Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide                            Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9: Object-Oriented Features

In This Chapter:
9.1 Object-Oriented Design
9.2 Tagged Type Hierarchies
9.2.1 Tagged Types
9.2.2 Properties of Dispatching Operations
9.2.3 Controlled Types
9.2.4 Abstract Types
9.3 Tagged Type Operations
9.3.1 Primitive Operations and Redispatching
9.3.2 Class-Wide Operations
9.3.3 Constructors
9.3.4 Equality
9.3.5 Polymorphism
9.4 Managing Visibility
9.4.1 Derived Tagged Types
9.5 Multiple Inheritance
9.5.1 Multiple Inheritance Techniques
9.6 Summary

This chapter recommends ways of using Ada's object-oriented features. Ada supports inheritance and polymorphism, providing the programmer some effective techniques and building blocks. Disciplined use of these features will promote programs that are easier to read and modify. These features also give the programmer flexibility in building reusable components.

The following definitions are provided in order to make this chapter more understandable. The essential characteristics of object-oriented programming are encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. These are defined as follows in the Rationale (1995, §§4.1 and III.1.2):

Inheritance.A means for incrementally building new abstractions from an existing one by "inheriting" their properties without disturbing the implementation of the original abstraction or the existing clients.

Multiple Inheritance. The means of inheriting components and operations from two or more parent abstractions.

Mixifn Inheritance. Multiple inheritance in which one or more of the parent abstractions cannot have instances of their own and exist only to provide a set of properties for abstractions inheriting from them.

Polymorphism. A means of factoring out the differences among a collection of abstractions, such that programs may be written in terms of the common properties.

- Static polymorphism is provided through the generic parameter mechanism whereby a generic unit may be instantiated at compile time with any type from a class of types.

- Dynamic polymorphism is provided through the use of so-called class-wide types and the distinction is then made at runtime on the basis of the value of the tag ("effectively a hidden discriminant identifying the type" [Rationale 1995, §II.1]).

As stated in the Ada Reference Manual (1995, Annex N):

A type has an associated set of values and a set of primitive operations that implement the fundamental aspects of its semantics.

A class is a set of types that is closed under derivation, which means that if a given type is in the class, then all types derived from that type are also in the class. The set of types of a class share common properties, such as their primitive operations. The semantics of a class include expected behavior and exceptions.

An object is either a constant or variable defined from a type (class). An object contains a value. A subcomponent of an object is itself an object.

Guidelines in this chapter are frequently worded "consider . . ." because hard and fast rules cannot apply in all situations. The specific choice you make in a given situation involves design tradeoffs. The rationale for these guidelines is intended to give you insight into some of these tradeoffs.


You will find it easier to take advantage of many of the concepts in this chapter if you have done an object-oriented design. The results of an object-oriented design would include a set of meaningful abstractions and hierarchy of classes. The abstractions need to include the definition of the design objects, including structure and state, the operations on the objects, and the intended encapsulation for each object. The details on designing these abstractions and the hierarchy of classes are beyond the scope of this book. A number of good sources exist for this detail, including Rumbaugh et al. (1991), Jacobson et al. (1992), Software Productivity Consortium (1993), and Booch (1994).

An important part of the design process is deciding on the overall organization of the system. Looking at a single type, a single package, or even a single class of types by itself is probably the wrong place to start. The appropriate level to start is more at the level of "subsystem" or "framework." You should use child packages (Guidelines 4.1.1 and 4.2.2) to group sets of abstractions into subsystems representing reusable frameworks. You should distinguish the "abstract" reusable core of the framework from the particular "instantiation" of the framework. Presuming the framework is constructed properly, the abstract core and its instantiation can be separated into distinct subsystems within the package hierarchy because the internals of an abstract reusable framework probably do not need to be visible to a particular instantiation of the framework.


You should use inheritance primarily as a mechanism for implementing a class hierarchy from an object-oriented design. A class hierarchy should be a generalization/specialization ("is-a") relationship. This relationship may also be referred to as "is-a-kind-of," not to be confused with "is an instance of." This "is-a" usage of inheritance is in contrast to other languages in which inheritance is used also to provide the equivalent of the Ada context clauses with and use. In Ada, you first identify the external modules of interest via with clauses and then choose selectively whether to make only the name of the module (package) visible or its contents (via a use clause).

9.2.1 Tagged Types


  • Consider using type extension when designing an is-a (generalization/specialization) hierarchy.
  • Use tagged types to preserve a common interface across differing implementations (Taft 1995a).
  • When defining a tagged type in a package, consider including a definition of a general access type to the corresponding class-wide type.
  • In general, define only one tagged type per package.

  • example

    Consider the type structure for a set of two-dimensional geometric objects positioned in a Cartesian coordinate system (Barnes 1996). The ancestor or root type Object is a tagged record. The components common to this type and all its descendants are an x and y coordinate. Various descendant types include points, circles, and arbitrary shapes. Except for points, these descendant types extend the root type with additional components; for example, the circle adds a radius component:

    type Object is tagged
          X_Coord : Float;
          Y_Coord : Float;
       end record;
    type Circle is new Object with
          Radius : Float;
       end record;
    type Point is new Object with null record;
    type Shape is new Object with
          -- other components
       end record;

    The following is an example of general access type to the corresponding class-wide type:

    package Employee is
       type Object is tagged limited private;
       type Reference is access all Object'class;
    end Employee;


    You can derive new types from both tagged and untagged types, but the effects of this derivation are different. When you derive from an untagged type, you are creating a new type whose implementation is identical to the parent. Values of the derived types are subject to strong type checking; thus, you cannot mix the proverbial apples and oranges. When you derive a new type from an untagged type, you are not allowed to extend it with new components. You are effectively creating a new interface without changing the underlying implementation (Taft 1995a).

    In deriving from a tagged type, you can extend the type with new components. Each descendant can extend a common interface (the parent's). The union of a tagged type and its descendants form a class, and a class offers some unique features not available to untagged derivations. You can write class-wide operations that can be applied to any object that is a member of the class. You can also provide new implementations for the descendants of tagged types, either by overriding inherited primitive operations or by creating new primitive operations. Finally, tagged types can be used as the basis for multiple inheritance building blocks (see Guideline 9.5.1).

    Reference semantics are very commonly used in object-oriented programming. In particular, heterogeneous polymorphic data structures based on tagged types require the use of access types. It is convenient to have a common definition for such a type provided to any client of the package defining the tagged type. A heterogeneous polymorphic data structure is a composite data structure (such as an array) whose elements have a homogeneous interface (i.e., an access to class-wide type) and whose elements' implementations are heterogeneous (i.e., the implementation of the elements uses different specific types). See also Guidelines 9.3.5 on polymorphism and 9.4.1 on managing visibility of tagged type hierarchies.

    In Ada, the primitive operations of a type are implicitly associated with the type through scoping rules. The definition of a tagged type and a set of operations corresponds together to the "traditional" object-oriented programming concept of a "class." Putting these into a package provides a clean encapsulation mechanism.


    If the root of the hierarchy does not define a complete set of values and operations, then use an abstract tagged type (see Guideline 9.2.4). This abstract type can be thought of as the least common denominator of the class, essentially a conceptual and incomplete type.

