Magick Files Index

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666ltrs.zip45888[00] correspondence between aleister crowley and lady frieda harris
aeonpers.zip13939[00] the aeonic perspective of the enochian temples
alkhemi.zip3657[00] the book of alkhemi
alnotes.zip16135[00] random notes on on liber-al
angel.zip3583[00] the spiritual history of the holy guardian angel (of death)
antisoci.zip2667[00] church of the anti-social unholy bible bangers
archer.zip9215[00] the book of the archer
artemis.zip937[00] invocation to artemis
attain.zip10988[00] the star sponge and the fifty gages, two passages of attainment.
aurora.zip6728[00] novus ordo aureae aurora
babalon.zip6591[00] the babalon working
balance.zip3615[00] the uniting and reconciliation of the inner motive
battle.zip11715[00] concerning the book of the battle of conquest
behave.zip8465[00] behavioral cutiups and magick
bhakti.zip4489[00] the book of bhakti magick
blackout.zip3417[00] blackout and sigils
bleedhed.zip3760[00] the bleeding head of arnold palmer club sportcoat
blkmoon.zip3233[00] black mood ritual, conquering the shadows
breeze.zip28322[00] baphomet breeze vol iii, no. 3
brk-cult.zip9534[00] breaking cultural trance: when the collective dreambody awakens
cabala1.zip5809[00] history and usage of the kabbalah i
cabala2.zip3440[00] history and usage of the kabbalah ii
cabcode.zip3405[00] history and usage of the kabbalah iii
cacodemo.zip6752[00] enochian temples: invoking the cacodemons with the temple
chakras.zip10942[00] concerning the seven chakras
chalice1.zip23517[00] the chalice of ecstacy i
chalice2.zip16044[00] the chalice of ecstacy ii
chthonic.zip7644[00] the chthonic-auranian oto: origins, purpose and structure
crowhit.zip8188[00] excerpt from 'magick without tears'
cut-upme.zip3420[00] description of "cut-up" method. (topy)
cybrcrft.zip47352[00] techniques of cybernetics and magick
c_forces.zip10798[00] concorse of the forces. enochian or rosicrucian chess
c_rising.zip4035[00] the aeon of cuthulu rising
dailyinv.zip2728[00] golden dawn: daily invocation
discord.zip1745[00] discussion on discordian zen
dominus.zip4631[00] tasks of the dominus liminis grade in the golden dawn
egregore.zip8456[00] notes on historical egregore in modern magick
enochian.zip24906[00] enochian true-type fonts for mac/pc
etemple.zip23242[00] enochian temple design
firetemp.zip17990[00] a ritual for the consecration of the temple of the fire tablet
flyroll.zip30447[00] the new golden dawn flying roll newsletter: 2,4,5,7,8,9,11,15,16
focus.zip28382[00] the focus of life: by austin spare (topy)
gd-rit.zip6536[00] four common rituals of the golden dawn
gematria.zip320047[00] program to analyze the gematric values of hebrew, greek and enochian words
glf-ini.zip9788[00] initiation ritual for chthonic-auranian branch
gnews389.zip13225[00] gnostics and templars
gnostic.zip6106[00] gnosticism: a major element in hermeticism
greatdes.txt6213[00] unusual dream of a "great destruction"
greybook.zip16489[00] introduction to the temple ov psychic youth
hammer.zip3777[00] the runic hammer rite ritual
heartmas.zip17794[00] the heart of the master
heptagrm.zip6957[00] a ritual of the heptagram
hexrit.zip11663[00] modified hexagram ritual for enochian workings
hhh.zip5743[00] liber hhh sub figura cccxli
htemple.zip11032[00] holy temple of mass consumption #12
hypnosis.arj3851[00] hypnotism explained
idel-all.zip23130[00] quest or spiritual paradise in judaism
init4390[00] a redefinition ov initiation (topy)
initseq.zip32004[00] divine creation and initiation
intrv_tp.zip4676[00] interview with anticlock wise by t.o.p.y.
iot-info.zip13576[00] the illuminates of thanateros: intro and the pact
jesus.zip9819[00] history of jesus: tracking down the son of god (?)
jupiter.zip11772[00] the rite of jupiter
kabbalah.zip55435[00] indepth analysis of the kabbalah
keytwo.zip9141[00] experiments with the second enochian key
legis.zip11939[00] concerning the book of the law, liber legis
lesson.arj141121[00] 10 files on the old religion
liber70.zip3461[00] liber lxx: the cross and the phrog
liberkkk.zip11968[00] kaos, keraunos and kybernetos
liberlst.zip3296[00] list of thelemic volumes in existence
libr111.zip113754[00] liber cxi: the book of wisdom and folly
lowertem.zip8578[00] the lower enochian temple
m-chrnsz.zip2919[00] the mass of choronzon
madness.txt1985[00] a practioner's greatest nemisis
magick-a.zip28391[00] some info on the ways of magick
magickbk.zip2387[00] book sources on the magickal arts
magik1.arj4133[00] magik: why magik?
