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Function            EDITDB()
Action              Customized DBEDIT() with UDF
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              EDITDB([expL],[expN],[array],[array])
Description         Customized DBEDIT() interface allowing searching,
                    goto, vertical view and (if <expL> is True) add
                    edit delete.
                    Also allows limiting of fields viewed.
Options             [expL] allows add-edit-delete or not. Number
                    of fields is contained in [expN]. The two arrays
                    are of field names and field descriptions. Default
                    is all fields, field names as descriptions.
                    USE CUSTOMER
                    private flds[3],fdes[3]
                    flds[1] = "fname"
                    flds[2] = "lname"
                    flds[3] = "mi"
                    fdes[1] = "First Name"
                    fdes[2] = "Last Name"
                    fdes[3] = "Middle Initial"
                    USE CUSTOMER
Notes               Allows record deletion, but does not pack.
                    Does not 'SET DELETED' one way or the other.

Warnings            Key -9 is unset on exit (F10),cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_EDIT.PRG

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