Archery Tournament Standings as of on the day :PRINTLAYOUT System :REPORTDATA Name of this background is "Range" Archer Shots Last Score Total Score System ToolBook Archery d is "Range" Last Score Total Score --Set c"Page" c"Text" c"&Game" e"&Start" e"S&tandings" default --Hide initial positions /range down stand flasher arrow "instructions" 2840,350 --Initialize 4numshots, totscore, lastscore, tippoint, winddn, windac, nshooters, maxplayers, --Display Window reset ^values 4flag, --Resets bow, bullseye 7390,2581 stringy 1560,1336,1560,3963 hand 1395,2535 2200,2620.5 --Hides }that need hiding redfeather bluefeather --Determines displays speeds k32767 (100)-50 (100)-50 vwind " && > 0 hwind " && >= 0 --Gets tournament restarts game validentry Ask "How many archers are entered --Check V data temp isnumber isinteger o> 0 --Clear old record fields && i) "total && i) && i) && i) && i) --Prepare --Runs animation sequence on allows H125, 0 --Requests breaks chosen invalid Standings --Displays current standings --Puts information hidden "TOURNAMENT STANDINGS" & "Player" && i & " " && --Shows Zbox dismissed "Click OK togglestatus --Disable ability bring up --Restore menus rbook Start Standings reset togglestatus enterbook leavebook location location location locvalue location enterbook &Game &Start S&tandings instructions sizetopage numshots totscore lastscore tippoint winddn windac nshooters maxplayers shooter arrow flasher stand range default reset location location location seconds player player hwind vwind bluefeather redfeather arrow stringy range bullseye numshots shooter winddn windac Start How many archers are entered in this tournament cancel total score last score reset instructions instructions player 1 is an invalid entry arrow hwind vwind player shots i:to1 isinteger isnumber validentry maxplayers nshooters shooter numshots totscore lastscore winddn windac Standings TOURNAMENT STANDINGS Player Stand range stand range Click OK to continue stand range range stand nshooters totscore togglestatus leavebook :CONDITIONDATA IdNumber of this Background = 0 --Book created Michael L. Miller location locvalue --Sets the passed ] - x) - y) --Calculates --Set c"Page" c"Text" c"&Game" e"&Start" e"S&tandings" e"&Print Results" port..." e"Import..." default --Hide initial positions /range down stand flasher arrow "instructions" 2840,350 --Initialize 4numshots, totscore, lastscore, tippoint, winddn, windac, nshooters, maxplayers, , printing --Display Window reset ^values 4flag, --Resets bow, bullseye 7390,2581 stringy 1560,1336,1560,3963 hand 1395,2535 2200,2620.5 --Hides }that need hiding redfeather bluefeather --Determines displays speeds k32767 (100)-50 (100)-50 vwind " && > 0 hwind " && >= 0 --Gets tournament restarts game validentry Ask "How many archers are entered --Check V data temp isnumber isinteger o> 0 --Clear old record fields && i) "total && i) && i) && i) && i) --Prepare --Runs animation sequence on allows H125, 0 --Requests breaks chosen invalid Standings --Displays current standings --Puts information hidden "TOURNAMENT STANDINGS" & "Player" && i & " " && --Shows Zbox dismissed "Click OK togglestatus --Disable ability bring up --Restore menus rbook Start Standings reset togglestatus enterbook leavebook location location location locvalue location enterbook &Game &Start S&tandings &Print Results Print Report... Import... instructions sizetopage numshots totscore lastscore tippoint winddn windac nshooters maxplayers shooter printing arrow flasher stand range default reset location location location seconds player player hwind vwind bluefeather redfeather arrow stringy range bullseye numshots shooter winddn windac Start How many archers are entered in this tournament cancel total score last score reset instructions instructions player 1 is an invalid entry arrow hwind vwind player shots i:to1 isinteger isnumber validentry maxplayers nshooters shooter numshots totscore lastscore winddn windac Standings TOURNAMENT STANDINGS Player Stand range stand range Click OK to continue stand range