    If a descendant needs to remove one of the components or primitive operations of its ancestor, it may not be appropriate to extend the tagged type.

    An exception to using reference semantics is when a type is exported that would not be used in a data structure or made part of a collection.

    If the implementation of two tagged types requires mutual visibility and the two types are generally used together, then it may be best to define them together in one package, though thought should be given to using child packages instead (see Guideline 9.4.1). Also, it can be convenient to define a small hierarchy of (completely) abstract types (or a small part of a larger hierarchy) all in one package specification; however, the negative impact on maintainability may outweigh the convenience. You do not provide a package body in this situation unless you have declared nonabstract operations on members of the hierarchy.

    9.2.2 Properties of Dispatching Operations


  • The implementation of the dispatching operations of each type in a derivation class rooted in a tagged type T should conform to the expected semantics of the corresponding dispatching operations of the class-wide type T'Class.

  • example

    The key point of both of the alternatives in the following example is that it must be possible to use the
    class-wide type Transaction.Object'Class polymorphically without having to study the implementations of each of the types derived from the root type Transaction.Object. In addition, new transactions can be added to the derivation class without invalidating the existing transaction processing code. These are the important practical consequences of the design rule captured in the guideline:

    with Database;
    package Transaction is
       type Object (Data : access Database.Object'Class) is abstract tagged limited
             Has_Executed : Boolean := False;
          end record;
       function Is_Valid (T : Object) return Boolean;
       -- checks that Has_Executed is False
       procedure Execute (T : in out Object);
       -- sets Has_Executed to True
       Is_Not_Valid : exception;
    end Transaction;

    The precondition of Execute(T) for all T in Transaction.Object'Class is that Is_Valid(T) is True. The postcondition is the T.Has_Executed = True. This model is trivially satisfied by the root type Transaction.Object.

    Consider the following derived type:

    with Transaction;
    with Personnel;
    package Pay_Transaction is
       type Object is new Transaction.Object with
             Employee     : Personnel.Name;
             Hours_Worked : Personnel.Time;
          end record;
       function Is_Valid (T : Object) return Boolean;
       -- checks that Employee is a valid name, Hours_Worked is a valid
       -- amount of work time and Has_Executed = False
       procedure Has_Executed (T : in out Object);
       -- computes the pay earned by the Employee for the given Hours_Worked
       -- and updates this in the database T.Data, then sets Has_Executed to True
    end Pay_Transaction;

    The precondition for the specific operation Pay_Transaction.Execute(T) is that Pay_Transaction.Is_Valid(T) is True, which is the same precondition as for the dispatching operation Execute on the class-wide type. (The actual validity check is different, but the statement of the "precondition" is the same.) The postcondition for Pay_Transaction.Execute(T) includes T.Has_Executed = True but also includes the appropriate condition on T.Data for computation of pay.

    The class-wide transaction type can then be properly used as follows:

    type Transaction_Reference is access all Transaction.Object'Class;
    type Transaction_List is array (Positive range <>) of Transaction_Reference;
    procedure Process (Action : in Transaction_List) is
       for I in Action'Range loop
       -- Note that calls to Is_Valid and Execute are dispatching
          if Transaction.Is_Valid(Action(I).all) then
             -- the precondition for Execute is satisfied
             -- the postcondition Action(I).Has_Executed = True is
             -- guaranteed to be satisfied (as well as any stronger conditions
             -- depending on the specific value of Action(I))
             -- deal with the error
          end if;
       end loop;
    end Process;

    If you had not defined the operation Is_Valid on transactions, then the validity condition for pay computation (valid name and hours worked) would have to directly become the precondition for Pay_Transaction.Execute. But this would be a "stronger" precondition than that on the class-wide dispatching operation, violating the guideline. As a result of this violation, there would be no way to guarantee the precondition of a dispatching call to Execute, leading to unexpected failures.

    An alternative resolution to this problem is to define an exception to be raised by an Execute operation when the transaction is not valid. This behavior becomes part of the semantic model for the class-wide type: the precondition for Execute(T) becomes simply True (i.e., always valid), but the postcondition becomes "either" the exception is not raised and Has_Executed = True "or" the exception is raised and Has_Executed = False. The implementations of Execute in all derived transaction types would then need to satisfy the new postcondition. It is important that the "same" exception be raised by "all" implementations because this is part of the expected semantic model of the class-wide type.

    With the alternative approach, the above processing loop becomes:

    procedure Process (Action : in Transaction_List) is
       for I in Action'Range loop
             -- there is no precondition for Execute
             Transaction.Execute (Action(I).all);
             -- since no exception was raised, the postcondition
             -- Action(I).Has_Executed = True is guaranteed (as well as
             -- any stronger condition depending on the specific value of
             -- Action(I))
             when Transaction.Is_Not_Valid =>
                -- the exception was raised, so Action(I).Has_Executed = False
                -- deal with the error
          end Process_A_Transaction;
       end loop;
    end Process;


    All the properties expected of a class-wide type by clients of that type should be meaningful for any specific types in the derivation class of the class-wide type. This rule is related to the object-oriented programming
    "substitutability principle" for consistency between the semantics of an object-oriented superclass and its subclasses (
    Wegner and Zdonik 1988). However, the separation of the polymorphic class-wide type T'Class from the root specific type T in Ada 95 clarifies this principle as a design rule on derivation classes rather than a correctness principle for derivation itself.

    When a dispatching operation is used on a variable of a class-wide type T'Class, the actual implementation executed will depend dynamically on the actual tag of the value in the variable. In order to rationally use T'Class, it must be possible to understand the semantics of the operations on T'Class without having to study the implementation of the operations for each of the types in the derivation class rooted in T. Further, a new type added to this derivation class should not invalidate this overall understanding of T'Class because this could invalidate existing uses of the class-wide type. Thus, there needs to be an overall set of semantic properties of the operations of T'Class that is preserved by the implementations of the corresponding dispatching operations of all the types in the derivation class.

    One way to capture the semantic properties of an operation is to define a "precondition" that must be true before the operation is invoked and a "postcondition" that must be true (given the precondition) after the operation has executed. You can (formally or informally) define pre- and postconditions for each operation of T'Class without reference to the implementations of dispatching operations of specific types. These semantic properties define the "minimum" set of properties common to all types in the derivation class. To preserve this minimum set of properties, the implementation of the dispatching operations of all the types in the derivation class rooted in T (including the root type T) should have (the same or) weaker preconditions than the corresponding operations of T'Class and (the same or) stronger postconditions than the T'Class operations. This means that any invocation of a dispatching operation on T'Class will result in the execution of an implementation that requires no more than what is expected of the dispatching operation in general (though it could require less) and delivers a result that is no less than what is expected (though it could do more).


    Tagged types and type extension may sometimes be used primarily for type implementation reasons rather than for polymorphism and dispatching. In particular, a nontagged private type may be implemented using a type extension of a tagged type. In such cases, it may not be necessary for the implementation of the derived type to preserve the semantic properties of the class-wide type because the membership of the new type in the tagged type derivation class will not generally be known to clients of the type.

