--Dr. Who
Easy ESN is a system that Mobilnet operates which allows a dealer to call them up and find out the ESN and MIN. I overheard a conversation between two cellular tecs. Finally, it's been hacked., er should I say phreaked. In order to hack Easy ESN you must first dial up the number. The number is *376(*ESN). This should work if you have mobilnet in your area, I haven't ever tried it out of my calling area before. Then when it asks you for a validation code, type (Here's the big part) "111111", that's right, the code is the number ONE pressed six times. I hope this helps people who are still trying to figure out service codes on their fones to find the ESN.Article by SpoonMan
Cellular One of San Francisco does not require a password to use their ESN readback service, also accessable with *376. GTE in San Francisco has a *376 service. One correspondent couldn't get the 111111 password to work, while another could and says that it also reports MIN, whether that MIN is valid, and whether that ESN is restricted.
EasyEsn reportedly works in Austin, Texas.