kbfrm Keyboard Status Form1* Timer1 Title [ As you play with the KB Locks, WGLib functions on a VB timer will update the pseudo LEDs. Timer2 Label ) CAPS NUMS SCROLL INSERT Small Fonts ClrChk Switch ON Color OnClr OffClr OnClr1 OffClr1. Form_Paint ConvexFrm KBFrm" ConcaveCtl Title Timer1_timer ClrChkF value UseOnClr UseOfClr# Stat] KeyLockC KeyLockN KeyLockS KeyLockI SetLed BackColor( Form_Load led_Click Index Timer2 Enabled KBCapsOff KBCapsOn KBNumsOff KBNumsOn KBScrlOff KBScrlOn KBInsOff KBInsOn Timer2_Timer FontSize Caption Form_Unload CancelP Form_Paint Timer1_timer Form_Load led_Click Timer2_Timer Click Me j = DoEvents() Form_Unload This is from VB code using our WGLib functions and is NOT our KBStat Control!" By the way..."