Assembly Language

<language> (AL) A language for industrial robots developed at Stanford University in the 1970s.

["The AL Language for an Intelligent Robot", T. Binford in Langages et Methods de Programation des Robots Industriels, pp. 73-88, IRIA Press 1979].

["AL User's Manual", M.S. Mujtaba et al, Stanford AI Lab, Memo AIM-323 (Jan 1979)].

(24 Nov 1994)

assembly language

<language> (Or "assembly code") A symbolic representation of the machine language of a specific computer. Assembly language is converted to machine code by an assembler. Programming in assembly language is slow and error-prone but is the only way to squeeze every last bit of performance out of the hardware.

Filename extension: .s (Unix), .asm (CP/M and others).

See also second generation language.

(17 Sep 1996)