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Function            SCMOD()
Action              Maintains scroller.dbf - see scroller()
Category            Development
Syntax              SET KEY xxx to SCMOD
Description         SCMOD() is a tool for online building and
                    modifying of the SCROLLER.DBF used for
                    SCROLLER() lookup tables.

                    When called by a SET KEY, it recieves the
                    PROCEDURE and VARIABLE parameters from the
                    calling PROCEDURE. It then determines if there
                    exists a matching record in the SCROLLER.DBF.
                    If so, the lookup definition may be modified.
                    Otherwise, a new lookup definition may be created.

Examples            EXTERNAL SCMOD
                    SET KEY -31 TO SCMOD  && ALT-F2

Examples found in   No examples in the library. This is a development

Notes               Be sure to declare SCMOD external.

Warnings            SCMOD() will blow your get stack. It is primarily
                    for development, so this should not be a problem.
                    If you have a library that saves and restores gets,
                    this would be an indicated place to use them.

Dbfs/indexes used
                    SCROLLER.DBF has the structure :

                     Structure for database : SCROLLER.DBF
                     Field  Field Name  Type       Width    Dec
                     calling procedure......... 1  SMODULE     C  8
                     calling variable.......... 2  SFIELD      C  10
                     description............... 3  SDESCR      C  25
                     display string............ 4  SSTRING     C  160
                     return string............. 5  SRETURN     C  75
                     dbf file to lookup into... 6  SDBFILE     C  8
                     index to use with dbf..... 7  SIND        C  8

                    SCMOD() will create SCROLLER.DBF if it doesn't exist.

Warnings            Key -1 is unset on exit (F2)
Warnings            Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_SCMOD.PRG

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