Section 17.2 - Recursion

Subprograms can call other subprograms so they can get work done. Sometimes it's useful for a subprogram to call itself. The technique of using a subprogram to call itself is called recursion.

The standard example of recursion is computing the factorial of an Integer. A factorial of some number n is defined as follows:

  1. if n is 0, the factorial of n is 1.
  2. if n is more than 0, the factorial of n is equal to n times the factorial of n-1.

Recursive subprograms are written in a relatively standard format: first, check for the "stopping" criteria of the recursion. If the "stopping" criteria is not met, do part of the work and then call "yourself" to complete the task.

Here's the factorial program:

function Factorial(A : in Integer) return Integer is
 if A < 0 then                -- Stop recursion if A <= 0.
   raise Constraint_Error;
 elsif A = 0 then
    return 1;
   return A * Factorial(A - 1);   -- recurse.
 end if;
end Sum;

Actually, you can implement the factorial using a "for" loop much more easily, but more complicated problems are sometimes easier to handle using recursion.


If you evaluated Factorial(5), how many times would the subprogram Factorial be called?

  1. Once.
  2. Four times.
  3. Five times.
  4. Six times.

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David A. Wheeler (

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