Backstars v3.0 Copyright ©1992 Dave Carey. This program replaces your windows desktop wallpaper with the ubiquitous animated 3d starfield. When you exit, the desktop wallpaper is restored to normal. There is a control dialog box for the number of stars (10 - 80) and the apparent speed (0 - 50). This can be accessed by double clicking on the program's icon. Copy BACKSTAR.EXE and BLACK.BMP to any directory in your DOS path and add it to a program manager group if desired. This program is shareware. Please send £5 to: Dave Carey 51 Hereson Road Ramsgate Kent CT11 7DR You will receive the latest version without the shareware notice. ========================================================================= Technical note: The program uses the undocumented call SETDESKWALLPAPER to make the black backdrop and uses the else part of a peekmessage loop to move the stars so that it does not interfere with other software although it may slow down the animations of some screen savers a little. repeat if peekmessage(message,0,0,0,Pm_remove) then begin if (hdlg=0) or not(isdialogmessage(hdlg,message)) then begin translatemessage(message); dispatchmessage(message); if message.message=wm_quit then finished:=true; end; end else movestar; { If no messages in queue then move a star} until finished; January 1992