This Toolbook application is SHAREWARE. You are encouraged to evaluate this program. If you find it useful, please register your copy by paying nominal fee of $10. Thank you. Registrations, comments, and suggestions can be sent to: Dane Basch (Headfirst Software) 2811 SW Archer RD Apt. K-99 Gainesville, FL 32608 CIS #: 72027,3036 America On Line: DaneBasch Sending in your fee will entitle you to receive a copy of this program without this "Beggar's Box."app Continuation "bbox" buttonUp buttonUp Continue series Courier `D|D| Courier Coin Collection Catalog fmCmqDfmz "Please $10 donation you like program"&\ Dane Basch"&\ " 2811 SW Archer Rd, Apt K-99"&\ " Gainesville, FL 32608"&\ " Ask I will wthe Author f"Thanks" SizeToPage syslockScreen c"Help" c"Text" "Cut" "Copy" "Paste" "Select All" "Undo" "Clear" "Open" "Import" "Export" "Print Report" "Save As" "About Toolbook..." Coin Collection Catalog..." c"File" AboutCoinCollectionCatalog @, Ver. 1.0,"&\ " From HeadFirst Software. For those who keep track their many varied coin "&\ " currency )collection." f"Enjoy!" enterBook AboutCoinCollectionCatalog enterBook Please send $10 donation if you like this program to: Dane Basch 2811 SW Archer Rd, Apt K-99 Gainesville, FL 32608 Ask with donation, and I will send you the Author password Thanks SizeToPage Paste Select All Clear Import Export Print Report Save As About Toolbook... &About Coin Collection Catalog... AboutCoinCollectionCatalog Coin Collection Catalog, Ver. 1.0, From HeadFirst Software. For those who like to keep track of their many and varied coin currency items in their collection. Enjoy! Country of Origin:::: CountryField Denomination(s)::: DenominationField Grade/Condition::: GradeField Plate Block #: IssueField Purchase Price: PriceField Current Value:: ValueField NewButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp y5newPage DeleteButton "Do you really want delete f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Do you really want to delete this page? clear Delete SortButton ButtonUp "Sort on which f"Country" "Cancel" "CountryField" "DenominationField" ButtonUp ButtonUp Sort on which field? Country Cancel Country CountryField DenominationField LeftArrowButton buttonUp buttonUp RightArrowButton buttonUp buttonUp SearchButton ButtonUp SysError ("Enter SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp Enter text to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! Search RepeatButton ButtonUp SysError SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp SearchTarget not found Search text not found! Repeat ExitButton buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp "l 0bbaR ok Book System QuarryString SearchTarget Hogwood Enterprise Courier Pbywy series Courier `D|D| Courier in Collection Catalog xmPfDIbDG Stamp Collection Catalog "bbox" SizeToPage syslockScreen c"Help" c"Text" "Select All" "Undo" "Clear" "Open" "Import" "Export" "Print Report" "Save As" "About Toolbook..." Stamp Collection Catalog..." c"File" AboutStampCollectionCatalog "about" enterBook AboutStampCollectionCatalog enterBook SizeToPage Select All Clear Import Export Print Report Save As About Toolbook... &About Stamp Collection Catalog... AboutStampCollectionCatalog about `D|D| `D|D| , FL 32608. Ask with donation, and I will send you the Author password. Thanks SizeToPage Select All Clear Import Export Print Report Save As About Toolbook... &About Stamp Collection Catalog... AboutStampCollectionCatalog Stamp Collection Catalog, Ver. 1.2, From HeadFirst Software. For those who like to keep track of their many and varied stamps and postal issues in their collection. Enjoy! and postal issues in their collection. Enjoy! Country of Origin:::: CountryField Denomination(s)::: DenominationField Grade/Condition::: GradeField Plate Block #: IssueField Purchase Price: PriceField Current Value:: ValueField NewButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp y5newPage DeleteButton "Do you really want delete f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Do you really want to delete this page? clear Delete SortButton ButtonUp "Sort on which f"Country" "Cancel" "CountryField" "DenominationField" ButtonUp ButtonUp Sort on which field? Country Cancel Country CountryField DenominationField LeftArrowButton buttonUp buttonUp RightArrowButton buttonUp buttonUp SearchButton ButtonUp SysError ("Enter SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp Enter text to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! Search RepeatButton ButtonUp SysError SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp SearchTarget not found Search text not found! Repeat ExitButton buttonUp buttonUp 9!o 9! about Stamp Collection Catalog, Version 1.2222222 Helps you to log and keep track of all your stamps in your collection. Great for proof of ownership, documenting your collection for others, or to protect yourself against loss or theft. Enjoy. "About" buttonUp buttonUp About