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Function            LOOPER()
Action              Emulate multiple reads with single reads
Category            Editing
Syntax              LOOPER(<array>)
Description         Allows a group of gets to be READ individually,
                    but appear to be a single READ.

                    This function allows complex functions to be called for
                    VALID which can use their own READs and not
                    interrupt a read stack. This can give the apparancy
                    of nested READs. Recursive calls to this function
                    can be done as well.

                    Each element of <array> is a delimited string of
                    row,col,get,picture,valid clause.
                    ( "row:col:getname:picture:valid"  )
Examples            .
                    *- first declare any called functions external
                    EXTERNAL YOURFUNC
                    *- initialize an array
                    private sayg[3]

                    *  initialize the memvars to be read - IMPORTANT
                    PHONE = space(14)
                    CHARGE = 0
                    NAME= SPACE(20)

                    *       column-|
                    *        row   | get name  picture       valid
                    *          |   |   |       |              |
                    sayg[2]="11:10:M->charge:@K 99.99"


Found in (prg)......S_LOOP.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson