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Function            SETCOLORS()
Action              Interactive color setting interface
Category            Development
Syntax              SETCOLORS()
Description         This is a development tool for finding nice
                    combinations of colors for the global super.lib
                    colors. I would not give this to an end user, as
                    is just TOO MANY CHOICES!

                    I normally select 10-15 nice combinations of the
                    colors and give the user a selection of those,
                    giving them such names as 'Hawaiian Blue' or
                    'Royal Red'.

                    First, a word on the Super.Lib color scheme:

                    This is not the perfect color scheme. It is the one
                    on which this library runs. (hey - I hadda pick
                    something) I also realize full well that color
                    selection is more art than it is technical, and
                    it is difficult to get two people to agree on a
                    color scheme.

                    Several global (public) color variables are used by
                    the functions. These are:

                    c_normcol   -  For normal input/output
                    c_normmenu  -  For normal 'menu to' operations
                    c_popcol    -  For popup box colors
                    c_popmenu   -  For popup box menus
                    c_frame     -  Frame string ("+-+|+-+| ")
                    c_shadatt   -  Shadow color attribute (numeric)
                    c_shadpos   -  Shadow position (0,1,3,7,9)
                    c_xplode    -  Logical - explode windows?

                    All are of the format "f/b,f/b,,,f/b"
                    (f-foreground b-background)

                    The functions INITCOL() or INITSUP() will initialise
                    these colors, and INITSUP() called if a function
                    detects the colors have not already been set.

                    SETCOLORS() allows interactive setting of these colors.
                    The variables are stored in COLORS.MEM - which is
                    created if needed by SETCOLORS().

                    If COLORS.MEM is not present, INITSUP() will
                    initialise a default set of colors, otherwise it
                    will restore from colors.mem

Examples            SETCOLORS()

                    * then initialize the colors
                    restore from colors.mem addit

                    * then set the colors
                    SET COLOR TO (C_normcol)

Notes               SETCOLORS() does not effect the current color
                    setting. It manipulates COLORS.MEM. To utilize
                    colors selected by SETCOLORS(), a restore from
                    COLORS.MEM must be done.

Warnings            I've had problems with old copies of COLORS.MEM
                    (from previous versions) and also with COLORS.MEM
                    created by other programs. If you run into
                    troubles, try erasing COLORS.MEM.

                    Lots of direct screen writing here. You'll need
                    an IBM compatible.

Found in (prg)......S_SETCOL.PRG

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