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Function            BLDNDX()
Action              Interactively create a new index
Returns             <expC> New index name less extension
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              BLDNDX([array])
Description         Allows point and shoot building of a new
Options             <array> - an array of legal field
                    names. If not passed, all fields in current
                    DBF will be used.

Examples            BLDNDX()
                     -- or --
                    declare ndxflds[4]

Notes               All fields are converted to type Character.
                    The function NBR2STR() is used to create a usable
                    character expression from a numeric field by first
                    adding 1,000,000 to the number.

Warnings            Indexes created with this function will require
                    the functions DTOS() and NBR2STR() be loaded prior
                    to use.
                    Key -9 is unset on exit (F10)
                    Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_BLDNDX.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson