
An object-oriented language which mixes imperative and constraint-oriented features. Written by Freeman-Benson <bnfb@cs.uvic.ca> of the University of Washington, Universite de Nantes, 1989; University of Victoria, 1992.

Kaleidoscope is similar to Siri and vaguely related to Prose. Versions: Kaleidoscope '90 and Kaleidoscope '91.

["Kaleidoscope: Mixing Objects, Constraints and Imperative Programming", B.N. Freeman-Benson, SIGPLAN Notices 25(10):77-88 (OOPSLA/ECOOP '90) (Oct 1990)].

["Constraint Imperative Programming", B.N. Freeman-Benson, Ph.D. Thesis, TR 91-07-02, U Wash (1991)].

["Constraint Imperative Programming", Freeman-Benson et al, IEEE Conf on Comp Lang, Apr 1992].

(09 Nov 1994)