magik2.arj2990[00] magik: the subjectivity of experience
magik3.arj4149[00] magik: the four worlds
magik4.arj2294[00] magik: elements and forces
magik5.arj5979[00] magik: chakra's and meditation
magik6.arj4350[00] magik: thought, form, and spirits
magik7.arj5191[00] magik: basic rituals
magik8.arj3321[00] magik: healing and banishing
magik9.arj5758[00] magik: astral projection
magk-faq.zip5631[00] usenet alt.magick faq sheet. some good info in here.
majestic.arj30984[00] government involvement with aliens
manifsto.zip14658[00] the manifesto of the novus ordo aurea aurora
mars.zip10160[00] the rite of mars
mgtti.zip18364[00] the mages guide to the internet
might.zip7837[00] might is right
mindbatt.zip21582[00] the battle for your mind: mind control today and yesterday
mindmach.zip8831[00] mind machine digest: faq
mindtech.zip5703[00] comparing light and sound 'mind machines'
mod-pro.zip5767[00] a modest proposal for a super-structure to unite the order
mtp-1.zip114259[00] magick in theory and practice, part 1
mtp-2.zip115491[00] magick in theory and practice, part 2
mtp-3.zip80070[00] magick in theory and practice, part 3
mtp-4.zip67747[00] magick in theory and practice, part 4
mwt-a.zip87153[00] magick without tears, part a
mwt-b.zip88502[00] magick without tears, part b
nightmgk.zip180087[00] night magick tutorial
nuit.zip13550[00] nuit unlimited imports: catalog of magickal accessories
numbers.zip17490[00] concerning the numbers and the words of the book of the law
ordo-bob.zip5756[00] ordo deluminatus dobbsii
oto-info.zip235928[00] information pack on the ordo templi orientis (good info w/ addr)
palace.zip4765[00] the book of the palace of the stars
paths.zip1691[00] summary of path direction in achad's tree of life
pp.zip8427[00] liber pennae praenumbra
prin-dis.zip59018[00] principia discordia: how i found goddess and what i did to her
prog-bio.zip13294[00] programming and metaprogramming in the human bio-computer
resh.zip1781[00] liber resh el helios sub figura cc
ritual.zip5399[00] a shamantic journey, one practioner tells..
runebook.zip63593[00] great file on the nordic runes. windows .wri file.
sandm.zip4765[00] sado-masochistic ritual in a thelemic context
sethorus.zip25373[00] enochian temples / paths to initiation (inri explained)
sexmagic.zip10304[00] liber conjunctus / liber two : essay on sex and sex magick
slack1.zip2470[00] a story: to get back slack
slack2.zip5453[00] article which appeared in the detroit news: in bob we trust
slack3.zip5539[00] pipe-sucking, gut-blowing all new and improved slack quiz #1
society.zip3860[00] thelema and society
subg-int.zip5232[00] church of the subgenius: online pamphlet. download and dist.
sumble.zip4796[00] the sumble and you
talisman.zip9004[00] concerning talismanic magick
taro.zip6797[00] concerning the divine science of tarot
taz.zip3865[00] temporary autonomous zone
thel-gd.zip2227[00] explained: the thelemic order of the golden dawn
theland.zip10375[00] medieval social structure and alhad's tree of life
theory.zip9508[00] abstract from 'magick in theory and practice' by uncle a.
throttle.zip16352[00] thee throttle (t.o.p.y.)
thunder.zip4004[00] the thunder, perfect mind, a late classical gnostic document
topy2_01.zip12160[00] topy: online transmission v2.01
topy2_03.zip8094[00] topy: online transmission v2.03
topy2_04.zip7793[00] topy: online transmission v2.04
topy2_05.zip8671[00] topy: online transmission v2.05
topy2_06.zip3746[00] topy: online transmission v2.06
vedas.zip8869[00] the vedas: mantras, mandalas, and the krell helmet
venom.zip99393[00] venom crystals
wicca101.zip159492[00] wicca for the novice
wilson.zip10369[00] interview with colin wilson on compuserve
words.zip6041[00] what are these words worth?
yew.zip2653[00] the yew working (runic work)
zround.zip4738[00] the zodiacal round

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