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Function            BLDARR()
Action              Builds an array from a delimited string
Category            Array
Syntax              BLDARR(<array>|<expC>,<expN>,<expC>)
Description         Fills in the elements of an existing array
                    <expC>|<array> with <expN> character values
                    extracted from a delimited string <expC> of
                    the form "Garry:Wyn:Ralph:Ed". The colon [:]
                    is the delimiter.
Options             The first parameter may be either an array
                    OR the name of an array (to retain
                    compatibility with an older version when I knew
                    even less about parameters than I do now)
Examples            declare lunch[3]
Notes               Array must be declared prior to calling

Found in (prg)......S_BLDAR.PRG

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