Question 18.1

Question 18.1

I need some C development tools.

Here is a crude list of some which are available.

a C cross-reference generator
cflow, cxref, calls, cscope, xscope, or ixfw
a C beautifier/pretty-printer
cb, indent, GNU indent, or vgrind
a revision control or configuration management tool
a C source obfuscator (shrouder)
obfus, shroud, or opqcp
a ``make'' dependency generator
makedepend, or try cc -M or cpp -M
tools to compute code metrics
ccount, Metre, lcount, or csize, or see URL ; there is also a package sold by McCabe and Associates
a C lines-of-source counter
this can be done very crudely with the standard Unix utility wc, and considerably better with grep -c ";"
a prototype generator
see question 11.31
a tool to track down malloc problems
see question 18.2
a ``selective'' C preprocessor
see question 10.18
language translation tools
see questions 11.31 and 20.26
C verifiers (lint)
see question 18.7
a C compiler!
see question 18.3

(This list of tools is by no means complete; if you know of tools not mentioned, you're welcome to contact this list's maintainer.)

Other lists of tools, and discussion about them, can be found in the Usenet newsgroups comp.compilers and .

See also questions 18.16 and 18.3.

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