Entries relating to communications

56k line · ACK · acoustic coupler · adaptive answering · Adaptive Communication Environment · Adaptive Digital Pulse Code Modulation · America On-Line, Inc. · Amplitude Modulation · asymmetrical modulation · Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line · asynchronous · Asynchronous Transfer Mode · ATM · audiographic teleconferencing · Automatic Number Identification · Automatic Repeat Request · bang path · Baudot code · bipolar · bits per second · broadband · broadcast quality video · bulletin board system · carrier signal · central office · channel service unit/data service unit · checksum · Clover · common carrier · communications port · communication system · Computer Telephone Integration · concentrator · continuous wave · CTI · CU-SeeMe · CW · Data Communication Equipment · Dataphone Digital Service · Data Terminal Equipment · dedicated line · Delphi · digital carrier · Digital Data Service · digital service unit · Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data · Digital Subscriber Line · directional coupler · DPSK · DS0 · DS1 · DS1C · DS2 · DS3 · DSL · DS level · DSU · Dual Tone Multi Frequency · duplex · electronic commerce · electronic data interchange · facsimile · fax · Fibre Channel · flow control · FPLMTS · FRAD · Frame Relay · Frame Relay Access Device · Frequency Division Multiplexing · full-duplex · Global System for Mobile communications · GSM · half-duplex · hardware handshaking · Hayes-compatible · high speed serial interface · Integrated Services Digital Network · Kermit · line conditioning · line noise · Link State Routing Protocol · local loop · Logical Unit 6.2 · longitudinal parity · low earth orbit · Manchester encoding · modem · Morse code · multiplexing · Multi-User Shared Hallucination · negative acknowledge · null modem · Nyquist Theorem · overhead · packet radio · pager · parity · parity bit · parity error · PCN · Personal Communication Services · Phonetastic · plesiochronous · Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy · Point-to-Point Protocol · Pretty Amazing New Stuff · private branch exchange · Procomm · PSDN · PSK · Public Switched Telephone Network · RAS · Realaudio · redundancy · Remote Access Services · Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem · Return To Zero · RJ11 · RS-232 · RS-232C · RS-232D · RS-422 · RS-449 · RS-485 · RSCS · Serial Line Internet Protocol · serial port · service provider · signal-to-noise ratio · software handshaking · spread spectrum communications · stream · streaming · synchronous · Synchronous Data Link Control · Synchronous Digital Hierarchy · T-1 · tail circuit · T-carrier systems · TEI · Telephone Application Program Interface · telephony · Telephony Application Programming Interface · Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol · V.35 · Very Small Aperture Terminal · video conferencing · video dial tone · Video on Demand · VSAT · X.21