
    iqueue.push (31);
    iqueue.push (87);
    iqueue.push (13);
    iqueue.push (29);
    while (!iqueue.empty()) {
        cout << iqueue.front() << endl;
        iqueue.pop ();
    return 0;

And the output:


Priority Queue

You can use any container that supports push_back and pop_back methods and supports a random access iterator; eg, vector and deque.

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

int main () {
    typedef priority_queue<deque<int>, less<int> > IntPQueue;
    IntPQueue ipqueue;
    ipqueue.push (31);
    ipqueue.push (87);
    ipqueue.push (13);
    ipqueue.push (29);
    while (!ipqueue.empty()) {
        cout << << endl;
    return 0;

And the output:


Miscellaneous examples/notes
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remove vs erase

When using algorithms such as remove to remove element from a sequential container, one must also erase the invalidated items from the container. remove does not change the size of the container. The following example shows what kind of surprise this can bring about.

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

static bool even(int i) {
    return i % 2 == 0;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<int> list1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        list1.push_back(i * i);

    ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, " ");
    cout << "==> Initial list (x(i) = i**2):              [";
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), out);
    cout << "]" << endl;

    list<int>::iterator end = remove_if(list1.begin(), list1.end(), even);

    cout << "==> After removing even numbers (Surprise!): [";
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), out);
    cout << "]" << endl;

    list1.erase(end, list1.end());

    cout << "==> After erasing removed numbers:           [";
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), out);
    cout << "]" << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:

==> Initial list (x(i) = i**2):              [0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 ]
==> After removing even numbers (Surprise!): [1 9 25 49 81 25 36 49 64 81 ]
==> After erasing removed numbers:           [1 9 25 49 81 ]

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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List of List's in STL

There was a post in c.l.c++ inquiring how to iterate through the members of a list when the members are also lists. The following code snippet shows how (there is nothing special about a list of lists).
// Sample STL program to show how to iterate thru list of list's.
#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

// convenience typedefs to save typing.
typedef list<int> List;
typedef list<List> ListOfList;

void print_list(const List& list1, int id) {
    ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, " ");
    cout << "list " << id << ": ";
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), out);
    cout << endl;

int main () {
    ListOfList list_of_list1;

    // create the list of list: total of 3 lists, each with 4 members.
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        List list1;
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
            list1.push_back(i * 4 + j);
        print_list(list1, i+1);

    cout << endl;

    // now iterator thru list of lists.
    ListOfList::iterator it = list_of_list1.begin();
    for(int j = 1; it != list_of_list1.end(); ++it, ++j) {
        const List& list1 = *it;
        print_list(list1, j);

    return 0;

And the output:

list 1: 0 1 2 3 
list 2: 4 5 6 7 
list 3: 8 9 10 11 

list 1: 0 1 2 3 
list 2: 4 5 6 7 
list 3: 8 9 10 11 

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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Sorting an STL container

STL provides a sort algorithm to sort any container that support random access iterators, such as vector and deque. For the containers that do not support random access iterators, such as list, STL containers typically have a sort member function that does the job. If you'd rather have a single sort algorithm that will do the job regardless of the iterator type, see here for an example.

There are 2 things to look out for:

  1. For containers that support random-access iterators, use the STL sort algorithm which uses quicksort.
  2. If your container objects are non-trivial, you should arm your container object with the appropriate constructors and comparison operators. See here for more info.

Sorting list of user-defined objects

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stl.h>
#include <string.h>

inline char* strnew(const char* str) {
    char* newstr = 0;
    if (str) {
        newstr = new char[strlen(str) + 1];
        strcpy(newstr, str);
    return newstr;

struct ListElem {
    int id_;
    char* name_;
    ListElem() :
    { }
    ListElem(const ListElem& elem) :
    { }
    ListElem(int id, const char* name) :
    { }
    ~ListElem() { 
        delete[] name_;
    ListElem& operator= (const ListElem& elem) {
        id_ = elem.id_;
        delete[] name_;
        name_ = strnew(elem.name_);
    bool operator< (const ListElem& elem) const {
        return id_ < elem.id_;
    bool operator== (const ListElem& elem) const {
        return id_ == elem.id_;
    void print(ostream& os) const {
        os << "(" << id_ << " " << name_ << ")";

void print_list(ostream& os, const list<ListElem>& list1) {
        list<ListElem>::const_iterator it = list1.begin();
        it != list1.end();
    ) {
        const ListElem& elem = *it;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<ListElem> list1;
    list1.push_back(ListElem(5, strnew("5")));
    list1.push_back(ListElem(0, strnew("0")));
    list1.push_back(ListElem(99, strnew("99")));
    list1.push_back(ListElem(-1, strnew("-1")));
    list1.push_back(ListElem(31, strnew("31")));

    cerr << "Initial list: ";
    print_list(cerr, list1);
    cerr << endl;

    // cannot use sort(list1.begin(), list1.end()) here; instead, must use
    // sort() member of list class. Hint: lists don't support random access 
    // iterators.

    cerr << " Sorted list: ";
    print_list(cerr, list1);
    cerr << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:
% ./stl-list-sort
Initial list: (5 "5")(0 "0")(99 "99")(-1 "-1")(31 "31")
 Sorted list: (-1 "-1")(0 "0")(5 "5")(31 "31")(99 "99")

Sorting an STL container
Back to index

Sorting vector of user-defined objects

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stl.h>
#include <string.h>

inline char* strnew(const char* str) {
    char* newstr = 0;
    if (str) {
        newstr = new char[strlen(str) + 1];
        strcpy(newstr, str);
    return newstr;

struct ListElem {
    int id_;
    char* name_;
    ListElem() :
    { }
    ListElem(const ListElem& elem) :
    { }
    ListElem(int id, const char* name) :
    { }
    ~ListElem() { 
        delete[] name_;
    ListElem& operator= (const ListElem& elem) {
        id_ = elem.id_;
        delete[] name_;
        name_ = strnew(elem.name_);
    bool operator< (const ListElem& elem) const {
        return id_ < elem.id_;
    bool operator== (const ListElem& elem) const {
        return id_ == elem.id_;
    void print(ostream& os) const {
        os << "(" << id_ << " " << name_ << ")";

void print_vector(ostream& os, const vector<ListElem>& vector1) {
        vector<ListElem>::const_iterator it = vector1.begin();
        it != vector1.end();
    ) {
        const ListElem& elem = *it;

int main(int, char*[]) {
    vector<ListElem> vector1;
    vector1.push_back(ListElem(5, strnew("5")));
    vector1.push_back(ListElem(0, strnew("0")));
    vector1.push_back(ListElem(99, strnew("99")));
    vector1.push_back(ListElem(-1, strnew("-1")));
    vector1.push_back(ListElem(31, strnew("31")));

    cerr << "Initial vector: ";
    print_vector(cerr, vector1);
    cerr << endl;

    sort(vector1.begin(), vector1.end());

    cerr << " Sorted vector: ";
    print_vector(cerr, vector1);
    cerr << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:
% ./stl-list-sort
Initial list: (5 "5")(0 "0")(99 "99")(-1 "-1")(31 "31")
 Sorted list: (-1 "-1")(0 "0")(5 "5")(31 "31")(99 "99")

Sorting an STL container
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Shuffling a deck of cards

Someone asked how to shuffle a deck of cards in c.l.c++ and a few days and there were lots correct (but long) answers using all sorts of tricks to avoid duplicate numbers in the random sequence produced. Here's a simple one using STL random_shuffle. To do it right, however, you should have a look at the random_shuffle (especially iter_swap) and make sure the seed is dynamically chosen (eg., use the current clock value) instead of the hard coded seed value used in most STL implementations.

#include <stl.h>                // or individual includes if you like
#include <iostream.h>

int main(int, char*[]) {
    const unsigned ncards = 5;
    int cards[ncards];
    for(int i = 0; i < ncards; ++i) {
        cards[i] = i + 1;

    // print out the initial list (should be 1 ... ncards).
    ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, " ");
    cout << "initial: ";
    copy(cards, cards + ncards, out);
    cout << endl;

    // shuffle and print out the shuffled list 
    random_shuffle(cards, cards + ncards);
    cout << "shuffled: ";
    copy(cards, cards + ncards, out);
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output:

initial: 1 2 3 4 5 
shuffled: 3 1 5 2 4 

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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Deducing type from iterator