    9.2.3 Controlled Types


  • Consider using a controlled type whenever a type allocates resources that must be deallocated or otherwise "cleaned up" on destruction or overwriting.
  • Use a derivation from a controlled type in preference to providing an explicit "cleanup" operation that must be called by clients of the type.
  • When overriding the adjustment and finalization procedures derived from controlled types, define the finalization procedure to undo the effects of the adjustment procedure.
  • Derived type initialization procedures should call the initialization procedure of their parent as part of their type-specific initialization.
  • Derived type finalization procedures should call the finalization procedure of their parent as part of their type-specific finalization.
  • Consider deriving a data structure's components rather than the enclosing data structure from a controlled type.

  • example

    The following example demonstrates the use of controlled types in the implementation of a simple linked list. Because the Linked_List type is derived from Ada.Finalization.Controlled, the Finalize procedure will be called automatically when objects of the Linked_List type complete their scope of execution:

    with Ada.Finalization;
    package Linked_List_Package is
       type Iterator is private;
       type Data_Type is ...
       type Linked_List is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with private;
       function Head (List : Linked_List) return Iterator;
       procedure Get_Next (Element  : in out Iterator;
                           Data     :    out Data_Type);
       procedure Add (List     : in out Linked_List;
                      New_Data : in     Data_Type);
       procedure Finalize (List : in out Linked_List); -- reset Linked_List structure
       -- Initialize and Adjust are left to the default implementation.
       type Node;
       type Node_Ptr is access Node;
       type Node is
             Data : Data_Type;
             Next : Node_Ptr;
          end record;
       type Iterator is new Node_Ptr;
       type Linked_List is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
             Number_Of_Items : Natural := 0;
             Root            : Node_Ptr;
          end record;
    end Linked_List_Package;
    package body Linked_List_Package is
       function Head (List : Linked_List) return Iterator is
          Head_Node_Ptr : Iterator;
          Head_Node_Ptr := Iterator (List.Root);
          return Head_Node_Ptr;  -- Return the head element of the list
       end Head;
       procedure Get_Next (Element : in out Iterator;
                           Data    :    out Data_Type) is
          -- Given an element, return the next element (or null)
       end Get_Next;
       procedure Add (List     : in out Linked_List;
                      New_Data : in     Data_Type) is
          -- Add a new element to the head of the list
       end Add;
       procedure Finalize (List : in out Linked_List) is
          -- Release all storage used by the linked list
          --   and reinitialize.
       end Finalize;
    end Linked_List_Package;


    The three controlling operations, Initialize, Adjust, and Finalize, serve as automatically called procedures that control three primitive activities in the life of an object (Ada Reference Manual 1995, §7.6). When an assignment to an object of a type derived from Controlled occurs, adjustment and finalization work in tandem. Finalization cleans up the object being overwritten (e.g., reclaims heap space), then adjustment finishes the assignment work once the value being assigned has been copied (e.g., to implement a deep copy).

    You can ensure that the derived type's initialization is consistent with that of the parent by calling the parent type's initialization from the derived type's initialization.

    You can ensure that the derived type's finalization is consistent with that of the parent by calling the parent type's finalization from the derived type's finalization.

    In general, you should call parent initialization before descendant-specific initialization. Similarly, you should call parent finalization after descendant-specific finalization. (You may position the parent initialization and/or finalization at the beginning or end of the procedure.)

    9.2.4 Abstract Types


  • Consider using abstract types and operations in creating classification schemes, for example, a taxonomy, in which only the leaf objects will be meaningful in the application.
  • Consider declaring root types and internal nodes in a type tree as abstract.
  • Consider using abstract types for generic formal derived types.
  • Consider using abstract types to develop different implementations of a single abstraction.

  • example

    In a banking application, there are a wide variety of account types, each with different features and restrictions. Some of the variations are fees, overdraft protection, minimum balances, allowable account linkages (e.g., checking and savings), and rules on opening the account. Common to all bank accounts are ownership attributes: unique account number, owner name(s), and owner tax identification number(s). Common operations across all types of accounts are opening, depositing, withdrawing, providing current balance, and closing. The common attributes and operations describe the conceptual bank account. This idealized bank account can form the root of a generalization/specialization hierarchy that describes the bank's array of products. By using abstract tagged types, you ensure that only account objects corresponding to a specific product will be created. Because any abstract operations must be overridden with each derivation, you ensure that any restrictions for a specialized account are implemented (e.g., how and when the account-specific fee structure is applied):

    package Bank_Account_Package is
       type Bank_Account_Type is abstract tagged limited private;
       type Money is delta 0.01 digits 15;
       -- The following abstract operations must be overridden for
       --   each derivation, thus ensuring that any restrictions
       --   for specialized accounts will be implemented.
       procedure Open (Account : in out Bank_Account_Type) is abstract;
       procedure Close (Account : in out Bank_Account_Type) is abstract;
       procedure Deposit (Account : in out Bank_Account_Type;
                          Amount  : in     Money) is abstract;
       procedure Withdraw (Account : in out Bank_Account_Type;
                           Amount  : in     Money) is abstract;
       function Balance (Account : Bank_Account_Type)
         return Money is abstract;
       type Account_Number_Type is ...
       type Account_Owner_Type  is ...
       type Tax_ID_Number_Type  is ...
       type Bank_Account_Type is abstract tagged limited
             Account_Number : Account_Number_Type;
             Account_Owner  : Account_Owner_Type;
             Tax_ID_Number  : Tax_ID_Number_Type;
          end record;
    end Bank_Account_Package;
    -- Now, other specialized accounts such as a savings account can
    -- be derived from Bank_Account_Type as in the following example.
    -- Note that abstract types are still used to ensure that only
    -- account objects corresponding to specific products will be
    -- created.with Bank_Account_Package;
    with Bank_Account_Package;
    package Savings_Account_Package is
       type Savings_Account_Type is abstract
          new Bank_Account_Package.Bank_Account_Type with private;
       -- We must override the abstract operations provided
       --   by Bank_Account_Package.  Since we are still declaring
       --   these operations to be abstract, they must also be
       --   overridden by the specializations of Savings_Account_Type.
       procedure Open (Account : in out Savings_Account_Type) is abstract;
       procedure Close (Account : in out Savings_Account_Type) is abstract;
       procedure Deposit (Account : in out Savings_Account_Type;
                          Amount  : in     Bank_Account_Package.Money) is abstract;
       procedure Withdraw (Account : in out Savings_Account_Type;
                           Amount  : in     Bank_Account_Package.Money) is abstract;
       function Balance (Account : Savings_Account_Type)
         return Bank_Account_Package.Money is abstract;
       type Savings_Account_Type is abstract
          new Bank_Account_Package.Bank_Account_Type with
                Minimum_Balance : Bank_Account_Package.Money;
             end record;
    end Savings_Account_Package;

    See the abstract set package in Guideline 9.5.1 for an example of creating an abstraction with a single interface and the potential for multiple implementations. The example only shows one possible implementation; however, you could provide an alternate implementation of the Hashed_Set abstraction using other data structures.


    In many classification schemes, for example, a taxonomy, only objects at the leaves of the classification tree are meaningful in the application. In other words, the root of the hierarchy does not define a complete set of values and operations for use by the application. The use of "abstract" guarantees that there will be no objects of the root or intermediate nodes. Concrete derivations of the abstract types and subprograms are required so that the leaves of the tree become objects that a client can manipulate.

    You can only declare abstract subprograms when the root type is also abstract. This is useful as you build an abstraction that forms the basis for a family of abstractions. By declaring the primitive subprograms to be abstract, you can write the "common class-wide parts of a system . . . without being dependent on the properties of any specific type at all" (Rationale 1995, §4.2).

    Abstract types and operations can help you resolve problems when your tagged type hierarchy violates the expected semantics of the class-wide type dispatching operations. The Rationale (1995, §4.2) explains:

    When building an abstraction that is to form the basis of a class of types, it is often convenient not to provide actual subprograms for the root type but just abstract subprograms which can be replaced when inherited. This is only allowed if the root type is declared as abstract; objects of an abstract type cannot exist. This technique enables common class-wide parts of a system to be written without being dependent on the properties of any specific type at all. Dispatching always works because it is known that there can never be any objects of the abstract type and so the abstract subprograms could never be called.

    See Guidelines 8.3.8 and 9.2.1.

    The multiple inheritance techniques discussed in Guideline 9.5.1 make use of abstract tagged types. The basic abstraction is defined using an abstract tagged (limited) private type (whose full type declaration is a null record) with a small set of abstract primitive operations. While abstract operations have no bodies and thus cannot be called, they are inherited. Derivatives of the abstraction then extend the root type with components that provide the data representation and override the abstract operations to provide callable implementations (Rationale 1995, §4.4.3). This technique allows you to build multiple implementations of a single abstraction. You declare a single interface and vary the specifics of the data representation and operation implementation.


    When you use abstract data types as described in this guideline, you can have multiple implementations of the same abstraction available to you within a single program. This technique differs from the idea of writing multiple package bodies to provide different implementations of the abstraction defined in a package specification because with the package body technique, you can only include one of the implementations (i.e., bodies) in your program.


    You can use three options when you define the operations on a tagged type and its descendants. These categories are primitive abstract, primitive nonabstract, and class-wide operations. An abstract operation must be overridden for a nonabstract derived type. A nonabstract operation may be redefined for a subclass. A class-wide operation cannot be overridden by a subclass definition. A class-wide operation can be redefined for the derivation class rooted in the derived type; however, this practice is discouraged because of the ambiguities it introduces in the code.

    Through careful usage of these options, you can ensure that your abstractions preserve class-wide properties, as discussed in Guideline 9.2.1. As stated above, this principle requires that any type that is visibly derived from some parent type must fully support the semantics of the parent type.

    9.3.1 Primitive Operations and Redispatching


  • Consider declaring a primitive abstract operation based on the absence of a meaningful "default" behavior.
  • Consider declaring a primitive nonabstract operation based on the presence of a meaningful "default" behavior.
  • When overriding an operation, the overriding subprogram should not raise exceptions that are not known to the users of the overridden subprogram.
  • If redispatching is used in the implementation of the operations of a type, with the specific intent that some of the redispatched-to operations be overridden by specializations for the derived types, then document this intent clearly in the specification as part of the "interface" of a parent type with its derived types.
  • When redispatching is used (for any reason) in the implementation of a primitive operation of a tagged type, then document (in some project-consistent way) this use in the body of the operation subprogram so that it can be easily found during maintenance.

  • example

    This example (Volan 1994) is intended to show a clean derivation of a square from a rectangle. You do not want to derive Square from Rectangle because Rectangle has semantics that are inappropriate for Square. (For instance, you can make a rectangle with any arbitrary height and width, but you should not be able to make a square this way.) Instead, both Square and Rectangle should be derived from some common abstract type, such as:

    type Figure is abstract tagged
       end record;
    type Any_Rectangle is abstract new Figure with private;
    -- No Make function for this; it's abstract.
    function Area (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float;
      -- Overrides abstract Area function inherited from Figure.
      -- Computes area as Width(R) * Height(R), which it will
      -- invoke via dispatching calls.
    function Width (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float is abstract;
    function Height (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float is abstract;
    type Rectangle is new Any_Rectangle with private;
    function Make_Rectangle (Width, Height: Float) return Rectangle;
    function Width (R: Rectangle) return Float;
    function Height (R: Rectangle) return Float;
    -- Area for Rectangle inherited from Any_Rectangle
    type Square is new Any_Rectangle with private;
    function Make_Square (Side_Length: Float) return Square;
    function Side_Length (S: Square) return Float;
    function Width (S: Square) return Float;
    function Height (S: Square) return Float;
    -- Area for Square inherited from Any_Rectangle
    -- In the body, you could just implement Width and Height for
    -- Square as renamings of Side_Length:
    function Width (S: Square) return Float renames Side_Length;
    function Height (S: Square) return Float renames Side_Length;
    function Area (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float is
      return Width(Any_Rectangle'Class(R)) * Height(Any_Rectangle'Class(R));
      -- Casting [sic, i.e., converting] to the class-wide type causes the function calls to
      -- dynamically dispatch on the 'Tag of R.
      -- [sic, i.e., redispatch on the tag of R.]
    end Area;

    Alternatively, you could just wait until defining types Rectangle and Square to provide actual Area functions:

    type Any_Rectangle is abstract new Figure with private;
    -- Inherits abstract Area function from Figure,
    -- but that's okay, Any_Rectangle is abstract too.
    function Width (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float is abstract;
    function Height (R: Any_Rectangle) return Float is abstract;
    type Rectangle is new Any_Rectangle with private;
    function Make_Rectangle (Width, Height: Float) return Rectangle;
    function Width (R: Rectangle) return Float;
    function Height (R: Rectangle) return Float;
    function Area (R: Rectangle) return Float; -- Overrides Area from Figure
    type Square is new Any_Rectangle with private;
    function Make_Square (Side_Length: Float) return Square;
    function Side_Length (S: Square) return Float;
    function Width (S: Square) return Float;
    function Height (S: Square) return Float;
    function Area (S: Square) return Float;  -- Overrides Area from Figure
    function Area (R: Rectangle) return Float is
      return Width(R) * Height(R); -- Non-dispatching calls
    end Area;
    function Area (S: Square) return Float is
      return Side_Length(S) ** 2;
    end Area;


    The behavior of a nonabstract operation can be interpreted as the expected behavior for all members of the class; therefore, the behavior must be a meaningful default for all descendants. If the operation must be tailored based on the descendant abstraction (e.g., computing the area of a geometric shape depends on the specific shape), then the operation should be primitive and possibly abstract. The effect of making the operation abstract is that it guarantees that each descendant must define its own version of the operation. Thus, when there is no acceptable basic behavior, an abstract operation is appropriate because a new version of the operation must be provided with each derivation.

    All operations declared in the same package as the tagged type and following the tagged type's declaration but before the next type declaration are considered its primitive operations. Therefore, when a new type is derived from the tagged type, it inherits the primitive operations. If there are any operations that you do not want to be inherited, you must choose whether to declare them as class-wide operations (see Guideline 9.3.2) or to declare them in a separate package (e.g., a child package).

    Exceptions are part of the semantics of the class. By modifying the exceptions, you are violating the semantic properties of the class-wide type (see Guideline 9.2.1).

    There are (at least) two distinct users of a tagged type and its primitives. The "ordinary" user uses the type and its primitives without enhancement. The "extending" user extends the type by deriving a type based on the existing (tagged) type. Extending users and maintainers must determine the ramifications of a possibly incorrect extension. The guidelines here try to strike a balance between too much documentation (that can then easily get out of synch with the actual code) and an appropriate level of documentation to enhance the maintainability of the code.

    One of the major maintenance headaches associated with inheritance and dynamic binding relates to undocumented interdependencies among primitive (dispatching) operations of tagged types (the equivalent of "methods" in typical object-oriented terminology). If a derived type inherits some and overrides other primitive operations, there is the question of what indirect effects on the inherited primitives are produced. If no redispatching is used, the primitives may be inherited as "black boxes." If redispatching is used internally, then when inherited, the externally visible behavior of an operation may change, depending on what other primitives are overridden. Maintenance problems (here, finding and fixing bugs) occur when someone overrides incorrectly (on purpose or by accident) an operation used in redispatching. Because this overriding can invalidate the functioning of another operation defined perhaps several levels of inheritance up from the incorrect operation, it can be extremely difficult to track down.

    In the object-oriented paradigm, redispatching is often used to parameterize abstractions. In other words, certain primitives are intended to be overridden precisely because they are redispatching. These primitives may even be declared as abstract, requiring that they be overridden. Because they are redispatching, they act as "parameters" for the other operations. Although in Ada much of this parameterization can be done using generics, there are cases where the redispatching approach leads to a clearer object-oriented design. When you document the redispatching connection between the operations that are to be overridden and the operations that use them, you make the intended use of the type much clearer.

    Hence, any use of redispatching within a primitive should be considered part of the "interface" of the primitive, at least as far as any inheritor, and requires documentation at the specification level. The alternative (i.e., not providing such documentation in the specification) is to have to delve deep into the code of all the classes in the derivation hierarchy in order to map out the redispatching calls. Such detective work compromises the black-box nature of object-oriented class definitions. Note that if you follow Guideline 9.2.1 on preserving the semantics of the class-wide dispatching operations in the extensions of derived types, you will minimize or avoid the problems discussed here about redispatching.

    9.3.2 Class-Wide Operations


  • Consider using a class-wide operation (i.e., an operation with parameter[s] of a class-wide type) when an operation can be written, compiled, and tested without knowing all the possible descendants of a given tagged type (Barnes 1996).
  • Consider using a class-wide operation when you do not want an operation to be inherited and/or overridden.

  • example

    The following example is adapted from Barnes (1996) using the geometric objects from the example of Guideline 9.2.1 and declaring the following functions as primitives in the package specification:

    function Area (O : in Object) return Float;
    function Area (C : in Circle) return Float;
    function Area (S : in Shape) return Float;

    A function for computing the moment of a force about a fulcrum can now be created using a class-wide type as follows:

    function Moment (OC : Object'Class) return Float is
       return OC.X_Coord*Area(OC);
    end Moment;

    Because Moment accepts the class-wide formal parameter of Object'Class, it can be called with an actual parameter that is any derivation of type Object. Assuming that all derivations of type object have defined a function for Area, Moment will dispatch to the appropriate function when called. For example:

    C : Circle;
    M : Float;
    -- Moment will dispatch to the Area function for the Circle type.
    M := Moment(C);


    The use of class-wide operations avoids unnecessary duplication of code. Run-time dispatching may be used where necessary to invoke appropriate type-specific operations based on an operand's tag.

    See also Guideline 8.4.3 for a discussion of class-wide pointers in an object-oriented programming framework registry.

    9.3.3 Constructors

    Ada does not define a unique syntax for constructors. In Ada a constructor for a type is defined as an operation that produces as a result a constructed object, i.e., an initialized instance of the type.


  • Avoid declaring a constructor as a primitive abstract operation.
  • Use a primitive abstract operation to declare an initialization function or constructor only when objects of the inheriting derived types will not require additional parameters for initialization.
  • Consider using access discriminants to provide parameters to default initialization.
  • Use constructors for explicit initialization.
  • Consider splitting the initialization and construction of an object.
  • Consider declaring a constructor operation in a child package.
  • Consider declaring a constructor operation to return an access value to the constructed object (Dewar 1995).

  • example

    The following example illustrates the declaration of a constructor in a child package:

    package Game is
       type Game_Piece is tagged ...
    end Game;
    package Game.Constructors is
       function Make_Piece return Game_Piece;
    end Game.Constructors;

    The following example shows how to split the initialization and construction of an object:

    type Vehicle is tagged ...
    procedure Initialize (Self : in out Vehicle;
                          Make : in     String);
    type Car is new Vehicle with ... ;
    type Car_Ptr is access all Car'Class;
    procedure Initialize (Self  : in out Car_Ptr;
                          Make  : in     String;
                          Model : in     String) is
    begin -- Initialize
       Initialize (Vehicle (Self.all), Make);
       -- initialization of Car
    end Initialize;
    function Create (Make  : in String;
                     Model : in String) return Car_Ptr is
       Temp_Ptr : Car_Ptr;
    begin -- Create
       Temp_Ptr := new Car;
       Initialize (Temp_Ptr, Make, Model);
       return Temp_Ptr;
    end Create;


    Constructor operations for the types in a type hierarchy (assuming tagged types and their derivatives) usually differ in their parameter profiles. The constructor will typically need more parameters because of the added components in the descendant types. You run into a problem when you let constructor operations be inherited because you now have operations for which there is no meaningful implementation (default or overridden). Effectively, you violate the class-wide properties (see Guideline 9.2.1) because the root constructor will not successfully construct a descendant object. Inherited operations cannot add parameters to their parameter profile, so these are inappropriate to use as constructors.

    You cannot initialize a limited type at its declaration, so you may need to use an access discriminant and rely on default initialization. For a tagged type, however, you should not assume that any default initialization is sufficient, and you should declare constructors. For limited types, the constructors must be separate procedures or functions that return an access to the limited type.

    The example shows using a constructor in a child package. By declaring constructor operations in either a child package or a nested package, you avoid the problems associated with making them primitive operations. Because they are no longer primitive operations, they cannot be inherited. By declaring them in a child package (see also Guidelines 4.1.6 and 4.2.2 on using child packages versus nested packages), you gain the ability to change them without affecting the clients of the parent package (Taft 1995b).

    You should put the construction logic and initialization logic in distinct subprograms so that you are able to call the initialization routine for the parent tagged type.


    When you extend a tagged type (regardless whether it is an abstract type), you can choose to declare as abstract some of the additional operations. Doing so, however, means that the derived type must also be declared as abstract. If this newly derived type has inherited any functions that name it as the return type, these inherited functions now also become abstract (Barnes 1996). If one of these primitive functions served as the constructor function, you have now violated the first guideline in that the constructor has become a primitive abstract operation.

