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Aleng()        Determines initialized length of an array
Att()          Change attribute of area of the screen
Attt()         Used by C functions to color a screen area
Bigelem()      Returns length of longest character element in array
Bxx()          Draw a box on the screen with attribute and optional shadow
Capslock()     sets capslock on
Capsloff()     sets capslock off
Cdir()         Change to new directory
C_grid()       Draws screen in SETCOLORS() function
_gvidm()       Used by Super - C functions to determine video mode
Imbox()        Implodes a screen variable off the screen
Prnt()         Write string to row/col with attribute
Takeout()      Extract section of a string between delimiters
xBxx()         Draw a box on the screen with attribute and optional shadow
__drive()      Get drive number (0,1,2..)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson