Entries relating to algorithm

adaptive learning · algorithm · anytime algorithm · Artificial Life · A* search · automaton · backtracking · balanced tree · base 64 · best first search · binary search · branch prediction · breadth first search · cellular automaton · complexity · complexity class · complexity measure · computational complexity · content-based information retrieval · cyclic redundancy check · data compression · depth-first search · deterministic · DFS · earliest deadline first · EDF · encryption · error detection and correction · Fast Fourier Transform · file compression · Finite State Machine · Forward Error Correction · fractal compression · Group-Sweeping Scheduling · Hamming code · hill climbing · IDEA · intelligent backtracking · International Data Encryption Algorithm · lossless · lossy · LZH compression · memetic algorithm · Moving Pictures Experts Group · MPEG-1 · MPEG-2 · nondeterminism · one-way hash function · progressive coding · progressive/sequential coding · puff · Rate monotonic scheduling · round-robin · scan · Scan-EDF · sort · soundex · synchronous key encryption · unify