LOGIMENU Version 1.51 By: LOGIVISION INC. README.TXT file updated November 22, 1990 Use the cursor keys to move around the README file. To get a printed Owner's Manual: Select OWNER'S MANUAL from LOGIMENU'S MAIN MENU. Press the F3 key and then [ENTER], or from DOS, type: COPY LMENU.DOC PRN README TOPICS: -What is LOGIMENU? -How to Install? -How to Run it? -Files included with this package -Notes on the Owner's Manual -Requirements -Notes on Registration -Notes on Earlier DOS (before 3.3) -Colors in LOGIMENU -Quick Start -Sound Test -New Features in Version 1.01 -New Features in Version 1.50 -Bugs corrected in version 1.51 -In case of a Problem -Technical Support --------------------------- What is LOGIMENU? ---------------------------- This is the new generation of DOS menu system. From the user who only needs to access programs quickly and easily (with a touch of a key or two), to the user who needs to turn on all the bells and whistles, LOGIMENU satisfies them all. Extensive on-line help, EGA/VGA 43/50 line mode supported, truly mouse support, has passwords, screen saver, hidden hot keys, customizable help and all this in an attractive presentation. LOGIMENU also can remind you of important dates with its Event Tracking. Brief, LOGIMENU can make your life much easier. Furthermore, LOGIMENU does not use a single byte of memory while your own programs run. Reporting system that allows you to generate various interesting reports. Its automa- tic installation process scans your hard drive for popular programs. One of its three level of installation will just suit your needs perfectly. Up to 50 items per menu, 50 sub-menus (multiple levels), 80 commands per item and 30 general hidden hot keys. LOGIMENU has enough room to satisfy the most demanding user. ---------------------------- How to INSTALL? ----------------------------- To install LOGIMENU, insert the distribution diskette in drive A: and enter: A: [ENTER] INSTALL [ENTER] and simply follow the prompts. INSTALL will not modify your system without your authorization. INSTALL will also give you the choice to include LOGIMENU in you AUTOEXEC.BAT file (which is the file that is executed auto- matically when you turn on your computer). If you are currently running another menu system, you might have to remove it from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, otherwise the old menu will be executed before LOGIMENU. ---------------------------- How to RUN it? ------------------------------ To run LOGIMENU, enter: LM [ENTER] -------------------- FILES INCLUDED WITH THIS PACKAGE -------------------- README This file. I.EXE The Install program called by INSTALL.BAT INSTALL.BAT The Install. LCOMP A compressed file containing all the files needed for proper operation of LOGIMENU. This includes an extensive README, the complete owner's manual, the program and utilities, and the samples. --------------------------------------------- FILES CONTAINED IN THE LMCOMP COMPRESSED FILE --------------------------------------------- DISK#1 Disk Identification. Required by the INSTALL program. L1 The main LOGIMENU program. Will be LMENU.EXE L2 Contains the SET-UP program. Will be LMENUSET.EXE L3 Contains the report generator. Will be LMREPORT.EXE L4 Contains the EVENT scheduler. Will be LMEVENT.EXE README.EXE Program for viewing text files. INST.DAT INSTALL data file. (list of files to be installed) LMENUCFG.BW The configuration file for Black & White. (LMENU.CFG) LMENUCFG.COL The configuration file for color monitors. (LMENU.CFG) BOOT.COM Utility used to re-boot your computer. LMALARM.COM Memory resident alarm used by the ALARM (if ANYWHERE) MPAUSE.COM Like the DOS PAUSE, but also checks for the mouse. README.TXT "read me" data file. Use program README.EXE to view. LMENU.DAT Sample MENU. This file must exist to allow LMENU to run. LMENU.HLP Custom application help file. LMENU.IDX Custom application help index file. LMENUS.HLP On-line help data file used by the Set-Up. REGIST.FRM Registration form (INVOICE). LMENU.DOC LOGIMENU reference manual. LMENU.EVT The EVENT data file. LMJOB.DAT LOGIMENU job tracking data file. LMTRACK.DAT Application usage data file. LM.BAT Not included with LOGIMENU. It is created by the INSTALL. This is the file that must always be used to run LOGIMENU. ------------------------------ OWNER'S MANUAL ---------------------------- To view the Owner's Manual, use the program README.EXE provided with LOGIMENU. The syntax is: README LMENU.DOC An OWNER'S MANUAL option has been added to the main menu of the LOGIMENU sample file to accommodate the viewing. ------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------ IBM compatible with at least 384 K of memory running DOS 3.0 or higher. ------------------------------ REGISTRATION ------------------------------ To register, install LOGIMENU. Take note of the code on the solicitation window for each registration you want to file. Press F8 at the main menu. This will copy the file REGIST.FRM to your printer. Fill in, and return your remittance to: LOGIVISION INC. P.O. Box 396 Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1H 5J7 Payment can be made by cheque or credit card. See the file REGIST.FRM for more details. The registration fee is $50 plus $5 for postage and handling (Canadian funds). A registration includes: * Personal registration number and key code. This stops the solicitation window from showing up every once in a while. * Bounded manual * Latest version on disk * Unlimited telephone support * All future updates free of charge (Only postage and handling fee) * FREE Phone Directory program with auto-dialler Also newsletter is sent to all registered users on a periodic basis. It talks about simple tricks to improve your own set-up. Also, it reports the changes in latest update if any. See the registration form. --------------------------- EARLIER DOS (BEFORE 3.3) --------------------- LOGIMENU requires DOS version 3.0 and up. If you have a DOS version prior to 3.3, this note is for you. In the command list (in Set-Up), you cannot use