S-TETRIS V1.3 (Roge'r Soft) HINTS (Unregistered version) ================================== What you have to do is very simple. Every zone (or screen) will show ONE flicking brick. You must ELIMINATE the row in where the brick is located, by filling all the empty spaces. When you're done, you will receive bonus depending on how many seconds it took you to finish and how many empty lines are from the top of the board to the highest brick found. Then you will see another zone (or screen), and so on... This release contains up to 51 different zones, but the program can hold up to 100 (so far) in one single game. To start playing, just type ST from the DOS prompt. The main menu will ask you for a block set number. There are three different sets. The set #1 is the typical blocks found in every Tetris-like game. The set #2 adds a few more blocks, and the set #3 uses the blocks from sets #1 and #2 plus a few more, with a total of 15 different blocks. I suggest you to use always the set #3. Don't be fooled. It is much more easier by using all the different blocks, rather than only 7 or 10. After choosing a set, you will be asked for the zone you wish to start. This release allows only a zone between 1 and 10. Registered release allows to start at any desired zone. * To move the blocks, use the arrow keys. * To rotate the blocks, use ENTER, SPACE or the UP arrow key. * The block with this shape (Set #3): X XXXXX has some special capabilities. Instead of explain them here, try to find out by yourself. Note that it behaves always in the same way. Enjoy it !! R.Bernal