Sometimes it is useful to be able to deduce the type of the container element given only the iterator(s) to the container in question. There is a global function, value_type, just for this purpose. The following code snippet shows the usage:
    template <class InputIterator, class T>
    void __do_something(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T*) {
	T tmp;
	// now we can create variables of type T!
    template <class InputIterator>
    void do_something(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
        __do_something(first, last, value_type(first));

Miscellaneous examples/notes
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Persistent STL

I'm making available an extremely simple and crude implementation of Persistent STL using libg++-2.6.2 hacked STL as the base implementation. Send me email if you'd like to know more about it. My current prototype is based on Texas Persistent Store v0.3 from UT-Austin OOPS research group. Click here for a GNU zip'd and tar'd copy of the current prototype (v0.1.1).

Persistent STL
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A look at ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit>

[A slightly modified excerpt from one of my postings in c.l.c++]

I've been using ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit> with gcc-2.6.3 quite heavily in the last few weeks and it turns out to be pretty solid. You obviously only get what GCC supports, but ObjectSpace did a pretty good job in squeezing out everything possible out of GCC in their implementation. I've run into a few problems (other than the well-known ones mentioned in the release notes), but there are easy work-arounds. Recently I have switched to ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit< with GCC 2.7.0.

GCC 2.7.0 users: ObjectSpace is providing bug fixes for STL <ToolKit> version 1.1 to make it work GCC 2.7.0. Please get in touch with ObjectSpace tehnical support for more information on how to acquire the fixes.

If you're using GCC 2.6.3, two things before you start:

If you're using GCC 2.7.0, two things before you start:

Things in favor of ObjectSpace implementation:

Not so good: Good and bad: overall, it's definitely worth the money.
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Template instantiation with GCC

If you have templated code (eg., when using STL) and you're stuck with GCC, there are three ``somewhat portable'' ways to go (I don't like weird #pragma directives that are compiler specific):

Until I upgraded to GCC 2.7.0, I had been using the first method when starting a new project and then migrate to the second one. Now with the repository mechanism, I hardly ever do any manual instantiation.

Visibility of template definitions

One major complication with GCC is that all the template definitions must be visible at the point of instantiation (which may not be the case with Borland, but I wouldn't know about that), and if you have the template class members defined in a .cc file that is not included in the declaration file (.h), then you'll get undefined errors. The simple trick there is to conditionally include the .cc file in the template header .h file with some preprocessor directive that gets set for compilers like gcc. Take the following example:

=== template.h
template <class T> 
class XX {
    XX(T t) : t_(t) { }
    T value() const;		// declaration only, defn not inline.
    T t_;

#include "template.h"

template <class T>
T XX<T>::value() const {
    return t_;


#include <iostream.h>
#include "template.h"

int main (int, char*[]) {
    XX<int> xx(5);
    cerr << "value = " << xx.value() << endl;
    return 0;

This will *NOT* work for gcc unless you also include at the end of template.h. You'll get undefined error that looks something like:

    ld: Undefined symbol
	XX<int>::value(void) const
    collect2: ld returned 2 exit status

To get around this, you can always do the following:

=== template.h
template <class T>
class XX {
    XX(T t) : t_(t) { }
    T value() const;
    T t_;

# include ""

and somewhere else (config.h or via makefile), define the cpp symbol INCLUDE_TEMPLATE_DEFINITION when using GCC. Or something like the following should work as well:
#if __GNUC__ <= 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 7

Now gcc will be able to do what you need since it can see the definition when it tries to instantiate XX<int> in
Visibility of template definitions
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Manual instantiation of templates with GCC

Let's start with a trivial program, where a list is the only STL data type used, specifically list<int>. For the examples here, I'm assuming ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit> with GCC 2.6.3 appropriately patched with Jason Merrill template fix (the same idea applies to FSF/GNU STL, but the particular set of templates that need to be instantiated may differ due to implementation differences).

Here's a trivial test program:

#include <stl.h>                // include everything for simplicity.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<int> list1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    return 0;

Now running the following compile/link commands:

(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS and STL_LIBS depend on your system).

