NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Access Server INT 4Bh Conflict DOCUMENT ID#: TB.P.299 DATE: 3 October 1991 PRODUCT: NetWare Access Server PRODUCT REVISION: v1.2 SUPERSEDES: N/A SYMPTOM: Access Server Crash ISSUE/PROBLEM Novell Labs' testing of the Adaptec 1740 disk controller with the NetWare Access Server v1.2 found an interrupt conflict (INT 4Bh) between the Access Server and the Adaptec 1740 that caused the Access Server to crash. In particular, the conflict occurred when the Access Server and Adaptec 1740 were configured for 1740 (Enhanced) mode. No conflict existed when the selected configuration was 1540 (Normal) mode. SOLUTION Novell engineering has changed the NetWare Access Server to correct this conflict. This patch (PTF274.ZIP) is available in the Network Support Encyclopedia and on NetWire in downloadable library 9.