    9.3.4 Equality


  • When you redefine the "=" operator on a tagged type, make sure that it has the expected behavior in extensions of this type and override it if necessary.

  • example

    The following example is adapted from the discussion of equality and inheritance in Barnes (1996):

    package Object_Package is
       Epsilon : constant Float := 0.01;
       type Object is tagged
             X_Coordinate : Float;
             Y_Coordinate : Float;
          end record;
       function "=" (A, B : Object) return Boolean;
    end Object_Package;
    package body Object_Package is
       -- redefine equality to be when two objects are located within a delta
       -- of the same point
       function "=" (A, B : Object) return Boolean is
          return (A.X_Coordinate - B.X_Coordinate) ** 2
               + (A.Y_Coordinate - B.Y_Coordinate) ** 2 < Epsilon**2;
       end "=";
    end Object_Package;
    with Object_Package;  use Object_Package;
    package Circle_Package_1 is
       type Circle is new Object with
             Radius : Float;
          end record;
      function "=" (A, B : Circle) return Boolean;
    end Circle_Package_1;
    package body Circle_Package_1 is
       -- Equality is overridden, otherwise two circles must have exactly
       -- equal radii to be considered equal.
       function "=" (A, B : Circle) return Boolean is
          return (Object(A) = Object(B)) and
                 (abs (A.Radius - B.Radius) < Epsilon);
       end "=";
    end Circle_Package_1;
    with Object_Package;  use Object_Package;
    package Circle_Package_2 is
       type Circle is new Object with
             Radius : Float;
          end record;
       -- don't override equality in this package
    end Circle_Package_2;
    with Object_Package;
    with Circle_Package_1;
    with Circle_Package_2;
    with Ada.Text_IO;
    procedure Equality_Test is
       use type Object_Package.Object;
       use type Circle_Package_1.Circle;
       use type Circle_Package_2.Circle;
       Object_1 : Object_Package.Object;
       Object_2 : Object_Package.Object;
       Circle_1 : Circle_Package_1.Circle;
       Circle_2 : Circle_Package_1.Circle;
       Circle_3 : Circle_Package_2.Circle;
       Circle_4 : Circle_Package_2.Circle;
       Object_1 := (X_Coordinate => 1.000, Y_Coordinate => 2.000);
       Object_2 := (X_Coordinate => 1.005, Y_Coordinate => 2.000);
       -- These Objects are considered equal.  Equality has been redefined to be
       -- when two objects are located within a delta of the same point.
       if Object_1 = Object_2 then
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Objects equal.");
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Objects not equal.");
       end if;
       Circle_1 := (X_Coordinate => 1.000, Y_Coordinate => 2.000, Radius => 5.000);
       Circle_2 := (X_Coordinate => 1.005, Y_Coordinate => 2.000, Radius => 5.005);
       -- These Circles are considered equal.  Equality has been redefined to be
       -- when the X-Y locations of the circles and their radii are both within
       -- the delta.
       if Circle_1 = Circle_2 then
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Circles equal.");
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Circles not equal.");
       end if;
       Circle_3 := (X_Coordinate => 1.000, Y_Coordinate => 2.000, Radius => 5.000);
       Circle_4 := (X_Coordinate => 1.005, Y_Coordinate => 2.000, Radius => 5.005);
       -- These Circles are not considered equal because predefined equality of
       -- the extension component Radius will evaluate to False.
       if Circle_3 = Circle_4 then
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Circles equal.");
          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Circles not equal.");
       end if;
    end Equality_Test;


    Equality is applied to all components of a record. When you extend a tagged type and compare two objects of the derived type for equality, the parent components as well as the new extension components will be compared. Therefore, when you redefine equality on a tagged type and define extensions on this type, the parent components are compared using the redefined equality. The extension components are also compared, using either predefined equality or some other redefined equality if appropriate. The behavior of inherited equality differs from the behavior of other inherited operations. When other primitives are inherited, if you do not override the inherited primitive, it can only operate on the parent components of the object of the extended type. Equality, on the other hand, generally does the right thing.

    9.3.5 Polymorphism


  • Consider using class-wide programming to provide run-time, dynamic polymorphism when constructing larger, reusable, extensible frameworks.
  • When possible, use class-wide programming rather than variant records.
  • Use class-wide programming to provide a consistent interface across the set of types in the tagged type hierarchy (i.e., class).
  • Consider using generics to define a new type in terms of an existing type, either as an extension or as a container, collection, or composite data structure.
  • Avoid using type extensions for parameterized abstractions when generics provide a more appropriate mechanism.

  • example
         type Element is private;
      package Stack is
      end Stack;

    is preferable to:

      package Stack is
         type Element is tagged null record;
         -- Elements to be put on the stack must be of a descendant type
         -- of this type.
      end Stack;


    Both generics and class-wide types allow a single algorithm to be applicable to multiple, specific types. With generics, you achieve polymorphism across unrelated types because the type used in the instantiation must match the generic formal part. You specify required operations using generic formal subprograms, constructing them as needed for a given instantiation. Generics are ideal for capturing relatively small, reusable algorithms and programming idioms, for example, sorting algorithms, maps, bags, and iterators. As generics become large, however, they become unwieldy, and each instantiation may involve additional generated code. Class-wide programming, including class-wide types and type extension, is more appropriate for building a large subsystem because you avoid the additional generated code and unwieldy properties of generics.

    Class-wide programming enables you to take a set of heterogeneous data structures and provide a homogeneous-looking interface across the whole set. See also Guideline 9.2.1 on using tagged types to describe heterogeneous polymorphic data.

    In object-oriented programming languages without generic capabilities, it was common to use inheritance to achieve much the same effect. However, this technique is generally less clear and more cumbersome to use than the equivalent explicit generic definition. The nongeneric, inheritance approach can always be recovered using a specific instantiation of the generic. Also see Guidelines 5.3.2 and 5.4.7 for a discussion of
    self-referential data structures.


    9.4.1 Derived Tagged Types


  • Consider giving derived tagged types the same visibility to the parent type as other clients of the parent.
  • Define a derived tagged type in a child of the package that defines the base type if the implementation of the derived type requires greater visibility into the implementation of the base type than other clients of the base type require.

