Question 2.7

Question 2.7

I heard that structures could be assigned to variables and passed to and from functions, but K&R1 says not.

What K&R1 said was that the restrictions on structure operations would be lifted in a forthcoming version of the compiler, and in fact structure assignment and passing were fully functional in Ritchie's compiler even as K&R1 was being published. Although a few early C compilers lacked these operations, all modern compilers support them, and they are part of the ANSI C standard, so there should be no reluctance to use them. [footnote]

(Note that when a structure is assigned, passed, or returned, the copying is done monolithically; anything pointed to by any pointer fields is not copied.)

References: K&R1 Sec. 6.2 p. 121
K&R2 Sec. 6.2 p. 129
ANSI Sec., Sec., Sec. 3.3.16
ISO Sec., Sec., Sec. 6.3.16
H&S Sec. 5.6.2 p. 133

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