A highly portable implementation of Scheme, written in ANSI C and Scheme. VSCM features exception and interrupt handling, executable portable memory images, coroutines and continuations with multiple arguments.

Portability is achieved by exclusive use of legal ANSI C features -- as opposed to a plethora of #ifdef's to adjust to various system peculiarities. (Of course, in real life ANSI C doesn't guarantee portability per se, because there are too many systems with broken compilers or broken libraries.)

Version II Nov9 by Matthias Blume <blume@cs.princeton.edu> includes run-time support and a bytecode compiler. It conforms to R4RS and IEEE P1178 and runs on Unix and Macintosh. It is actively developed.

Canada, Germany, UK.

Usenet newsgroup: comp.lang.scheme.

(09 Nov 1993)