BLENDER 3.1 (WINDOWS README)  CONTENTS, LOGOS, PROGRAMMING AND CONCEPT © 1997 FELIX DENNIS.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  STARTING UP: This CD-ROM is issue 3.1 of Blender Magazine. To start the magazine, go to the File Manager, find the CD-ROM drive containing the BLENDER CD-ROM and click on that drive. In the folder called BLENDER there are two folders: INSTAL16 and INSTAL32. Windows 3.1 users should run: [CD DRIVE LETTER]:\ BLENDER\ INSTAL16\ SETUP.EXE to install the Blender application, support files, and 16-bit Quicktime for Windows. Windows 95 or NT users should run: [CD DRIVE LETTER]:\ BLENDER\ INSTAL32\ SETUP.EXE to install the Blender application, support files, and 32-bit Quicktime for Windows.  Once Blender is installed, an icon will show up in your program manager. Windows 3.1 users should use LNCHR_16.EXE to enter their Blender CDROM. Windows 95 and NT users should use LNCHR_32.EXE. These applications are also available on the CDROM at [CD DRIVE LETTER]:\ BLENDER\ LNCHR_16.EXE or [CD DRIVE LETTER]:\ BLENDER\ LNCHR_32.EXE if you do not wish to install Blender onto your Hard Drive and are happy will marginally slower performance.  If Quicktime for Windows 2.1 does not install correctly, there are copies of the installer on the CD-ROM, in the BLENDER\GOODIES\QTW21\ folder. Windows 3.1 users should use QTINST16.EXE, Windows 95 or Windows NT machines should use QTINST32.EXE. These installers will remove outdated Quicktime files. Restart Windows to load the new Quicktime drivers. If you wish to access the web link feature, you will need to have a web browser installed and operational on your machine before running Blender. Dial up your Winsock or equivelant connection, then run Blender. The first time you access the web link you will be prompted to find your web browser... from then on the connection will be seamless.   SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Blender 3.1 requires a minimum Windows configuration of 486 or better, 4MB free RAM or more (probably 8MB physical RAM), a double speed CD-ROM drive or better and a 13" 256-color VGA or better monitor to run. 8 Meg or more free RAM will significantly improve performance.   If you are experiencing dropped graphics, sounds or transitions, we suggest shutting off other applications and utilities to maximize available RAM. You may need to change settings on your video or sound card to get the Quicktime movies to play - we have found a 640 x 480, 25,000 color setting gives best results with our video cards, but this will vary with other video cards, and SoundBlaster compatible sound cards provide best audio performance with Blender.  GETTING OUT: If you want to stop the performance, click on the "QUIT" button on the contents screen, or press CONTROL-PERIOD or CONTROL-Q and hold both keys down until the quit dialog-box appears. Force quitting the application with ALT-F4 or SHIFT-ALT-DELETE will also work in an emergency.  PROBLEMS?  IF YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH MOVIES Make sure you have QuickTimeȘ installed properly and your video card set as above. IF YOU EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS WITH THE WEBLINK Make sure you have a Web browser installed, and properly functioning outside of the Blender environment. If necessary, re-install the browser, and then go to the "WEBLINK" area from the contents screen, and click on "RESET BROWSER" - point the dialogue to your new browser, and then try the link again.  WEIRD CRASHES ON OTHER OCCASIONS This disk has been tested on Windows computers ranging from a 486/33 with 8 megs of RAM to a Pentium P120 with 48MB. Performance varies, but it runs.  Try shutting off all active processes except your CD-ROM driver and QuicktimeȘ before calling technical support.  JUST IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING All files on this CD have been checked for viruses.  STILL NOT WORKING? If you experience technical difficulties call 1-800-461-4038 or if you just want to provide feedback give Blender a call at 212-302-2626 or fax us at 212-302-2635. For subscriptions, call 1-800-537-7300 or fax 212-302-2635 for details from outide the U.S.  Blender ©1996 Felix Dennis. Published by Dennis Publishing, Inc., under license from Felix Dennis. BLENDER and the BLENDER logo are trademarks of Felix Dennis. All rights reserved.  Hope you enjoy it,   The Blender gang.