General Options Adding/Modifing Entrys F1: Shows These Screens Press INSERT to enter a new F2: Search By Keyword frequency. To edit an existing frequency, move the highlight F3: Print Full Listing bar to the desired entry, then press ENTER. To Delete a frequency, move the highlight bar to the desired entry, then press DELETE. Press ESC to Exit Help Editor Keys Left/Right Arrow : Move cursor 1 character left/ right. Ctrl-Left/Right Arrow : Move cursor whole words left/ right. Esc : Back up a field. Ctrl-Esc : Abort entire entry Insert : Toggle insert mode off/on. Delete : Erase characters to right of cursor. Backspace : Erase characters to left of cursor. Press ESC to Exit Help Keyword Help F1 Shows this screen F3 Prints listing by Selected Keyword To select a new keyword to search by, press ESC. To exit keyword searching entirely, press ESC twice. Entries can be modifed by moving the highight bar to the record that you wish to edit and pressing return. New records can be entered by pressing insert. Records can be deleted by moving the highlight bar to the record you wish to delete, then pressing the delete key. Specific frequencies may be located by typing the frequency number in the locate frequency box on the top of the screen. Press ESC to Exit Help MOREUPD (City or State of Origin) Press RETURN (Who uses channel (CHP, PGE, etc)) for More Help (Enter New Frequency) Press ESC to (Keyword for Searching Records) (What channel is used for) (County of origin (optional)) !MAIN_HEL MOREUPD SHOW_HLP UPDATE