This is the Alpha release of Image. It still has plenty of bugs. I wanted to get this out to get impressions and to ask about other features that people would like to see. The version I am releasing has no save capability. If you really like the program and want a version that can save files, send a $25 dollar registration fee to: Jeff Kovach 8222 Research Blvd. #139 Austin, TX 78758 Please include your name and address. When you are registered, I will send a copy of the program with save capability. Also, when the final version is complete I will send a copy of it. I am including no docs with the program. So here are some quick notes. The program can only be run with a 256 color driver, although dithering is in the works. Image only knows how to read and write 256 color windows bitmaps. To use most features, transforms and histograms, you must select a region of the current plane to work on. All transform except for RGB-YIQ work only on the currently displayed plane. Histogram equalization and the multi-spectral plotting functions are not currently implemented. You must use Update Full Color after performing operations to update the 256 color image in the full color plane. If you have any comments or questions, I can be reached at the address above or by email: