VXFORM7 File Structure Form1 Label2 File Name FileName List1 System Label1 File Size FileSize ExitButton E&xit Form_LoadL Form7Active AircustDbf9 vxUseDbf FileName vxDbfName vxFieldCountE FieldName vxFieldName FSize vxFieldSize FType] vxFieldType FDecP vxDecimals List1 HeadSizej FilSize vxNumRecsv vxRecSize FileSize vxClose ExitButton_Click VXFORM7 Form_Paint vxSelectDbf vxFormFrame vxCtlStyle VX_RECESS( VX_RAISE Form_Unload Cancel? FALSE VXFORM1 OpenCust Enabled PackFiles FileStruc Form_Load demonstration of file structure extraction \vb\vxbtest\aircust.dbf" " #,###,###,###" We can leave the alignment of the file structure elements within the list box as an exercise for you ExitButton_Click Form_Paint Form_Unload