
<language> (Formerly LiveScript) Sun's simple, cross-platform, World-Wide Web scripting language adopted by Netscape and allies. JavaScript may end up being more popular and entrenched than Java given the free availability of source code and the ease of learning. It has a simplified C-like syntax. Its functionality is limited, being aimed primarily at enhanced forms and simple web database front-ends.

JavaScript code is included in a page's HTML using a tag

	<script language="JavaScript">
It is currently (Feb 1996) interpreted by Netscape Navigator 2.0, other browsers are expected to follow. JavaScript runs "100x" slower than C (Java runs "10x" slower than C code). Netscape and allies say Javascript is an "open standard" in an effort to keep Microsoft from monopolising Web software as they have desktop software.

JavaScript is to be proposed to W3O as a standard. (VBscript, Microsoft's reincarnation of Blackbird, is expected later in 1996). Javascript is a Sun (not Netscape) trademark.

Javascript Index.

Mailing List: <> ("subscribe javascript" in body).

(25 May 1996)