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University of Brighton

Director's Introduction

If you do become a student at Brighton you will join a University with a proud tradition and an exciting future. Our roots go back to the nineteenth century and represent pioneering educational work in the arts, business and technology. As one of the United Kingdom's foremost polytechnics, we played a distinguished role in the development of higher education for a wide range of professions such as engineering, health and teaching.

External bodies such as the Government's Funding Councils have identified outstanding achievement here in both teaching and research, while the Higher Education Quality Council's current audit of the university found 'a well developed and effective system for academic quality assurance... well understood throughout the university.' The fruits of these achievements are to be found in the courses described in this prospectus, which aim to be intellectually stimulating and of direct relevance to your future interests and career.

You will find the communities of Brighton and Eastbourne welcoming and well resourced for the needs and interests of students. In particular, the cultural and recreational scene is lively and responsive.

If you decide to study at the University, you will find it a large, complex and diverse institution. Our policies are designed to widen participation in all the University's activities and to promote equality of opportunity.

As a student, you will be expected to be hard-working, imaginative and self-reliant. You will also receive committed and sympathetic support. All our staff are here to help you get the very best out of your chosen course of study and they appreciate the difficulties as well as the rewards of being a student in higher education at this time. Above all, we understand the very significant personal investment made by students in their courses and assure you that you will be joining a community which will value you, your experience and your personal perspective.

Professor David Watson

Last updated: 13th June 1996