  • example

    The following example illustrates the need for a derived type to have greater visibility into the implementation of the base type than other clients of the base type. In this example of a stack class hierarchy, Push and Pop routines provide a homogeneous interface for all variations of stacks. However, the implementation of these operations requires greater visibility into the base types due to the differences in the data elements. This example is adapted from Barbey, Kempe, and Strohmeier (1994):

       type Item_Type is private;
    package Generic_Stack is
       type Abstract_Stack_Type is abstract tagged limited private;
       procedure Push (Stack : in out Abstract_Stack_Type;
                       Item  : in     Item_Type) is abstract;
       procedure Pop (Stack : in out Abstract_Stack_Type;
                      Item  :    out Item_Type) is abstract;
       function Size (Stack : Abstract_Stack_Type) return Natural;
       Full_Error  : exception; -- May be raised by Push
       Empty_Error : exception; -- May be raised by Pop
       type Abstract_Stack_Type is abstract tagged limited
             Size : Natural := 0;
          end record;
    end Generic_Stack;
    package body Generic_Stack is
       function Size (Stack : Abstract_Stack_Type)
          return Natural is
          return Stack.Size;
       end Size;
    end Generic_Stack;
    -- Now, a bounded stack can be derived in a child package as follows:
    package Generic_Stack.Generic_Bounded_Stack is
       type Stack_Type (Max : Positive) is
          new Abstract_Stack_Type with private;
       -- override all abstract subprograms
       procedure Push (Stack : in out Stack_Type;
                       Item  : in     Item_Type);
       procedure Pop (Stack : in out Stack_Type;
                      Item  :    out Item_Type);
       type Table_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Item_Type;
       type Stack_Type (Max : Positive) is new Abstract_Stack_Type with
             Table : Table_Type (1 .. Max); 
          end record;
    end Generic_Stack.Generic_Bounded_Stack;
    package body Generic_Stack.Generic_Bounded_Stack is
       procedure Push (Stack : in out Stack_Type;
                       Item  : in     Item_Type) is
          -- The new bounded stack needs visibility into the base type
          --   in order to update the Size element of the stack type
          --   when adding or removing items.
          if (Stack.Size = Stack.Max) then
             raise Full_Error;
             Stack.Size := Stack.Size + 1;
             Stack.Table(Stack.Size) := Item;
          end if;
       end Push;
       procedure Pop (Stack : in out Stack_Type;
                      Item  :    out Item_Type) is
       end Pop;
    end Generic_Stack.Generic_Bounded_Stack;


    If the derived type can be defined without any special visibility of the base type, this provides for the best possible decoupling of the implementation of the derived type from changes in the implementation of the base type. On the other hand, the operations of an extension of a tagged type may need additional information from the base type that is not commonly needed by other clients.

    When the implementation of a derived tagged type requires visibility of the implementation of the base type, use a child package to define the derived type. Rather than providing additional public operations for this information, it is better to place the definition of the derived type in a child package. This gives the derived type the necessary visibility without risking misuse by other clients.

    This situation is likely to arise when you build a data structure with a homogeneous interface but whose data elements have a heterogeneous implementation. See also Guidelines 8.4.8, 9.2.1, and 9.3.5.


    Ada provides several mechanisms to support multiple inheritance, where multiple inheritance is a means for incrementally building new abstractions from existing ones, as defined at the beginning of this chapter. Specifically, Ada supports multiple inheritance module inclusion (via multiple with/use clauses), multiple inheritance "is-implemented-using" via private extensions and record composition, and multiple inheritance mixins via the use of generics, formal packages, and access discriminants (Taft 1994).

    9.5.1 Multiple Inheritance Techniques


  • Consider using type composition for implementation, as opposed to interface, inheritance.
  • Consider using a generic to "mix in" functionality to a derivative of some core abstraction.
  • Consider using access discriminants to support "full" multiple inheritance where an object must be referenceable as an entity of two or more distinct unrelated abstractions.

  • example

    Both examples that follow are taken directly from Taft (1994). The first shows how to use multiple inheritance techniques to create an abstract type whose interface inherits from one type and whose implementation inherits from another type. The second example shows how to enhance the functionality of a basic abstraction by mixing in new features.

    The abstract type Set_Of_Strings provides the interface to inherit:

    type Set_Of_Strings is abstract tagged limited private;
    type Element_Index is new Natural;  -- Index within set.
    No_Element : constant Element_Index := 0;
    Invalid_Index : exception;
    procedure Enter(
      -- Enter an element into the set, return the index
      Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String;
      Index : out Element_Index) is abstract;
    procedure Remove(
      -- Remove an element from the set; ignore if not there
      Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String) is abstract;
    procedure Combine(
      -- Combine Additional_Set into Union_Set
      Union_Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      Additional_Set : Set_Of_Strings) is abstract;
    procedure Intersect(
      -- Remove all elements of Removal_Set from Intersection_Set
      Intersection_Set : in out Set_Of_Strings;
      Removal_Set : Set_Of_Strings) is abstract;
    function Size(Set : Set_Of_Strings) return Element_Index 
      is abstract;
      -- Return a count of the number of elements in the set
    function Index(
      -- Return the index of a given element;
      -- return No_Element if not there.
      Set : Set_Of_Strings;
      S : String) return Element_Index is abstract;
    function Element(Index : Element_Index) return String is abstract;
      -- Return element at given index position
      -- raise Invalid_Index if no element there.
      type Set_Of_Strings is abstract tagged limited ...

    The type Hashed_Set derives its interface from Set_of_Strings and its implementation from an existing (concrete) type Hash_Table:

    type Hashed_Set(Table_Size : Positive) is
      new Set_Of_Strings with private;
    -- Now we give the specs of the operations being implemented
    procedure Enter(
      -- Enter an element into the set, return the index
      Set : in out Hashed_Set;
      S : String;
      Index : out Element_Index);
    procedure Remove(
      -- Remove an element from the set; ignore if not there
      Set : in out Hashed_Set;
      S : String);
      -- . . . etc.
      type Hashed_Set(Table_Size : Positive) is
        new Set_Of_Strings with record
          Table : Hash_Table(1..Table_Size);
        end record;

    In the package body, you define the bodies of the operations (i.e., Enter, Remove,Combine, Size, etc.) using the operations available on Hash_Table. You must also provide any necessary "glue" code.

    In this second example, the type Basic_Window responds to various events and calls:

    type Basic_Window is tagged limited private;
    procedure Display(W : Basic_Window);
    procedure Mouse_Click(W     : in out Basic_Window;
                          Where :        Mouse_Coords);
              . . .

    You use mixins to add features such as labels, borders, menu bar, etc:

      type Some_Window is new Window with private;
      -- take in any descendant of Window
    package Label_Mixin is
      type Window_With_Label is new Some_Window with private;
        -- Jazz it up somehow.
      -- Overridden operations:
      procedure Display(W : Window_With_Label);
      -- New operations:
      procedure Set_Label(W : in out Window_With_Label; S : String);
        -- Set the label
      function Label(W : Window_With_Label) return String;
        -- Fetch the label
      type Window_With_Label is
        new Some_Window with record
          Label : String_Quark := Null_Quark;
            -- An XWindows-Like unique ID for a string
        end record;

    In the generic body, you implement any overridden operations as well as the new operations. For example, you could implement the overridden Display operation using some of the inherited operations:

    procedure Display(W : Window_With_Label) is
          -- First display the window normally,
          -- by passing the buck to the parent type.
        if W.Label /= Null_Quark then
          -- Now display the label if it is not null
            Display_On_Screen(XCoord(W), YCoord(W)-5, Value(W.Label));
              -- Use two inherited functions on Basic_Window
              -- to get the coordinates where to display the label.
        end if;
    end Display;

    Assuming you have defined several generics with these additional features, to create the desired window, you use a combination of generic instantiations and private type extension, as shown in the following code:

      type My_Window is new Basic_Window with private;
      . . .
      package Add_Label is new Label_Mixin(Basic_Window);
      package Add_Border is
        new Border_Mixin(Add_Label.Window_With_Label);
      package Add_Menu_Bar is
        new Menu_Bar_Mixin(Add_Border.Window_With_Border);
      type My_Window is
        new Add_Menu_Bar.Window_With_Menu_Bar with null record;
          -- Final window is a null extension of Window_With_Menu_Bar.
          -- We could instead make a record extension and
          -- add components for My_Window over and above those
          -- needed by the mixins.

