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Function            ABORT()
Action              Pops up dialog box asking Abort ? Yes/No
Returns             expL True for Yes False for No
Category            Popup
Syntax              ABORT([expC],[expN1],[expN2],[expN3],[expN4])
Description         Pop up a dialog box asking Abort  Don't Abort
                    Box color is C_POPCOL or optionally [expC]
                    Box dimensions are: 9,29,13,51 or optionally
Examples            if ABORT()
Notes               First tests for last key = 27, if so, does dialog box.
                    Returns .t. if Abort  , .f. if Don't Abort or .f. if
                    last key not 27
Warnings            Uses MENU TO so may blow get stack if called in
                    the middle of a READ. Cursor is left on.
Found in (prg)......S_ABORT.PRG

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