VAMPYR 1.1 Info ***************** Requirements: EGA video adapter w/ 256K & 640X200X16 res. At least 256K of system memory 12 mhz for optimum preformance (optional) INSTALLATION 360K floppy: Copy the files from ZIP files 1 and 2 to two different disks and you are all set. 720K+ floppy: Copy the files from both ZIP files to one single disk and run from there. Hard disk: Copy the files from both ZIP files to a subdirectory on your hard drive and run from there. GETTING STARTED To start the game, run VAMPYR.EXE. There are two parameters that can be used on the command line: S -- No sound. Q -- Skip the opening screen entirely and go straight to the game. For example, type "vampyr s q" at the DOS prompt to start Vampyr right away and without sound. QUICK REFERENCE MAIN COMMANDS (A)ttack --- Attack a living creature. (C)limb --- Climb city walls or fences. (E)nter --- Enter a structure. (G)et --- Get chest. (I)nspect --- Inspect weapons and armors. (K)limb --- Climb up or down staircases. (L)ook --- Look at a living creature or signs. (M)agic --- Cast miscellaneous magic spells. (O)ld Game --- Reload the old saved game. (P)ick --- Pick pockets. (Q)uit --- Quit the game. (R)est --- Make camp and rest. (S)ave --- Save the game. (T)alk --- Talk to a living creature. (U)nlock --- Pick locks. (Z)tats --- (1) Look at player's stats and equipments. (2) Swap or drop equipments. Cursor Keys --- Move the player around. RETURN --- Pass a turn. Ctrl-C --- Clear the text window. Ctrl-P --- Turn on/off perception check. Ctrl-S --- Turn on/off sound. COMBAT COMMANDS (C)ast --- Cast offensive/defensive magic spells. (F)ire --- Fire a missile weapon. (S)wap --- Swap weapons. Cursor Keys --- Move/attack. RETURN --- Pass a turn. Ctrl-C --- Clear the text window.