the CALL function to call another batch file. Instead, you must use the following line: d:\COMMAND /C mybatch where "d:" is your boot drive, and "mybatch" is the batch file that you need to call up from LOGIMENU. See the recommendations in the Manual (INTRODUCTION) related to the DOS version. ------------------------------ COLORS IN LOGIMENU ------------------------ If the color in LOGIMENU hinders proper viewing, try to enter a CTRL-D (Default color). Then go to the Set-up (F3 key) and set your own colors (F8 key). The color of each menu item can be programmed separately by pressing F2 and F4 while in EDIT MENU mode. Please refer to the Owner's Manual. ------------------------------- QUICK START ------------------------------ To quickly start LOGIMENU, run the INSTALL. It will set LOGIMENU to run perfectly on your system. It may even scan your drive to install most of the common programs. Once inside LOGIMENU, select README to review the README file. Or, select OWNER'S MANUAL for a detailed instruction. Press F1 to get a quick help on the keys and mouse functions. F3 will bring you to the SET-UP of LOGIMENU. ------------------------------- SOUND TEST ------------------------------- Try to enter a CTRL-S (Hold down the [Ctrl] key and press the [S] key) from the sample menu. We have set up a Sound Test Hidden Option. ---------------------- NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 1.01 ---------------------- 1 - CTRL-V displays the version number (logo screen). 2 - Setting both the foreground and background colors of the BAR to BLACK produces a REVERSE COLOR BAR. 3 - The main menu has been extended with 3 more options: README OWNER'S MANUAL EXIT TO DOS 4 - File README.EXE has been included to ease the task of reading the Owner's Manual. 5 - Memory allocation problems with RESIDENT programs have been fixed. ---------------------- NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 1.50 ---------------------- 1- In SET-UP, you can "UN-DELETE" a deleted item anywhere. You can also undelete the same item many times. An item can easily be "duplicated" in different menus. After deleting an item (or menu), you will see the item's name on the second line of your screen. Press F9, or click the mouse button on it to re-insert that deleted item. 2- Completely re-designed color customization. Much easier and user friendly screen that allows you to set any color of any area in only three key strokes: Area selection, Foreground color selection, and Background color selection. 3- Context sensitive help in Set-Up. Each prompt in the Set-Up properly explains all your options. 4- Three levels of automatic INSTALL: Beginner, Intermediate and Experienced. INSTALL can scan your drives and set-up LOGIMENU for you. 5- $0 argument. This new argument of the command list is replaced by the directory where LOGIMENU is found. Handy for all auxiliary programs coming from LOGIVISION. 6- Password Protection. You can set a password for each option, and/or a password on a whole sub-menu. Also, Set-Up can have a password. 7- Event feature has been added. It checks and reminds you of any type of events when the time comes. --------------------- BUGS CORRECTED IN VERSION 1.51 --------------------- 1- The installation takes care of DISK FULL error. 2- LOGIMENU remembers the last option of all sub-menus. 3- BIOS video read and write were using direct memory access in certain areas. This is now corrected in this version. 4- Screen width over 80 characters was not handled properly. Now it is handled properly if video mode is set to DEFAULT in Set-Up. 5- LED indicators were flashing when screen was cleared. This caused problems on multi-tasking systems. They do not blink any more. 6- The cursor did not disappear on monochrome monitors while the screen saver was in effect. This is now corrected. 7- The Logivision's LOGO screen was opening very slowly on very fast machines. This is now corrected. 8- NEW FEATURE: In color selection, you may choose between FLASHING and HIGH INTENSITY BACKGROUND with the F10 key. If High Intensity is choosen, then the running projects are identified with an asterisk instead of a flashing colon (":"). ---------------------------- IN CASE OF A PROBLEM ------------------------ Q: When I select an option, another option is executed. Why? A: You probably installed LOGIMENU in a directory that is not in the PATH, and copied LM.BAT onto a directory that was in the PATH. In this case, LOGIMENU is modifying the LM.BAT which is on the LOGIMENU directory, but the LM.BAT that you copied onto the PATH directory is left unchanged. The ".BAT" file which is on your PATH should contain only one line: C:\LOGIMENU\LM.BAT "C:\LOGIMENU" is the location (drive and path) where you installed LOGIMENU. In this case, whenever you type LM from DOS, the LM.BAT file on your PATH will run the LM.BAT file which is on LOGIMENU's directory. The new INSTALL of version 1.50 takes care of that automatically. Use it and all necessary files will be created. ------------- Q: I have SAVE PROMPT set in the Set-Up, but the last commands are always ignored when I start my computer again. Why? A: LOGIMENU transfers the information from the EMS to the disk when the proper EXIT code is encountered. It also closes its files at the same time. Before turning off your computer, make sure you select EXIT. Proper EXIT is either the "[EXIT]" command or the "GOTO FINISH" line. See the HELP in the command of Set-Up. ---------------------------- TECHNICAL SUPPORT --------------------------- Technical support is available for ALL users (REGISTERED OR NOT). We, at LOGIVISION, want you, the customer, to be satisfied with our products. If, for any reason you encounter difficulties with installing or using this product, do not hesitate to communicate with our Technical Support. Technical support is available 24 hours a day through the FAX, or, by phone, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. FAX: (819) 823-8000 TEL: (819) 823-6761 --------------------------End of the README.TXT File----------------------