Entries relating to programming

16 bit · 8 bit clean · abort · abstract class · abstract data type · abstraction · acceptance testing · accumulator · Actis · active object · actor · address · addressing mode · ADL · Advanced Software Environment · Aegis · aggregate type · aggregation · AGL · algebraic data type · algorithm · Algorithmic Model · Algorithmic Test Case Generation · aliasing bug · alpha testing · alt.sources · Analogy Model · annotation · Application Binary Interface · Application Control Architecture · Application environment specification · Application Portability Architecture · Application Program Interface · applicative order reduction · Architecture Neutral Distribution Format · arena · argument · array · Artifex · ASCIIbetical order · ASPECT · assembler · assignment · automated testing · back-end · bar · base class · batch · beta testing · bignum · Bird-Meertens Formalism · bit mask · bitwise · B-Method · Bohr bug · bool · bottom-up implementation · bottom-up model · bottom-up testing · boundary value analysis · branch coverage testing · Brooks's Law · B-Toolkit · buffer overflow · bug · bug fix release · byte-code compiler · cache · calling convention · can't happen · case · case and paste · cause-effect graphing · char · CIS · class · client-server · Coad/Yourdon · code · codewalker · Common Object Request Broker Architecture · compiler · complete unification · Computer Aided Software Engineering · Computer-Aided Software Testing · ConCoord · concrete class · configuration programming · Constructive Cost Model · constructor · continuation passing style · cookbook · cookie jar · Cost Driver Attribute · coupling · curried function · Cyclo · cyclomatic complexity · dangling pointer · data flow analysis · dead code · debugging · dec · defect analysis · defect density · Delivered Source Instruction · Delphi Technique · dereference · derived type · desk check · Developmental Test and Evaluation · DirectX · domain · Domain Software Engineering Environment · doubly linked list · driver · dry run · dynamic analysis · Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System · Effort Adjustment Factor · Embedded Mode · enumerated type · enumeration · equivalence class partitioning · error-based testing · essential complexity · evaluation · exhaustive testing · Expert Judgement Models · exponent · fact · failure-directed testing · fall through · fault · fault-based testing · fault tree analysis · file descriptor · finger-pointing syndrome · floating-point · Floppy · flow chart · fnord · fork bomb · FP · FPA · FP/M · frame · Fresco · Fudgets · function · functional programming · Function Point Analysis · fusion · genericity · Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface · generic type variable · genetic programming · gotcha · goto · guard · hacked up · handle · heap · IDE · indent style · infinite loop · infinity · instantiation · instruction mnemonic · instrument · integration · interactive · interactive development environment · International Function Point Users Group · internationalisation · Inter-process Communication · interrupt · invariant · ISTAR · KLOC · kluge · Last In First Out · lclint · leak · leaky heap · lexical analysis · lexical scope · LIFO · linear type · linked list · literal · literate programming · logical shift · logic bomb · logic programming · logic variable · lvalue · LWP · Mach Interface Generator · mailbox · maintenance · major delivery · major release · Make · mandelbug · mantissa · map · MD · methodology · microcode · Microsoft Foundation Classes · mnemonic · mod · Mongolian Hordes technique · multiple perspective software development · native compiler · NEXTSTEP · normalisation · NOWEB · NTMBS · null-terminated multibyte string · Object Modelling Technique · occlude · occurs check · OLE custom controls · operand · operational requirements · operation code · operator · optimal · optimising compiler · Organic Mode · overriding · persistence · pointer · polylithism · pop · primitive · priority queue · Program Evaluation and Review Technique · proxy server · pseudo-random number · Push Down List · queue · quick-and-dirty · quine · RACE · RAD · random numbers · Rapid Application Development · rapid prototyping · real-time structured analysis · recursion · re-entrant · referential transparency · regression testing · release · request for proposal · requirements · Requirements Acquisition and Controlled Evolution · Requirements Engineering · revision · RM-ODP · run-time error · Run-Time Support · SAPI · schroedinbug · scope · segment · Semidetached Mode · ShapeTools · signature · smart · software · Software BackPlane · software engineering · software life-cycle · Software Methodology · software rot · Software through Pictures · software tool · source code · spam · Speech Application Programming Interface · Speech Recognition Application Program Interface · SQLWindows · stack · stack overflow · stack pointer · stack traceback · standard input/output · stdio.h · stream · structured design · structured language · structured programming · stub · subclass · subroutine · sum of products type · synthesis · system call · Systems Analysis Definition · tail recursion · tail recursion modulo cons · Telephone Application Program Interface · Telephony Application Programming Interface · The story of Mel, a Real Programmer · threaded code · thunk · Tk · top-down design · Top-Down Model · Tornado · toto · toy program · type · type inference · Uniface · unification · Use the Source Luke · ViewPoints · virtual 86 mode · Visual Component Library · volatile · volatile variable · Wafe · Watcom VX*REXX · Waterfall · while · white box testing · wildcard · wombat · X-Designer · Year 2000 · Yourdon · Yourdon/Constantine · Yourdon/Demarco · Yourdon methodology · ZF expression