Program name: FREECALC v2 Author name: Stilwell Software Products Address: 16403 North 43rd Drive Glendale, AZ 85306 Telephone Number: None given Suggested Donation: $10 for a simple registration, or $47.50 for a registration which includes a printed manual, support, and an auxiliary program, FreeCalc Auditor, that examines spreadsheets for possible errors and produces a list of formulas used. Program Description: FreeCalc is a spreadsheet program with numerous features. It has been expanded from Version 1.0 and is a mature product. While it lacks some of the features and power of a product like Lotus 1-2-3, it also lacks Lotus' high price. It is a nice spreadsheet program that is more than adequate for most applications. It uses all of available memory (up to 640K), allows installation of color if you have a color monitor, and is command bar driven. The disk manual is very complete, and is 106 pages long. It's apparent that a lot of thought has gone into developing FreeCalc, and it's paid off! This one is a winner. System requirements are an IBM PC/XT/AT/Portable with a minimum of 256K bytes of RAM, DOS 2.0 or greater, a monochrome or color adapater and monitor, 1 disk drive, and a printer. READ ME Instructions on how to print the manual FC EXE Main FreeCalc program FC HLP FreeCalc help file FC DOC 106 page FreeCalc manual DEMO? FC Sample spreadsheets COLOR EXE Program to set colors for color monitor NO-COLOR FIL Parameter file to set colors to black/white ONE2TWO EXE Program to convert from FreeCalc V1 to FreeCalc V2