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88open · Advanced Computing Environment · Advanced Research Projects Agency · AFNOR · ALU · Alvey · American National Standards Institute · American Society of Mechanical Engineers · Association for Computational Linguistics · Association for Computing Machinery · Association for Progressive Communications · Association for SIMULA Users · Association Fran�aise des Utilisateurs d'Unix · Association of American Publishers · Association of C and C++ Users · Association of Lisp Users · Black Data Processing Associates · British Standards Institute · Certificate Authority · Church of the SubGenius · Cornell University · Corporation for Research and Educational Networking · DARPA · Department of Defense · Electronic Frontier Foundation · Electronics Industry Association · enterprise · European Telecommunications Standards Institute · FAST · Federation Against Software Theft · Free Software Foundation · GNU · GNU archive site · Hungry Programmers · IEC · IEEE Computer Society · Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique · International Core War Society · International Electrotechnical Commission · International Federation for Information Processing · International Function Point Users Group · International Organization for Standardization · International Smalltalk Association · International Telecommunications Union · Internet Research Steering Group · Internet Society · Irvine Research Unit in Software · ISA · Joint Technical Committee · JTC · Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory · League for Programming Freedom · LPF · Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation · Moving Pictures Experts Group · National Center for Supercomputing Applications · Nerd pride · network, the · Open Software Foundation · PCMCIA · Personal Computer Memory Card International Association · Princeton University · Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party · RSVP · SC · Software Verification Research Centre · SQL Access Group · State University of New York · SVRC · Technion · University of Arizona · University of California at Berkeley · University of Durham · University of East London · University of Edinburgh · University of Hawaii · University of Iceland · University of London Computing Centre · University of Michigan · University of Minnesota · University of Nijmegen · University of Pennsylvania · University of Tasmania · University of Twente · Unix International · USENIX · Video Electronics Standards Association · Voters Telecommunications Watch · World Wide Web Consortium · X3T10