June 3, 1990 (C) 1990 Steve Shubitz * Published Perfection!. No warranty is exspresed or implied though this book has been thoroughly tested. Please use at your own risk. It is ok to distribute the contents of this zip file as long as nothing is altered and their is no charge for this "Book". I did nothing fancy in my first book so here are the scripts: Book Properties Script: To Handle enterbook hide statusbox Send SizeToPage set sysCursor to 19 remove menuitem "import" at both remove menuitem "export" at both remove menuitem "history" at both remove menuitem "new page" at both remove menuitem "about toolbook" at both remove menuitem "show hotwords" at both remove menuitem "search" at both remove menu "Edit" at both remove menu "Text" at both remove menu "Help" at both End enterbook to handle Next fxWipe left fast to next page end Next to handle Previous fxWipe right fast to previous page end Previous to handle First fxWipe bottom fast to first page end First to handle Last fxWipe left fast to last page end Last to handle Back fxWipe right fast to previous page end Back Other objects on Opening Page to handle buttonUp Select Ellipse "Ball" Set Pattern of selection to 98 Set Pattern of selection to 103 Set Pattern of selection to 108 Set Pattern of selection to 122 Set fillColor of selection to 60, 50, 100 Set Pattern of selection to 100 Set Pattern of selection to 118 Set Pattern of selection to 119 Set Pattern of selection to 255 Set fillColor of selection to 0, 50, 100 end buttonUp to handle buttonUp Select Pie id 73 Set fillColor of selection to 240, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 300, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 30, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 0, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 300, 37.625, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 300, 25.125, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 60, 50, 100 end buttonUp to handle buttonUp Select Group id 132 Set fillColor of selection to 120, 25.125, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 180, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 120, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 60, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 30, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 0, 50, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 0, 12.5625, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 30, 12.5625, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 240, 12.5625, 100 Set fillColor of selection to 300, 25.125, 100 end buttonUp Some HotWord Scripts On the same page: to handle buttonUp go to page "temp" go to page TitlePage end to handle buttonUp Select Ellipse "Ball" Set Pattern of selection to 98 Set Pattern of selection to 103 Set Pattern of selection to 108 Set Pattern of selection to 122 Set fillColor of selection to 60, 50, 100 Set Pattern of selection to 100 Set Pattern of selection to 118 Set Pattern of selection to 119 Set Pattern of selection to 255 Set fillColor of selection to 0, 50, 100 go to page "temp" Select IrregularPolygon "pointer" Move the selection to 3630, 4005 Move the selection to 3870, 2310 Move the selection to 4005, 1290 Move the selection to 4020, 1080 Move the selection to 4095, 540 Move the selection to 3945, 1770 Move the selection to 3930, 1950 Move the selection to 3810, 2505 Move the selection to 3660, 3900 Move the selection to 3330, 4455 go to page "TitlePage" end buttonUp Some may also find interest in the scripts on the Order Page which is the last page in the book: to handle buttonUp Select Button "Button 13" Set PrinterStyle to groups Set PrinterMargins to 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 Set PrinterGutters to 360, 360 Set PrinterFields to "Order Clip 1 Today,Order Clip 1 Today 2" Set PrinterFieldWidths to "3180,3180" Set PrinterFieldNames to false Set PrinterClipText to false Set PrinterConditions to "IdNumber of this Background = 1" Set PrinterGroupsAcross to 1 Start Spooler Go to page "7" Print 1 End Spooler end buttonUp Thank's to Asymetrix for writing ToolBook. If I could give one tip to authors of Books it would be to pencil out each page in thumbnail form and set your target reader as well as what you want to communicate/sell/inform/ or identify. Do this BEFORE you ever begin to create your Book. I can not stress the importance of this critical step in the Design process enough....It will save you dozens of hours. If you are more of the programmer type then find a good Designer to work with (like me) BEFORE the project is started. And if you will bare with me a little commercial please. May 22,1990 La Jolla, California...Steve Shubitz, President of Published Perfection! announced a line of Graphic Enhancements specifically created for Windows 3.0. 1) Custom designed high quality color" wallpaper" clip art available immediately. Over 8 MB of color .bmp files are included in the first collection titled Clip 1 which is priced at $19.95. A wide assortment of clip art is available in the first collection along with the ability to create your own custom desktops/wallpaper and use the art in your own publications. All of the clip art is device independent so it prints at the highest resolution of the output device. Functionality with the Windows 3 clipboard and any Windows 3 application is supported. Seven more disks will be released within 3 months. Samples may be obtained on Compuserve in winapa,winapb, and dtpforum. 2) Animation images to be used with HDC's First Apps and Asymetrix Toolbook. The first collection will be released in June of 1990. 3) The first of a series of HyperCard like stacks with links to Toolbook. Design 1 will be released in July of 1990 and feature a basic course on Design for the Electronic Publisher with full graphics and text in an easy to learn 12 step process. To order Clip 1 please send your check or money order for $19.95 to: Steve Shubitz Published Perfection! 7486 La Jolla Blvd. Suite 552 La Jolla CA. 92037 California residents should also include 7.00% sales tax. Please specify 5.25 or 3.50 disk format. My CIS PPN is 72047,3402 **eof**