The Apple MIDI Interface links your Macintosh or AppleIIGS personal computer to any device that uses the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) standard. When combined with compatible MIDI software, this system allows you to create musical compositions and sequences on your computer for playback through a MIDI instrument or control device. Or create and edit sounds, songs and sequences on MIDI equipment and store them on the computer. For professional and amateur musicians, and for music teachers and their students, the Apple MIDI Interface provides an effective, low-cost connection between the computer world and the world of music. System Requirements: • A Macintosh personal computer • MIDI-compatible software • One or more MIDI-equipped electronic devices, such as a synthesizer Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Check with your Apple reseller for the most current information about product specifications and configurations. All products mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Mention of non-Apple products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of these products. Bundle component specifications programs are subject to change without notice.