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Function            MESSYN()
Action              Popup YesNo prompt box
Returns             <expL> True for yes, False for No
Category            Popup
Syntax              MESSYN(<expC1>,[expN1],[expN2],[expC3],[expC4])
Description         Pops up a box and displays a question <expC1>
                    and two prompts.

Options             [expN1] and [expN2] are optional box top and left
                    coordinates. Default is centered. [expC3] and [expC4]
                    are optional prompts 1 and 2. Default is YES and NO.

                    The options can be given in any of the following

Examples            if messyn("Are you done")
              or    if messyn("Are you done",10,10)
              or    if messyn("Are you done",10,10,"Not yet","Almost")
              or    if messyn("Are you done","Not yet","Almost",10,10)
              or    if messyn("Are you done","Not Yet","Almost"

Warnings            Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_MESSYN.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson