brary System QuarryString SearchTarget Hogwood pc magazine `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| :REPORTDATA leaveBook :PRINTLAYOUT SizeTopage "Base2!" infofield syslockScreen MenuBar enterBook leaveBook enterBook SizeTopage Base2! infofield leaveBook se5! Courier `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| MagazineField Month/YearField AuthorsNameField MagBase 1.3! System `D|D| 0 stem `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| leaveBook c"file" c"help" c"&Info" e"Help" e"Shareware" SizeTopage "MagBase 1.3!" infofield sharefield syslockScreen MenuBar shareware leaveBook enterBook shareware enterBook &Info Shareware SizeTopage MagBase 1.3! sharefield infofield leaveBook infofield shareware sharefield MagazineField VolumeField Month/YearField ArticleTitleField AuthorsNameField PageNumberField CommentsField NewButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp y5newPage DelButtonGroup "Are you sure want delete f"Yes" buttonup buttonup Are you sure you want to delete this page? clear SortButtonGroup ButtonUp "Sort on which f"Mag" "Article" "Author" "ArticleTitleField" "AuthorsNameField" "MagazineField" ButtonUp ButtonUp Sort on which field? Article Author Article ArticleTitleField Author AuthorsNameField MagazineField LeftArrowButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp RightArrowButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp FindButtonGroup ButtonUp SysError ("Enter the SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp Enter the text to search for... cancel SearchTarget not found Search text not found! AgainButtonGroup ButtonUp SysError SearchTarget xfound" f"OK" ButtonUp ButtonUp SearchTarget not found Search text not found! Again QuitButtonGroup buttonUp buttonUp Magazine Volume/Numberraaaaaa Month/Year Comments Article Title Authors Name Magazine DataBase! Page Number(s)) ShareField buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick This is a Shareware Program. All Rights Reserved. You may pass out copies of this program as long as it is unmodified and no charge is made except disk and duplication fees not to exceed $9.00. Please send $10.00 registration fee if you like and use this program to: PRO-DATA 7151 El Cajon Blvd. Ste. L San Diego, CA 92115 Once we receive your registration we will send you a free issue of a Disk Magazine that is devoted exclusively to Windows 3 and applications that run under it. It features software & hardware reviews, hints and tips, new product announcements. It will also include commercial demos along with some of the reviews so you can get a first hand look at the program. Also in the magazine will be a complete catalog of Shareware for Windows 3 and ToolBook. We might even have a contest or two in future issues of the Magazine. Even if you are not registering this program you can send for information on the Disk Magazine! (Double click to remove this field) Copyright (c) 1990 by Don Welsh InfoField buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick Welcome to Magazine DataBase! This program is very easy to use just click on a field and start typing. Click on the next field and enter more data and so on. When your finished with one record click on NEW for a new record. To sort record click on SORT. To search for a word or phrase just click on SEARCH and enter the text you want to search for. To navigate among your records click on the arrows. To exit just click on QUIT. The next version of this program will have faster sorting and searching so be sure to click on the Shareware menu item so you can find out how to register the program so you will be on our mailing list so we can send you update notices. (Double Click this field to remove it) Copyright (c) 1990 by Don Welshhhnd for information on the Disk Magazine! Copyright (c) 1990 by Don Welsh Copyright (c) 1990 by Don Welshthis program you can send for information on the Disk Magazine! Copyright (c) 1990 by Don Welshh Article with lots of hints and tips on running Windows 3.0 Windows Hints 100-103 PC Mag Vol 10. No. 7 Jan 1989 Bo Benkins Long Winded Keyboards 83-109 HOOKL brary System QuarryString SearchTarget Hogwood pc magazine `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| :REPORTDATA leaveBook :PRINTLAYOUT SizeTopage "Base2!" infofield syslockScreen MenuBar enterBook leaveBook enterBook SizeTopage Base2! infofield leaveBook se5! Courier `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| MagazineField Month/YearField AuthorsNameField lqIqqN System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| Magazine DataBase! 1.3! c"file" c"help" c"&Info" e"Help" e"Shareware" SizeTopage "Magazine DataBase! 1.3!" infofield sharefield syslockScreen MenuBar shareware magazinefield eBook enterBook shareware leaveBook enterpage enterBook &Info Shareware SizeTopage Magazine DataBase! 1.3! sharefield infofield leaveBook infofield shareware sharefield enterpage magazinefield