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Function            MCHOICE()
Action              Creates a box for an Achoice call
Returns             <expN> Achoice selection
Category            Popup
Syntax              MCHOICE(<expC1>|<array>,<expN1..expN4>,[expC2],[expL])
Description         Provides a box for an achoice on array named <expC1>
                    or array <array>
                    of dimensions <expN1..expN4> (top,left,bott,right)

Options             Title <expC2> i.e. "Select One"
                    <expL> determines (yes or no) whether a return is
                    to be executed on a first letter match. (default .f.)

Examples            *
                    declare MEALS[3]
                    meals[1]= "Pizza"
                    meals[2]= "Chicken"
                    meals[3]= "Chinese"

                    * box only, no title
                    selection = MCHOICE(m->meals,10,10,5,25)
                    * box with title
                    selection = MCHOICE("meals",10,10,5,25,"Pick-a-Meal")
                    * box with title, first letter match = return
                    selection = MCHOICE(m->meals,10,10,5,25,"Pick-a-Meal",.f.)

Notes               Bottom of window adjusts (shrinks) to adjust to
                    array size.

                    Yes, I know. I could have just passed the array
                    instead of the name of the array. Well, live and
                    learn. I've left it this way for compatibility with
                    the option to pass an actual array as well.
Warning             Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_MCHOI.PRG

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