range stand nshooters totscore togglestatus leavebook range --Allows the standings box be brought up results be printed e"Standings" e"Print Results" 4printing --Fires arrow, accounting 4numshots, , shooter --Registers that a $ has been attempted O + 1) (player && 4winddn 4windac --Draws location hand stringy --Releases i = 1 redfeather bluefeather --Sends destination cvibrating bowstring + 300 + + j + i/2 = Q(i/2) --Score indicate fired successfuly score --Determines 4lastscore, , totscore, tippoint Z distance --Calcluates assigns appropriate bullseye <= 50 flash <= 100 near <= 300 --elsewhere circle <=600 <=900 >missed --Records "total default --Animation sequence flasher printresults --Gives printout tournament 4nshooters, jAMPM" Set PrinterStyle Margins 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 4Gutters 360, 360 HFields "archer, jFieldWidths "800,800,1500,1500" FieldNames ClipText Conditions ""Range""" Start Spooler enterpage enterbackground score flash printresults enterbackground Standings Print Results enterpage printing location location location location location location score bluefeather redfeather arrow stringy windac winddn player shots numshots shooter score location location location flash last score total score default player bullseye arrow distance lastscore shooter totscore tippoint flash location location bullseye flasher printresults h:min AMPM archer,shots,last score,total score 800,800,1500,1500 Name of this background is "Range" seconds default nshooters printing systimeforamt default nshooters printing +<,|, ,b-,N Last Shot Total Score --Fires shot player has xfired yet "You must click the 4firing buttonup buttonup You must first click the next player button before firing again No. of Shots --Prepares tshooter , nshooters reset (Player && buttonup buttonup reset Player shooter nshooters Vert. Wind Horiz. Wind right stringy Last Score Total Score Shots vwind hwind Player bullseye --Changes cursor initial 4flag --Restores default --Grabs can be moved 4 Xoffset, Yoffset, Origloc, location "You only reposition the >once per shot" --Moves >according user choice that nhas been made useleave mouseenter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseleave buttonUp mouseenter mouseleave default buttonDown location You can only reposition the target once per shot Xoffset Yoffset Origloc buttonStillDown location Xoffset Yoffset buttonUp default F2:PHYSSIZE flasher N:PHYSSIZE arrow redfeather bluefeather yellowfeather stand TOURNAMENT STANDINGS Player 1 1300 Player 2 850 Player 3 1550 4 0 Archer player 1 range instructions e"Standings" e"Print Results" enterpage enterpage Standings Print Results arrow postion 2840,350 redfeather bluefeather yellowfeather ToolBook Archery This game can be played by 1 to 4 players, you will be asked to specify how many people will play before the game begins. In the actual play of the game you will be given horizontal and vertical wind coefficients before each shot, you will then be able to move the target to your desired location. Movement of the target is done by dragging the target with the mouse, you can tell when movement is possible by moving the cursor over the target, if the pointer changes to a move cursor you may drag and drop the target. To fire the arrow, click the button labled "Fire". After firing the arrow, clicking the "Next" button will reset the arrow and the target to their intitial position for the next round. Scoring is as follows: Bullseye--500 points; Inner red circle--250 points; Outer red circle--100 points; Yellow circle--50 points; Blue circle--25 points. The score for the last shot as well as each player's total score is calculated and displayed in the fields at the top of the pages. To start the game, select "Start" from the "Game" menu. To display the current standings, select "Standings" from the game menu. To print the current standings, select "Print Results" from the "Game" menu. instructions player 2 player 1 player 2 Player 3 Player 3 Player 4 Player 4 :PRINTLAYOUT System :REPORTDATA Name