Disk No: 2117 Disk Title: Cooper Graphics #18 PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: Cooper Graphics #18 Author Version: 2.1 Author Registration: $6.00 (and you get another disk of your choice). Special Requirements: A desktop publishing or graphics program. Cooper Images #18 completes Disk #17's display of national flags, beginning with the 13 States' Old Glory flag and ending with Zimbabwe's. Numbers and letters, each in their own sun dial, complete this disk set. This is one disk of an 18-disk graphic images library, each containing 100 images shown in the catalog sheets under the library number. The Print Shop and Printmaster versions of these images are "ready to go." The First Publisher (.ART), Gem (.IMG), MacPaint (.MAC), Microsoft Paint (.MSP) and PC Paintbrush (.PCH) versions of the images are stored in self-extracting files. One or more of the formats mentioned above will work with Ami, Ami Professional, Express Publisher, Finesse, First Publisher, Gem Desktop Publisher, Page Perfect, Pagemaker, Print Magic, Print Shop, Print- master, Publish-It, Springboard Publisher, Microsoft Word 5+, WordPer- fect 5+, and Ventura. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.