Disk No: 2672 Disk Title: File Express 4/4 (287, 288, 2555 also) PC-SIG Version: S5 Program Title: File Express Author Version: 5.0 Author Registration: $99.00 Special Requirements: 512K, 2 drives (1 high density). Hard drive recomm Expressware has dramatically enhanced product flexibility by rewriting FILE EXPRESS in C and Assembler. Basic relational capability has been added to make it easier and more intuitive for the user to retrieve and place information in other databases. Over 100 new features have been added to FILE EXPRESS. The functionality of nearly every aspect of data management -- screen definition, import/export, database size, reports, form letters, sorts -- has been expanded. Users can now edit records while in browse mode. Recognizing that one of the primary uses of a database is for mailing lists, FILE EXPRESS now has word processing capabilities. Users can write a letter from within the program and merge data from a database. FILE EXPRESS features: ~ Increased capacity, handling 2 billion records per database, 200 fields per record, 1000 characters per field, 4000 characters per record, and 100 databases per directory. ~ Context sensitive help screens to assist new or occasional users. ~ File locking for network use. ~ Mouse support. ~ Custom input screen design. ~ 36 definable macro keys. ~ Enhanced screen definition with features like color, automatic addition of field names, calculated fields, word wrap, and easy drawing of lines and boxes. ~ Search and replace or search and delete records; can automatically search for duplicate records within a database file or between two databases. ~ Formats can be changed at any time; users can add new or remove existing fields, change field lengths or field organization. ~ Query and reporting facilities as well as a report writer that can generate reports in columnar or multi-line format. ~ Enhanced Import/Export features that let users transfer data from eight different formats, including dBase, Lotus, and WordPerfect files. ~ Mathematical calculation capability with 14 digit numerical accuracy; up to three levels of subtotals are available on any or all fields in the Report Generator. ~ Sorts up to 10 fields simultaneously. ~ Support for 280 printers. ~ All printing, including mailing labels, can be in regular or condensed mode. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.