% g++ -fno-implicit-templates -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -o f1 f1.o $(STL_LIBS) |& c++filt 
ld: Undefined symbol 
   list<int>::push_back(int const &) 
collect2: ld returned 2 exit status
gmake: *** [f1] Error 1

So all we have to do is to instantiate the members of list<int> listed above. But the problem is that GCC doesn't allow instantiating individual members, so we'll simply instantiate ALL the members for now (until GCC fixes it).

so now I can create a file

#include <stl.h>

template class list<int>;

and compile this w/out -fno-implicit-templates option and link it with f1.o and we're in business.
% g++ -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS) template-inst.c
% g++ -o f1 f1.o template-inst.o $(STL_LIBS) |& c++filt 
% ./f1

Note that using -fno-implicit-templates on the manual instantiation file will get you into lots of trouble. Try it and see. Something to do with some of the static indirect template functions that don't get instantiated indirectly when using -fno-implicit-templates flag.

Now for a bit of reality. Let's say you are going to use the following templated data types in STL:

and the following algorithms:

#include <stl.h>                // include everything for simplicity.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int, char*[]) {
    deque<int> deque1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

    ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, " ");
    cout << "==> Deque1: ";
    copy(deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), out);
    cout << endl << endl;

    list<int> list1;
    copy(deque1.begin(), deque1.end(), 
        back_insert_iterator<list<int> > (list1)

    cout << "==> List1: ";
    copy(list1.begin(), list1.end(), out);
    cout << endl << endl;

    // This nested (within main) struct is going to cause problems later
    // on.
    struct FooBar {
        void operator() (int val) const {
            cout << " " << val;
    cout << "==> For_each List1: ";
    for_each(list1.begin(), list1.end(), FooBar());
    cout << endl << endl;

    return 0;

% g++ -fno-implicit-templates -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -o f2 f2.o $(STL_LIBS) |& c++filt 
ld: Undefined symbol 
   copy(list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>) 
   copy(deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>) 
   copy(deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, back_insert_iterator<list<int> >) 
   ostream_iterator<int>::ostream_iterator(ostream &, char *) 
   for_each(list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, main::FooBar) 
   back_insert_iterator<list<int> >::back_insert_iterator(list<int> &) 
   deque<int>::push_back(int const &) 
collect2: ld returned 2 exit status
gmake: *** [f2] Error 1

Note the for_each instantiation -- we cannot manually instantiate it because of the main::FooBar, so we simply move FooBar to file scope (not shown here) and redo the compile and link commands.

After moving FooBar to file scope in

% g++ -fno-implicit-templates -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -o f2 f2.o $(STL_LIBS) |& c++filt 
ld: Undefined symbol 
   copy(list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>) 
   copy(deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>) 
   copy(deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, back_insert_iterator<list<int> >) 
   ostream_iterator<int>::ostream_iterator(ostream &, char *) 
   for_each(list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, FooBar) 
   back_insert_iterator<list<int> >::back_insert_iterator(list<int> &) 
   deque<int>::push_back(int const &) 
collect2: ld returned 2 exit status
gmake: *** [f2] Error 1

Now create our file:

#include <stl.h>
#include <iostream.h>

template class list<int>;
template class list_iterator<int>;
template class back_insert_iterator<list<int> >;

template class ostream_iterator<int>;

template class deque<int>;
template class deque_iterator<int>;

template void copy(
    list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>

template void copy(
    deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, ostream_iterator<int>

template void copy(
    deque_iterator<int>, deque_iterator<int>, back_insert_iterator<list<int> >

struct FooBar {
    void operator() (int val) const {
        cout << " " << val;
template void for_each(list_iterator<int>, list_iterator<int>, FooBar); 

% g++ -fno-implicit-templates -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -o f2 f2.o template-inst.o $(STL_LIBS) |& c++filt 
% ./f2

==> Deque1: 1103527590 377401575 662824084 1147902781 2035015474 368800899 1508029952 486256185 1062517886 267834847 

==> List1: 1103527590 377401575 662824084 1147902781 2035015474 368800899 1508029952 486256185 1062517886 267834847 

==> For_each List1:  1103527590 377401575 662824084 1147902781 2035015474 368800899 1508029952 486256185 1062517886 267834847

Manual instantiation of templates with GCC
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Using GCC 2.7.0 template repository mechanism

Let's start with a trivial program, where a list is the only STL data type used, specifically list<int>. For the examples here, I'm assuming ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit> with GCC 2.7.0 appropriately patched with Jason Merrill template frepo patch. It should also work just fine with any other STL implementation that happens to work with GCC.