    The following example shows "full" multiple inheritance.

    Assume previous definition of packages for Savings_Account and Checking_Account. The following example shows the definition of an interest-bearing checking account (NOW account):

    with Savings_Account;
    with Checking_Account;
    package NOW_Account is
       type Object is tagged limited private;
       type Savings (Self : access Object'Class) is
          new Savings_Account.Object with null record;
       -- These need to be overridden to call through to "Self"
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Savings; ...);
       procedure Withdraw (...);
       procedure Earn_Interest (...);
       function Interest (...) return Float;
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       type Checking (Self : access Object'Class) is
          new Checking_Account.Object with null record;
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Checking; ...);
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       -- These operations will call-through to Savings_Account or
       -- Checking_Account operations. "Inherits" in this way all savings and
       -- checking operations
       procedure Deposit (Into_Account : in out Object; ...);
       procedure Earn_Interest (...);
       function Balance (...) return Float;
       -- Could alternatively have Object be derived from either
       -- Savings_Account.Object or Checking_Account.Object
       type Object is tagged
             As_Savings  : Savings (Object'Access);
             As_Checking : Checking (Object'Access);
          end record;
    end NOW_Account;

    Another possibility is that the savings and checking accounts are both implemented based on a common Account abstraction, resulting in inheriting a Balance state twice for NOW_Account.Object. To resolve this ambiguity, you need to use an abstract type hierarchy for the multiple inheritance of interface and separate mixins for the multiple inheritance of implementation.


    In other languages such as Eiffel and C++, multiple inheritance serves many purposes. In Eiffel, for instance, you must use inheritance both for module inclusion and for inheritance itself (Taft 1994). Ada provides context clauses for module inclusion and child libraries for finer modularization control. Ada does not provide a separate syntax for multiple inheritance. Rather, it provides a set of building blocks in type extension and composition that allow you to mix in additional behaviors.

    A library of mixins allows the client to mix and match in order to develop an implementation. Also see Guideline 8.3.8 about implementing mixins.

    You should not use multiple inheritance to derive an abstraction that is essentially unrelated to its parent(s). Thus, you should not try to derive a menu abstraction by inheriting from a command line type and a window type. However, if you have a basic abstraction such as a window, you can use multiple inheritance mixins to create a more sophisticated abstraction, where a mixin is the package containing the type(s) and operations that will extend the parent abstraction.

    Use self-referential data structures to implement types with "full" multiple inheritance ("multiple polymorphism").

    A common mistake is to use multiple inheritance for parts-of relations. When a type is composed of several others types, you should use heterogeneous data structuring techniques, discussed in Guideline 5.4.2.

    9.6 SUMMARY

    tagged type hierarchies

  • Consider using type extension when designing an is-a (generalization/specialization) hierarchy.
  • Use tagged types to preserve a common interface across differing implementations (Taft 1995a).
  • When defining a tagged type in a package, consider including a definition of a general access type to the corresponding class-wide type.
  • In general, define only one tagged type per package.
  • The implementation of the dispatching operations of each type in a derivation class rooted in a tagged type T should conform to the expected semantics of the corresponding dispatching operations of the class-wide type T'Class.
  • Consider using a controlled type whenever a type allocates resources that must be deallocated or otherwise "cleaned up" on destruction or overwriting.
  • Use a derivation from a controlled type in preference to providing an explicit "cleanup" operation that must be called by clients of the type.
  • When overriding the adjustment and finalization procedures derived from controlled types, define the finalization procedure to undo the effects of the adjustment procedure.
  • Derived type initialization procedures should call the initialization procedure of their parent as part of their type-specific initialization.
  • Derived type finalization procedures should call the finalization procedure of their parent as part of their type-specific finalization.
  • Consider deriving a data structure's components rather than the enclosing data structure from a controlled type.
  • Consider using abstract types and operations in creating classification schemes, for example, a taxonomy, in which only the leaf objects will be meaningful in the application.
  • Consider declaring root types and internal nodes in a type tree as abstract.
  • Consider using abstract types for generic formal derived types.
  • Consider using abstract types to develop different implementations of a single abstraction.

  • tagged type operations

  • Consider declaring a primitive abstract operation based on the absence of a meaningful "default" behavior.
  • Consider declaring a primitive nonabstract operation based on the presence of a meaningful "default" behavior.
  • When overriding an operation, the overriding subprogram should not raise exceptions that are not known to the users of the overridden subprogram.
  • If redispatching is used in the implementation of the operations of a type, with the specific intent that some of the redispatched-to operations be overridden by specializations for the derived types, then document this intent clearly in the specification as part of the "interface" of a parent type with its derived types.
  • When redispatching is used (for any reason) in the implementation of a primitive operation of a tagged type, then document (in some project-consistent way) this use in the body of the operation subprogram so that it can be easily found during maintenance.
  • Consider using a class-wide operation (i.e., an operation with parameter[s] of a class-wide type) when an operation can be written, compiled, and tested without knowing all the possible descendants of a given tagged type (Barnes 1996).
  • Consider using a class-wide operation when you do not want an operation to be inherited and/or overridden.
  • Avoid declaring a constructor as a primitive abstract operation.
  • Use a primitive abstract operation to declare an initialization function or constructor only when objects of the inheriting derived types will not require additional parameters for initialization.
  • Consider using access discriminants to provide parameters to default initialization.
  • Use constructors for explicit initialization.
  • Consider splitting the initialization and construction of an object.
  • Consider declaring a constructor operation in a child package.
  • Consider declaring a constructor operation to return an access value to the constructed object (Dewar 1995).
  • When you redefine the "=" operator on a tagged type, make sure that it has the expected behavior in extensions of this type and override it if necessary.
  • Consider using class-wide programming to provide run-time, dynamic polymorphism when constructing larger, reusable, extensible frameworks.
  • When possible, use class-wide programming rather than variant records.
  • Use class-wide programming to provide a consistent interface across the set of types in the tagged type hierarchy (i.e., class).
  • Consider using generics to define a new type in terms of an existing type, either as an extension or as a container, collection, or composite data structure.
  • Avoid using type extensions for parameterized abstractions when generics provide a more appropriate mechanism.

  • managing visibility

  • Consider giving derived tagged types the same visibility to the parent type as other clients of the parent.
  • Define a derived tagged type in a child of the package that defines the base type if the implementation of the derived type requires greater visibility into the implementation of the base type than other clients of the base type require.

  • multiple inheritance

  • Consider using type composition for implementation, as opposed to interface, inheritance.
  • Consider using a generic to "mix in" functionality to a derivative of some core abstraction.
  • Consider using access discriminants to support "full" multiple inheritance where an object must be referenceable as an entity of two or more distinct unrelated abstractions.