of this background is "Range" Archer Shots Last Score Total Score System ToolBook Archery d is "Range" Last Score Total Score --Set c"Page" c"Text" c"&Game" e"&Start" e"S&tandings" default --Hide initial positions /range down stand flasher arrow "instructions" 2840,350 --Initialize 4numshots, totscore, lastscore, tippoint, winddn, windac, nshooters, maxplayers, --Display Window reset ^values 4flag, --Resets bow, bullseye 7390,2581 stringy 1560,1336,1560,3963 hand 1395,2535 2200,2620.5 --Hides }that need hiding redfeather bluefeather --Determines displays speeds k32767 (100)-50 (100)-50 vwind " && > 0 hwind " && >= 0 --Gets tournament restarts game validentry Ask "How many archers are entered --Check V data temp isnumber isinteger o> 0 --Clear old record fields && i) "total && i) && i) && i) && i) --Prepare --Runs animation sequence on allows H125, 0 --Requests breaks chosen invalid Standings --Displays current standings --Puts information hidden "TOURNAMENT STANDINGS" & "Player" && i & " " && --Shows Zbox dismissed "Click OK togglestatus --Disable ability bring up --Restore menus rbook Start Standings reset togglestatus enterbook leavebook location location location locvalue location enterbook &Game &Start S&tandings instructions sizetopage numshots totscore lastscore tippoint winddn windac nshooters maxplayers shooter arrow flasher stand range default reset location location location seconds player player hwind vwind bluefeather redfeather arrow stringy range bullseye numshots shooter winddn windac Start How many archers are entered in this tournament cancel total score last score reset instructions instructions player 1 is an invalid entry arrow hwind vwind player shots i:to1 isinteger isnumber validentry maxplayers nshooters shooter numshots totscore lastscore winddn windac Standings TOURNAMENT STANDINGS Player Stand range stand range Click OK to continue stand range range stand nshooters totscore togglestatus leavebook :CONDITIONDATA IdNumber of this Background = 0 --Book created Michael L. Miller location locvalue --Sets the passed ] - x) - y) --Calculates --Set c"Page" c"Text" c"&Game" e"&Start" e"S&tandings" e"&Print Results" port..." e"Import..." default --Hide initial positions /range down stand flasher arrow "instructions" 2840,350 --Initialize 4numshots, totscore, lastscore, tippoint, winddn, windac, nshooters, maxplayers, , printing --Display Window reset ^values 4flag, --Resets bow, bullseye 7390,2581 stringy 1560,1336,1560,3963 hand 1395,2535 2200,2620.5 --Hides }that need hiding redfeather bluefeather --Determines displays speeds k32767 (100)-50 (100)-50 vwind " && > 0 hwind " && >= 0 --Gets tournament restarts game validentry Ask "How many archers are entered --Check V data temp isnumber isinteger o> 0 --Clear old record fields && i)\ "Archer" && i) && i) "total && i) && i) && i) && i) --Prepare --Runs animation sequence on allows H125, 0 --Requests breaks chosen invalid Standings --Displays current standings --Puts information hidden "TOURNAMENT STANDINGS" & "Player" && i & " " && --Shows Zbox dismissed "Click OK togglestatus --Disable ability bring up --Restore menus rbook Start Standings reset togglestatus enterbook leavebook location location location locvalue location enterbook &Game &Start S&tandings &Print Results Print Report... Import... instructions sizetopage numshots totscore lastscore tippoint winddn windac nshooters maxplayers shooter printing arrow flasher stand range default reset location location location seconds player player hwind vwind bluefeather redfeather arrow stringy range bullseye numshots shooter winddn windac Start How many archers are entered in this tournament cancel Archer total score last score reset instructions instructions player 1 is an invalid entry arrow hwind vwind shots player i:to1 isinteger isnumber validentry maxplayers nshooters shooter numshots totscore lastscore winddn windac Standings TOURNAMENT STANDINGS Player Stand range stand range Click OK to continue stand range range stand nshooters totscore togglestatus leavebook