A trivial example: building a simple standalone application

Here's a trivial test program:

#include <stl.h>                // include everything for simplicity.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int, char*[]) {
    list<int> list1;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    return 0;

Now running the following compile/link commands:

(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS and STL_LIBS depend on your system).

% g++ -frepo -c $(STL_INCLUDE_DIRS)
% g++ -frepo -o f1 f1.o $(STL_LIBS) 
collect: recompiling
collect: relinking
collect: recompiling
collect: relinking
collect: recompiling
collect: relinking

And Voila! Granted, the first time you better go to lunch during build, but the subsequent times are much faster. How does it work? Quick answer: look in the build directory for f1.rpo and study it. You can get a good feel for what's happenning here by doing the following:

If you'd like a longer explanation, read the source code :-)

Providing library closure(s)

Let's say you're building a library with n C++ source files and you would like to provide template closure so that the clients do not have to worry about instantiating templates used in/by the library code. The simplest method is the following:
    build all the object files needed to build the library using the 
    -frepo option
% gcc $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -frepo -o closure $(OBJS)
collect: recompiling
collect: relinking
collect: recompiling
collect: relinking
    Whole bunch of error messages about unresolved stuff -- ignore
% ar crv libxyz.a $(OBJS)
% ranlib libxyz.a

Here the link step forces the instantiation of the templates used within the library and rebuilds the .o files. Now the clients have to provide the instantiation for only those templates that library does not directly use.
[Thanks to Jason Merrill for this info]

This forced instantiation is fortunately quite extendible; consider the following case:

The fix is quite simple:

Using GCC 2.7.0 template repository mechanism
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An example combined <stl.h> file

// Suck in the entire (HP implementation derived) STL.
// This is very helpful for beginners, and one gets more familiar with
// STL, it's easy to figure out which headers to include. Also, different
// implementations might have different header names, eg., ObjectSpace
// has <algorith.h> and HP has <algo.h> Go figure.

#ifndef STL_H
#define STL_H

#include <algo.h>
#include <function.h>
#include <iterator.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <deque.h>
#include <map.h>
#include <pair.h>
#include <set.h>
#include <stack.h>
#include <vector.h>


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Internet resources available

Free STL implementations:
  1. SGI STL: Freely available STL implementation from SGI. Lots of useful links to other STL sites as well. A site to visit for all STL enthusiasts.
  2. HP: This supposedly compiles with Borland C++ 4.5 out of the box. An alternate site is here .
  3. FSF/GNU libg++ 2.6.2: Works with GCC 2.6.3 or newer. Based on Carsten Bormann's work.
  4. FSF/GNU libg++ 2.7.0a: Works with GCC 2.7.0 or newer. Based on Carsten Bormann's work.
  5. Bagnara: Another hacked STL based on HP implementation (modified GNU sources). Works with GCC 2.6.3 or newer.

C++ draft standard document:

  1. HTML version of the DWP (courtesy of Mike Stump of Cygnus Support).
  2. PDF and Postscript versions from Bell Labs ftp site.

Web pages/FTP sites with info on STL:

  1. ObjectSpace examples: ObjectSpace has contributed over 300 examples to the public domain and these are a very good start for beginners.
  2. Joseph Y. Laurino's STL page.
  3. Musser's STL docs and examples. Very nice.
  4. STL Newbie home site.
  5. Marian Corcoran's STL FAQ.
  6. Jak Kirman's STL Tutorial

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Thanks to Kate Hedstrom and Adam Back for providing much of the motivation for turning this article into HTML. I am grateful to Jason Merrill and Mike Stump of Cygnus Support for informative posts in comp.lang.c++ and especially for answering my questions on how to use the -frepo switch with GCC 2.7.0. Some C++ code fragments were converted to HTML using c++2html written by Dimitry Kloper ( The STL examples were contributed by ObjectSpace and can be found here .

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Mumit Khan
Last change: 13 Oct 1995