Lipid.tbk Time logged in: Aug 29 1990 10:54:31 PM Log Book System Tms Rmn `D|D| Log Book LogData D"l 8bjaR remoteSet X,Y "BookName" NameOfBook JLogData "TimeIn" TimeLoggedIn In : " "TimeOut" TimeLoggedOut TimeString k& "Total session :" k& "Notes :" remoteSet remoteSet BookName Name of Book : TimeIn Time Logged In : TimeOut Time Logged Out : Total time, this session : Notes : TimeString TimeLoggedOut TimeLoggedIn LogData NameOfBook Name of Book : MyOtherBook Time Logged In : Sep 3 1990 10:32:42 PM Time Logged Out : Sep 3 1990 10:33:04 PM Total time, this session :0 hours 0 minutes 22 seconds Notes : Log Book buttonUp buttonUp Next Page Previous buttonUp buttonUp Previous Page LogData LogBookTitle remoteSet BookName Name of Book : TimeIn Time Logged In : TimeOut Time Logged Out : Notes : TimeLoggedOut TimeLoggedIn LogData NameOfBook Log Book buttonUp buttonUp Next Page Previous buttonUp buttonUp Previous Page LogData LogBookTitle remoteSet X,Y "BookName" NameOfBook JLogData "TimeIn" TimeLoggedIn In : " "TimeOut" TimeLoggedOut TimeString k& "Total session :" k& "Notes :" remoteSet remoteSet BookName Name of Book : TimeIn Time Logged In : TimeOut Time Logged Out : Total time, this session : Notes : TimeString TimeLoggedOut TimeLoggedIn LogData NameOfBook Name of Book : MyOtherBook Time Logged In : Sep 4 1990 10:52:39 AM Time Logged Out : Sep 4 1990 05:08:18 PM Total time, this session :6 hours 15 minutes 38 seconds Notes : JLogData "Time logged enterBook LogIn enterBook c:\ToolBook\LogBook.tbk LogIn MMM d y hh:min:sec AMPM y5newPage Time logged in: LogData BookName :PRINTLAYOUT LogData :REPORTDATA LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. y5newPage LogIn LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. y5newPage LogIn LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. paste LogIn LLogIn JLogData remoteCommand remoteCommand paste LogData LogIn System TimeOut TimeIn remoteSet X,Y "BookName" NameOfBook JLogData "TimeIn" TimeLoggedIn In : " "TimeOut" TimeLoggedOut TimeString k& "Total session :" k& "Notes :" remoteSet remoteSet BookName Name of Book : TimeIn Time Logged In : TimeOut Time Logged Out : Total time, this session : Notes : TimeString TimeLoggedOut TimeLoggedIn LogData NameOfBook Log Book is a log to keep track of the books you work on. It includes the name of the book, the date the book was worked on, and the elapsed time spent during that particular session. In addition, there is space for for you to include notes of that particular session. To use Log Book you must place the scripts to handle enterBook... and to handle leaveBook ... in the book script of the book you want to keep track of. These scripts are included in the LogBook book script. Jack W. Alexander Red Wing, Mn Sept 1, 1990 MMMMMM Aug 30 1990 05:33:39 PMTry1.tbk Time logged in: Aug 30 1990 05:33:45 PM remoteSet X,Y "BookName" NameOfBook JLogData "TimeIn" TimeLoggedIn In : " "TimeOut" TimeLoggedOut TimeString k& "Total session :" k& "Notes :" remoteSet remoteSet BookName Name of Book : TimeIn Time Logged In : TimeOut Time Logged Out : Total time, this session : Notes : TimeString TimeLoggedOut TimeLoggedIn LogData NameOfBook Name of Book : TryIt Time Logged In : Sep 3 1990 10:33:48 PM Time Logged Out : Sep 3 1990 10:33:54 PM Total time, this session :0 hours 0 minutes 6 seconds Notes : Log Book System Tms Rmn `D|D| JLogData "Time logged enterBook LogIn enterBook c:\ToolBook\LogBook.tbk LogIn MMM d y hh:min:sec AMPM y5newPage Time logged in: LogData BookName :PRINTLAYOUT LogData :REPORTDATA LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. y5newPage LogIn LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. y5newPage LogIn LLogIn "I got ! This Iits real, sure." remoteCommand remoteCommand I got it! This time its real, for sure. paste LogIn Tms Rmn `D|D| JLogData remoteCommand remoteCommand paste LogData LogIn System LLogIn JLogData -- The following scripts should be placed -- want keep track . You must ^. Other comments are indented, don't those --'s. 4DidILogIn Book?" f"Yes" P -- so I [out I didn't 4TimeInSecs ToolBook "LogBook.tbk" error "Failed: No Server" -- replace MyOtherName on -- you setRemote BookName MyOtherBook "MMM d y hh: j:sec AMPM" MyTimeIn "m d y" ZTimeOutSecs, EllapsedTimeSecs calculate ellapsed MyTimeOut sysDateFormate "m d y" ETString ETstring TotalTime y3600 Myhours k3600 MyMinSecs MyMins MySecs J & " O " & * & " minutes " & ) & " TimeString enterBook remoteCommand enterBook sizeToPage remoteCommand paste LogData LogIn